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Little Miss

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Smoking sucks,blows and bites.< that's a PERIOD.Period,end of story....Oh, I didn't tell you the story of having 2/3rds my right lung surgically removed? Remind me one fine day when you can't breathe worth a crap and you say I was going to quit.Or, I can quit whenever I want to.

I hate preachin', :( but I hate seein' younguns' dying more.

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Smoking sucks,blows and bites.< that's a PERIOD.Period,end of story....Oh, I didn't tell you the story of having 2/3rds my right lung surgically removed? Remind me one fine day when you can't breathe worth a crap and you say I was going to quit.Or, I can quit whenever I want to.

I hate preachin', :( but I hate seein' younguns' dying more.

I agree, If you're young stop now because the longer you wait the more addicted you become and the harder it will be to quit. :(

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Smoking sucks,blows and bites.< that's a PERIOD.Period,end of story....Oh, I didn't tell you the story of having 2/3rds my right lung surgically removed? Remind me one fine day when you can't breathe worth a crap and you say I was going to quit.Or, I can quit whenever I want to.

I hate preachin', :( but I hate seein' younguns' dying more.

I agree 100% Rorer.I started smoking at age 10.I'm now 45 and I spent the last decade trying to quit.I finally managed to last July.But the damage has been done and I use a lung spray everyday

Smoking is fucked up.

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I dont get your point either. i bet you used to smoke...right?

What point don't you get???

I smoked from about age 13 to 22, i was a half cigaretter smoker, lol. People would light up my cigarette butts and smoke them. I didn't smoke alot, maybe 1/2 pack a day (and only 1/2 cigs like i said). But i quit in one minute, literally. Took a drag of a smoke at a party, it made my throat feel horrible, i put it out and almost never smoked again. I had one here and there over the next year while out with friends, but after that passed, never touched another. Yes i'm an ex smoker who can't stand the smell of them, not even on someone's breath or clothes.

But my point is they should be taxed to the nines...because nobody should be using such awful/toxic chemicals so freely. I know quitting is a struggle for people, i'm very aware of the whole scene. Where i work every single patient receives a "Smoking Cessation" booklet when they are admitted. Even if they don't smoke they get one. It's a big deal...and the irresponsible nature of our society has allowed this problem to go on way past the 70's when it waw common knowledge that cigarette smoking caused major health problems. I don't want cigarettes around when my child is old enough to be exposed to them.

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Smoking sucks,blows and bites.< that's a PERIOD.Period,end of story....Oh, I didn't tell you the story of having 2/3rds my right lung surgically removed? Remind me one fine day when you can't breathe worth a crap and you say I was going to quit.Or, I can quit whenever I want to.

I hate preachin', :( but I hate seein' younguns' dying more.

Wow you seem really young to have had lung surgery. I don't know your age so i'm just guessing about it. Anyway, you should tell people in threads like this your story. It may knock some sense into someone. Quitting is hard, but it is never too soon or too late to quit smoking.

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People should do what the hell they want, keeping in mind how their actions will affect other people. If they choose to smoke and risk the health of other people... well, I guess you know how awesome they are.

And children should be able to make their own decisions about cigarettes. In highschool, I was never disgusted at all the smokers. Sure, they looked retarded, but it was their choice to do so. If kids give into peer pressure, well, maybe they should grow some back bone. All my friends smoked. I never started or wished to.

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When I started smoking as a kid, it was more to be rebellious than anything. People preaching at me or lecturing me about something are more likely to make me want to do that very thing, just for spite.

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and the irresponsible nature of our society has allowed this problem to go on way past the 70's when it waw common knowledge that cigarette smoking caused major health problems. I don't want cigarettes around when my child is old enough to be exposed to them.

Dying is dying no matter which way it is.

You don't want your child to be exposed to the harmfulness of cigarettes, but you exposed them to the harmfulness of life. You gave birth to them knowing that they would one day have to suffer death...

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Dying is dying no matter which way it is.

You don't want your child to be exposed to the harmfulness of cigarettes, but you exposed them to the harmfulness of life. You gave birth to them knowing that they would one day have to suffer death...

To be honest, i don't think many people think about death while giving life to another. Death is an eventual part of all our lives (duh) but not something many people sit and think about often (hopefully).

Dying of lung cancer or living with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (such as emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis) are not the way anyone wants to die or be dying. People can drastically reduce their risk of lung related diseases by not smoking or quitting. Prevention is crucial in avoiding this unpleasant way of LIFE.

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To be honest, i don't think many people think about death while giving life to another.

No they don't.

We have children then force them to accept the reality of our creation.

That's why Frankenstein was such a good novel. It wasn't the Monster's fault he was a Monster, after all Dr Frankenstein created him. And likewise whatever our children are or become, it's our fault. But a lot of parents wouldn't see it like that

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I wish I could agree, but my mother has smoked since she was 13 and is now 69. I think the damage is probably irreversable at this point. She has had no bad symtems yet, but I fear it will eventually catch up to her. Some people seem to be able to have more tolerance and luck with avoiding cancer than others. Sometimes I think that if you smoke that long and then if you were able to quit, it may be a shock to your system that may actually cause more harm. I have heard this argument before.

Your mom could get a Chest Xray if she wants to find out what condition her lungs are in. If your mom has smoked for 56 years and is still without any problems, i would say she has lucked out. Even if she does have disease, that's a very long time to go without illness.

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No they don't.

We have children then force them to accept the reality of our creation.

That's why Frankenstein was such a good novel. It wasn't the Monster's fault he was a Monster, after all Dr Frankenstein created him. And likewise whatever our children are or become, it's our fault. But a lot of parents wouldn't see it like that

I don't understand where your argument is coming from. It's like you are anti-life. People pro-create like all organisms do. Giving life is a beautiful gift. Having a family is a normal desire. I know my creation is wonderful and i expect will be an amazing adult. Good, consciencious parents do their best to raise their children well. My point was, unfortunately, there are many powers working against us.

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Children are as much a product of their parents as they are a product of society. You can tell your children 100 times not to drink pop or smoke or listen to rap music or stay out late or wear revealing clothes, but when push comes to shove....they'll do it regardless if they want to.

My parents drilled into my sister and I's heads when we were younger, alcohol was for adults. I never touched the stuff until I was 21, and even 5 years after that, I barely touch it. My sister has been drunk more times than I can count. She started drinking with her friends and being wild when she was 16, well below the legal age. In this case, I would say she's a product of society since society pushes that kind of behavior on teenagers/young adults. I never succumbed to peer pressure because I find people who do succumb to it weak. And I never wanted to be viewed as weak by my parents; their opinion of me is very important. My sister could give a rip what other people think of her and she does her own thing. So far she hasn't been arrested, come home pregnant and full of disease and she gets straight A's in school, so it isn't a problem the way it could be. If my parents knew, they'd probably throw her out.

I also see where Gainsbarre is coming from, though.

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I don't understand where your argument is coming from. It's like you are anti-life. People pro-create like all organisms do. Giving life is a beautiful gift. Having a family is a normal desire. I know my creation is wonderful and i expect will be an amazing adult.

I don't really see what is so fantastic about life.

To me it's a necessary evil because we can't exist without it. When you're born, you're basically forced into accepting life, and as the saying goes 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade', and well frankly life is a lemon, and we're all having to make the bloody lemonade. Life is simply life, it's existence, it's a blank canvas. And whatever happens inside that canvas determines our reaction to it. If Life is a gift, then it's a gift of an empty box. And it's either empty or we put something into it. So whatever we do in life, we are forced into doing because nobody wants to die or be bored, so we're off on this daily quest to distract ourselves from time and the emptiness of life.

Life's just finding ways to kill time until you die.

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I don't really see what is so fantastic about life.

To me it's a necessary evil because we can't exist without it. When you're born, you're basically forced into accepting life, and as the saying goes 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade', and well frankly life is a lemon, and we're all having to make the bloody lemonade. Life is simply life, it's existence, it's a blank canvas. And whatever happens inside that canvas determines our reaction to it. If Life is a gift, then it's a gift of an empty box. And it's either empty or we put something into it. So whatever we do in life, we are forced into doing because nobody wants to die or be bored, so we're off on this daily quest to distract ourselves from time and the emptiness of life.

Life's just finding ways to kill time until you die.

How profound :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to be an ass,but you're thinking WAY too hard :D

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I don't really see what is so fantastic about life.

To me it's a necessary evil because we can't exist without it. When you're born, you're basically forced into accepting life, and as the saying goes 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade', and well frankly life is a lemon, and we're all having to make the bloody lemonade. Life is simply life, it's existence, it's a blank canvas. And whatever happens inside that canvas determines our reaction to it. If Life is a gift, then it's a gift of an empty box. And it's either empty or we put something into it. So whatever we do in life, we are forced into doing because nobody wants to die or be bored, so we're off on this daily quest to distract ourselves from time and the emptiness of life.

Life's just finding ways to kill time until you die.

Well, that's uplifting...you should be a motivational speaker!


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So Dr Phil could encourage me to enjoy the trivialities of life, like getting excited about an episode of Big Brother?

Yeah,something like that. :D

You must be enjoy trivialities of this board,it's got to be more exciting than Big Brother or you would be watching it now.Is this board keeping you from pulling the big plug?Is life REALLY that bad?

This is the smoking thread,how did it turn into the"I hate life thread"

I smoked for a long time and it damn near killed me.I'm happy to be alive and not smoking anymore.I'm making lemonade and happy to do it.......for now!

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Is this board keeping you from pulling the big plug?Is life REALLY that bad?

I didn't say it was bad...

I said it was nothing to get excited about.

Most things in life bore me. And I often do get bored of this board...But I can't think of anything else to do at the moment.

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I didn't say it was bad...

I said it was nothing to get excited about.

Most things in life bore me. And I often do get bored of this board...But I can't think of anything else to do at the moment.

I heard that Australia was one of the most exciting places in the world,WTF? Should I not even bother coming over?

Don't tell me that you live in a van down by the river :o I would understand if that was the case :D

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