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Have You Ever.........?


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LOL! No! But it sure sounds exciting though! :lol:

HYE due to having way too much to drink started giggling uncontrollably? :blush:

I think they're talking about getting pooped on. Not very exciting atoll.

No but I watched a comedy while drinking uncontrollably.

HYE had your house burn down?

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Yep to the first light wirer on the block. This year as a matter of fact.

Yep to building a snow fort. But not since coming here to Texas.

Never tried surfing on the beach. I hear it's better in the water.

Never seen a live volcano 'cept on NatGeo.

HYE been let off a ticket with a warning?

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Yep to the first light wirer on the block. This year as a matter of fact.

Yep to building a snow fort. But not since coming here to Texas.

Never tried surfing on the beach. I hear it's better in the water.

Never seen a live volcano 'cept on NatGeo.

HYE been let off a ticket with a warning?

No, I get the ticket. :(

HYE locked your keys in the car in a deserted location?

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Thank goodness, no! :wacko:

HYE got sunburnt to such an extent that you initially thought you had high fever and were going in for the flu? :unsure:

Not quite, but close. (Those sunburns really do come back to haunt you in middle age; please wear your sunscreen!! :( )

HYE been accidentally late for something and been chastised? :unsure:

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well, i've been known to go out for walks and lose track of the time, only to return home to a "I was about to put out the amber alert! I'm so glad you're okay, now i'm going to kill you!" from my mom...hahaha

HYE been hit on by a teacher, professor, or superior at work (or in any capacity, really)?

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No. Have a slanted roof.

HYE gotten up for work in the morning and then realize it's your day off?

Yup lol. I bike to work; saves money on gas (especially these days) plus when you've been doing it for a long time, there is no reason to stop. Anyway, I got up at 715 am and was at work by 745. I walked in, saw my boss and she said "Oh I didn't know you were here today!" I looked at the schedule, i didn't work....

HYE fallen off your roof putting up Christmas lights?

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Yup lol. I bike to work; saves money on gas (especially these days) plus when you've been doing it for a long time, there is no reason to stop. Anyway, I got up at 715 am and was at work by 745. I walked in, saw my boss and she said "Oh I didn't know you were here today!" I looked at the schedule, i didn't work....

HYE fallen off your roof putting up Christmas lights?

No, my husband gets to do that :D (put the lights on that is; he hasn't fallen off the roof yet... :unsure: )

HYE suddenly realized you just watched 2-3 hours of really bad reality tv without moving from your sofa (i.e. Pawn Stars, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Billy the Exterminator...)

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Yes. Many times. Especially on cold winter nights. Well at least it's getting warmer now.

HYE purchased a cd and/or dvd, you wished you never purchased when soon after the thought comes to you...what was I thinking?

:lol: that's why I generally put them up before any of my neighbors do!

Yup, a Rammstein album. I don't know why....Impulse buy I guess.

HYE fallen asleep at work only to have you boss catch you?

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