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Led Zep "DVD"


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Still drawing a blank, Nirvana. I'm going with the numerology thing you mentioned several posts ago.

Led Zeppelin (the phrase) has 11 letters in it, Jimmy's favorite number. DVD has three, the remaining number of Zeppelin members (although Bonzo will always live on for me). DVD are the fourth, twenty-second and fourth letters of the alphabet. Two squared is four; but then what?

11+3=14, but I'm not getting a vibe off that, either. 11-3=8; same story. 11x3=33; ditto. 11/3= 3 2/3.

Setting aside the numbers, in Navajo, Monument Valley is Tsé Bii' Ndzisgaii (which means Valley of the Rocks). Certainly, Zeppelin rocked as they do to this day, and the DVD is a monument to that band.

That single, thin column on the far right of the zeppelin/halo covered butte (the West Mitten) kind of vaguely resembles the Hermit on a very tall perch, although I think that's a reach.

Other than that, I'm bust. Maybe I'm reading too much into this? Am I even in the ballpark?

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ok i think i got it ...it has to do with mars and the mothership

Well, that's partially correct...

If you were being serious, I guess your theory could be that since the cover of the DVD is all brown/red soil, it would look as if the picture were taken on Mars. It has been speculated that there are aliens on Mars - hence the title "Mothership", after an alien spaceship. The Zep would have known about all this shit for years - Mothership, the reunion, and all, and were just waiting until 2007 to do a world tour. They would have picked 2007 because of some numerology shit, which I'm not willing to figure out right now.

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Still drawing a blank, Nirvana. I'm going with the numerology thing you mentioned several posts ago.

Led Zeppelin (the phrase) has 11 letters in it, Jimmy's favorite number. DVD has three, the remaining number of Zeppelin members (although Bonzo will always live on for me). DVD are the fourth, twenty-second and fourth letters of the alphabet. Two squared is four; but then what?

11+3=14, but I'm not getting a vibe off that, either. 11-3=8; same story. 11x3=33; ditto. 11/3= 3 2/3.

Setting aside the numbers, in Navajo, Monument Valley is Tsé Bii' Ndzisgaii (which means Valley of the Rocks). Certainly, Zeppelin rocked as they do to this day, and the DVD is a monument to that band.

That single, thin column on the far right of the zeppelin/halo covered butte (the West Mitten) kind of vaguely resembles the Hermit on a very tall perch, although I think that's a reach.

Other than that, I'm bust. Maybe I'm reading too much into this? Am I even in the ballpark?

You're definately in the ball park...try to refine your numbers. CLose.....

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Refine the numbers, eh? Roman numerals are the only thing I can think of: D = 500, V = 5, D = 500. Lotta fives coming up, which supposedly means dominance or aggression. Lotta zeroes coming up, too, if this is the true motif. Combined, it could mean 945, 1005, which sounds like a year or a time of day. Haven't checked binary numbers, yet.

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Imagine Page coming on this website and reading this. He'd be like "What the fuck did you want me to name it? I just chose DVD because that's what it is - a DVD!"

Yea, just like he said "WTF, ZOSO seems like it will confuse the fans...yea, I'll go with that!"

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hey, i've got it nirvana, man

in the information on the rear of the dvd cover, i can pick out my name, address and post code. not only that, i can pick out my birthday, star sign and favourite colour. i could probably find the name of my daughter's guinea pig as well

possibly the ten commandments are also written in there along with the words to celine dion's 'theme from titanic'

i am being facetious, but you know, to say 'i know a secret and you'll never guess what it is' isnt a cool thing to do.

share it or leave it alone

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I'm going to take a random stab at this and guess it has something to do with the coming nuclear robot wars against the Martians in 2012.

Jesus was a Martian. The Motherhip is an ark which will come down and escort 144,000 people back to Mars. These 144,000 people represent the 12 tribes of Israel (see Stairway To Heaven backwards masking thread). Then, the nuclear-tipped Martian mega-robots (4 stories high) will descend upon Earth and annihilate it. The Zep are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (previously thought to be The Beatles), trampling over the Earth and playing their back catalogue through the most awesome nuclear-powered super-amplifiers ever created.

Manson was clued into all of this but then the The Beatles (who are Martian, btw) tricked him and threw him off the scent with all the fake clues in their music, kinda like they did when Orson Welles figured it out in 1936 and then they (the Martians) tricked him into saying it was all a hoax. Not so conicidentally, that was the same year as the Hindenburg disaster, which was supposed to be a trial run but it went haywire (hence the Led Zeppelin name and the album cover).

Now, all of this is just a pet theory and should only be taken at face value.

But you must become a member of The Church Of Scientology by 2012 to be escorted back to the home planet or else you will be zapped like tiny ants under a magnifying glass and your puny planet vaporized into cosmic dust.

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Says Led Zeppelin on the outer box three times only -- 3 dudes still playing music we can hear (thunderstorms not included).

Says Led Zeppelin four times on the pull-out box, once for each musician recorded on the product.

Works for me! Back to the interesting stuff:

Any thing after the LZ III vinyl come with Crowley quotes or similar intrigue? That was the best way to get hippie chicks to dig zep with you when you flipped the record. Sorry new school digital people, you won't get laid as much, and you will hear pixels instead of music.

All this remastered stuff is sacrificing fidelity for clarity; there is a difference between accuracy and precision...

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Any thing after the LZ III vinyl come with Crowley quotes or similar intrigue?

The old man on the cover of Led Zeppelin IV. It's been claimed he resembles

a known occult figure, who I'm too lazy to look up at the moment. Anway,

Jimmy says Robert found that painting at a thrift shop in Reading. I find that

hard to believe, given the unprecedented care that went into that album.

Then again, the back cover is just a shot of some old flats (apartments)

near Dudley, England (recently demolished by the way) and not too far

from Robert's home. I know all about they're showing the old world vs

the modern one...man is forced from nature into those slums etc.

Anyway, that's the thing. There's almost always more than meets the eye

with Led Zeppelin. It's great, but not to be taken TOO seriously!

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This is a very intriguing thread Nirvana, and I got to say, if this is a hoax, it might be the best hoax ever that anyone has sucked me into and I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions should it turn out to be false. :P

I know LZ has been very hands on with their album artwork from the beginning and the Houses of the Holy cover was a big issue with the band...BTW, that cover reminds me of the LZ DVD of which you mention. Is it a coincidental?

The Crop Circles on the LZ Boxset has always intrigued me. What's it mean???

The Brown Bomber album cover (LZII) would explain the air raid siren on the website for the O2 gig.

This makes me very excited because I do believe there is something to what Nirvana has to say. Something that has been there for years and most of the common folk missed it.

If it's true, it's brilliant.

Edited by tyedye
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I'm going to take a random stab at this and guess it has something to do with the coming nuclear robot wars against the Martians in 2012.

Jesus was a Martian. The Motherhip is an ark which will come down and escort 144,000 people back to Mars. These 144,000 people represent the 12 tribes of Israel (see Stairway To Heaven backwards masking thread). Then, the nuclear-tipped Martian mega-robots (4 stories high) will descend upon Earth and annihilate it. The Zep are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (previously thought to be The Beatles), trampling over the Earth and playing their back catalogue through the most awesome nuclear-powered super-amplifiers ever created.

Manson was clued into all of this but then the The Beatles (who are Martian, btw) tricked him and threw him off the scent with all the fake clues in their music, kinda like they did when Orson Welles figured it out in 1936 and then they (the Martians) tricked him into saying it was all a hoax. Not so conicidentally, that was the same year as the Hindenburg disaster, which was supposed to be a trial run but it went haywire (hence the Led Zeppelin name and the album cover).

Now, all of this is just a pet theory and should only be taken at face value.

But you must become a member of The Church Of Scientology by 2012 to be escorted back to the home planet or else you will be zapped like tiny ants under a magnifying glass and your puny planet vaporized into cosmic dust.

I've never laughed as hard in my life as I did when I read this pile of shit.

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The old man on the cover of Led Zeppelin IV.. given the unprecedented care that went into that album...the back cover is just a shot of some old flats near Dudley, England... the old world vs the modern one...man is forced from nature into those slums etc...Zeppelin. It's great, but not to be taken TOO seriously!

Exactly -- I remember seeing that LP cover and going Huh? cause I was like 14. Later I thought to myself:

"Its 1971: I am the lead guitarist in the most explosive Rock band the world has ever seen, we're bigger than Elvis and the Beatles, and we've got a shit-hot album ready to go. What do we call it? What's the cover going to look like?" And Jimmy just played with some images, made a collage, and presto... Find an old magazine and pretend yer makin an album cover with images only, cut and paste a collage, and you can't help putting in a Theme; it's what people (artists especially) do.

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nice workin' Nirvana... I never really payed much attention to the cover of "how the west was one".

Got home a bit drunk last night and started to see a lot of patterns... hehe...most of them being insane, gave up when I found myself interested in the "three camera" technique (tried to link it with "in through the outdoor" cover) used when filming 1962's "how the west was one". Also found a website that teaches how to count in navajo :-)...

But I found out that the east & west mitten were said to be the hands of ancient gods. These gods would return and use their hands through the power of the valley of the rocks...

it's beautiful...great monumental idea.

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Hi guys.. new to this site and loving it already. Im not convinced with the heavy conotations people have been dicussing with the album art and numerology etc. I think most of the album art has some kind of visual gag - or relies on the viewer altering their conciousness to 'see' a new imagie ie magic eye pictures and the like. I have always been unsure about the 2003 DVD cover. It always seemed a bit too basic.. but i cant see anything yet. The same goes for In |through the out door. Theres something there I cant quite work out. As for Zep IV.. has anyone found the hidden image on this cover? There is definitely one there. Laters..


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nice workin' Nirvana... I never really payed much attention to the cover of "how the west was one".

Got home a bit drunk last night and started to see a lot of patterns... hehe...most of them being insane, gave up when I found myself interested in the "three camera" technique (tried to link it with "in through the outdoor" cover) used when filming 1962's "how the west was one". Also found a website that teaches how to count in navajo :-)...

But I found out that the east & west mitten were said to be the hands of ancient gods. These gods would return and use their hands through the power of the valley of the rocks...

it's beautiful...great monumental idea.

Johan, very good, there's more - but you got the structure of the Story.

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