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My Black Ice Review


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I managed to get my hands on Black Ice one week before its original release and it seems to grow on me more and more. Been listening to it for a couple of days, so I decided to make an in-depth album review, featuring each song (excuse my shitty English where necessary).

Rock ‘n Roll Train – You probably already heard this one. Great album opener, kind of Highway to Hell-like riff. It’s like listening to Brian 20 years ago, and the chorus just ‘sets my balls on fire’. Nice video too! Definitely a concert song!

Skies On Fire – I know that Brian worked his voice for this album, but man, the chorus part when he screams is just mind-blowing. And when Ang begins his solo, that skies are literally on fire!

Big Jack – After hearing the intro I expected a For Those About To Rock kind of song. Wasn’t that much alike, but it gets close! Sounds a bit like Night Of The Long Knives (which is great, IMO), with a more up-beat tempo. Anyhow, the chorus doesn’t kick so much ass! And by the way, it doesn’t have anything from the good, old The Jack song.

Anything Goes – Now this is the song that many people hate (or don’t like that much like the rest of the album). It’s more of a country song, doesn’t exactly follow the AC/DC formula, but I still think it’s pretty good (growing on me). The bridge riff reminded me of the one from FTATR song. It’s not the anthem FTATR was, but as I said, I think many people will find it…at least interesting.

War Machine – Probably heard this one too. Didn’t pay too much attention to the lyrics, but seems that it has some political stuff in it (which is not AC/DC-like). One of the best and heaviest songs from the album with a simple, but killer riff.

Smash ‘N GrabCome on and blow your mind / You’re outta time. This one is pretty much typical AC/DC, with really nice vocals, but it’s not that outstanding. A good song, anyway. Take it while you can!

Spoilin’ For a Fight – Now this one is a song from the AC/DC we all know. Angus fires up some solos up and down the fretboard, with those pinch harmonics we love. He is pretty busy on his Gibson this time!

Wheels – This is rock ‘n roll! I personally love this song, Brian screams great on this one (I wonder if he can pull out this one live). Along with War Machine, a pretty heavy song for this album. Angus’ solo sounds very familiar and explosive. I don’t know why the intro reminded me of Day Tripper. Anyway, this song stuck in my head for some time. Another one for ‘The best stuff on Black Ice’!

Decibel – This one has a bluesy feel, sounds a bit like Gone Shootin’ from Powerage. Some people seem to love this song, some don’t like it at all. I actually think it’s very, very good (me likes bluesy stuff). It’s a really toe-tapping song and I love those guitar bits Angus does towards the end of the song (more like his Bon-era stuff).

Stormy May Day – The slide guitar stuff everyone’s been talking about. Led Zeppelin fans will recognize this one pretty quick. I was kind of skeptical about this song, but it turned out as one of the best ones on the album. Sounds like Badlands as well. Again a bluesy feel with a great chorus, and that bit (end of the song) when Brian has the soft singing part is pure awesomeness. Unfortunately, it’s too short (3:12) and it does not feature a solo.

She Likes Rock ‘N Roll – This one sounds so much like Brian! Cliff has a nice bass part here. Not that outstanding, but it has AC/DC-ish lyrics and, again, a mind-blowing chorus.

Money Made – The intro is similar to Decibel, but slowed down a bit. It will probably become a radio hit. It has a great feel and it definitely sounds like AC/DC !

Rock ‘N Roll Dream – This one is that controversial ballad. The guitar, drums and bass, all fall in their places along with the vocals, making a great song (it’s in my Top 5 songs from this album). The drums part when the chorus begins gives me chills. IMO, they tried to use the same formula as for Ride On. I would have been disappointed actually if this album didn’t have a song like this one.

Rocking All The Way – The chorus and solo are kind of similar to the ones from Highway To Hell. Well, RATW it’s not that kind of anthem, but it still better than some songs on this album.

Black Ice - …and when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Black Ice kicks in. This is both heavy and bluesy, with a ferocious chorus and with angry solos. This may be the last song from the band’s last album, so take a good listen!

All in all, Black Ice is one of AC/DC’s best albums and it will probably sell millions of copies. As someone stated on a forum, Black Ice is Powerage 2008.

Brian’s voice improved a lot, Angus is eager to ‘blow your mind’ (as the song goes), and the band is more tight than ever! The boys were really inspired and came up with great tunes, and, as Brian said, this album shows the versatility of this band.

When they were 17, they wrote songs from 17 years old kids. When they’re in their 50’s, even in their 60’s (Happy Birthday Brian!) they still write songs for 17 years old kids.

Great job, AC/DC ! Keep on rockin’!

Edited by Xtazy
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I listened to the album tracks on Youtube, it's ok, but as I suspected the same old same old. :blink:

More nostalgia, nostalgia sounds like an untreatable medical condition! :o

No doubt it will sell well even though it's only available through Walmart. AC/DC elitists? :huh:

Whod've thunk it!? :rolleyes:

Edited by Reggie29
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but as I suspected the same old same old. :blink:

Not entirely true! They tried some new stuff on this album, a bit different from the last ones, but hey, do you really want AC/DC to play progressive rock or jazz? Who the hell wants AC/DC to change?

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Nice review. I went through the songs on youtube.. Sounds pretty good.. sounds like AC/DC. LOL.. There were three songs that I thought stood out from the rest, those were Stormy May Day, Spoiling For A Fight and Skies On Fire. I still haven't heard Black Ice and Anything Goes.

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I went to the store that is selling BLACK ICE....Here's my thoughts..

As a merchant's daughter and a mid-age music fan I give this perspective....

I think it is wonderful that the store is giving AC/DC the amount of floor space and hard-not-to miss display case for BLACK ICE and other works. I'm pleased, considering they are mid-age rockers, that they are not put at the back of the music section in favor of some of the younger artists' works at the front..

I hate to say this but I'm being honest...I'll use an expression common in retail...considering all the promo....the cd's aren't "flying off the shelves"....

Juliet :coffee:

PS I hope other stores will be allowed to sell the CD....I despise monopolies...

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AC/DC's "Black Ice" is flying off the shelves at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club, the exclusive U.S. retailers for the album that arrived yesterday (Oct. 21). Sources estimate the set sold 193,000 copies in its first day of sale, and could move upward of 800,000 in its first week.

That's what Billboard says.

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Well it's nice to know the saying "flying off the shelves" still exists!!! I wonder if they teach that saying in Ivy league business schools?? Here's another one...lost leader...not a fav I might ad...

Thanks for clarifying who is selling the CD in the US. I assumed that was the rule everywhere but after posting yesterday I checked out another Canadian department store. They are selling the CD also.

I thought there were alot of AC/DC fans in my small rural town. There have been recent layoffs at a major factory so maybe there isn't as much spending on CD's as expected.

Juliet :wave:

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AC/DC, formed by brothers Angus and Malcolm Young in 1973, have this week sold more than twice as many records as their nearest rivals, Kaiser Chiefs. Black Ice, which has sold nearly 5 million copies worldwide, is expected to be at the head of the charts in 19 countries by the end of tomorrow, despite the band refusing to release it for download on iTunes, which they described as “a monster”.

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Hi X:

Thanks for the progress report..you have good research and reporting skills...

BLACK ICE......is selling "like hot cakes"...sorry..couldn't resist another shop keeper's saying... :lol:

Oh...I like that they are refusing to be part of the ITUNES rage...'cause I don't have an IPod...and don't reckon on ever gettin' one...

Juliet :bravo:

PS One more thing...formed in 73,eh? HAPPY 35TH ANNIVERSARY..AC/DC

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I'm not exactly into the digital download thing but they referred to iTunes as a "monster"? What does that make Wal-Mart?

By the way, the record is available at other record stores. I saw it on sale at a local indie store last week but the owners had to go into Wal-Mart (same as was done with the last Eagles record) to buy it so they could stock it on their shelves. All due respect to AC/DC fans but I think they deserve Wal-Mart same as the Eagles and Garth Brooks do. I just find it a bit odd that Wal-Mart chances tarnishing their wholesome image by marketing a band with such a devilish one such as AC/DC. By the way, I do like AC/DC (though I prefer the Bon Scott years) but I have almost zero interest in hearing this new record. I don't rule it out though.

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Hello Jahfin:

I agree with your comment about Wal-Mart marketing AC/DC considering Wal-Mart's "family" image. The store in my town is very small. I was surprised, as I wrote earlier, about the amount of floor space, position in the store and number of CD's and other works...there are some raunchy tunes in the band's repertoire...and its all there...next to housewares and the like...

Juliet :wave:

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I'll just add a few more comments...I went to look at ths display again yesterday. Not only to they have numerous present and previous CD's...some are packaged in mini-crates!!! One style includes BLACK ICE and a T-shirt...Another crate has BLACK ICE and some former CD's..Now some people may call that tacky..others may call it a gimmick..

I live in a town that only has one bar with live music now. There's more emphasis on improving the golf course than the club scene. Most people favor sports activities. Yet there is this relatively large display of AC/DC works in this relatively small rural Canadian town...I think Angus, Malcolm and bandmates would be proud...

Juliet :thumbsup:

PS Works including Bon Scot are there as well...R.I.P. BON...

Edited by Juliet
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Dude...Great breakdown of the album.

I have ordered it and it should be with me tomorrow..WOO HOO!! I am glad it is quite a long album too.

I know the boys have announced the U.S. part of the tour...just waiting for the Australian leg...I thought they would announce dates before Christmas and come in february where the temperatures will be smokin'.

Again, great review!!

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I'll just add a few more comments...I went to look at ths display again yesterday. Not only to they have numerous present and previous CD's...some are packaged in mini-crates!!! One style includes BLACK ICE and a T-shirt...Another crate has BLACK ICE and some former CD's..Now some people may call that tacky..others may call it a gimmick..

I live in a town that only has one bar with live music now. There's more emphasis on improving the golf course than the club scene. Most people favor sports activities. Yet there is this relatively large display of AC/DC works in this relatively small rural Canadian town...I think Angus, Malcolm and bandmates would be proud...

Juliet :thumbsup:

PS Works including Bon Scott are there as well...R.I.P. BON...


While visiting the store I noticed the display has been moved to make way for Christmas displays. I chatted with a sales clerk (a Brit) who directed me to where the items were located in the store. I said that there was alot of AC/DC material for such a small town. He quickly replied ,"Oh you would be surprised how many AC/DC fans are here.... I smiled and said to myself, "All right!"

I need to make a correction...the crate with just CD's is a collection of previous works..BLACK ICE is not included in that crate. It is in the one that includes a T-shirt...

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