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A special thread for Mr. "President Elect" Obama,


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Ouch! That was just plain mean to Spats Doc! :lol: C'mon, he's not even in the same league... :rolleyes:

Yeah, he's doing better than me :rolleyes: and that is depressing!

Rock, you're taking the wise approach. I wouldn't worry too much about the gun issue though. He really only wants to ban assault weapons...I don't think that should impact most Americans. If you are a hunter, you can still buy all the guns you want. If you want a handgun and like to practice shooting...no probs! But no one really needs to empty 100 rounds into anything now do they?

75 usually does it for me B)

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If the Democrats fuck up, they have it good. They can just blame Republicans :rolleyes:

welcome to politics

Have you heard about the cabinet members he's choosing? Rahm Emanuel? He plans on kicking ass and taking names. LOVE him already! And....he's not going to take any shit from the people that he would sit down with either. He will give fair voice and options before making rash decisions. As much as I already liked him...everything he's been doing since the election has me liking him even more!

I'm very excited. Beneath the calm, cool, collected, fair, exterior is a man who really is made of steel.

Peace :hippy:

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Have you heard about the cabinet members he's choosing? Rahm Emanuel? He plans on kicking ass and taking names. LOVE him already! And....he's not going to take any shit from the people that he would sit down with either. He will give fair voice and options before making rash decisions. As much as I already liked him...everything he's been doing since the election has me liking him even more!

I'm very excited. Beneath the calm, cool, collected, fair, exterior is a man who really is made of steel.

Peace :hippy:

I'm just saying that Democrats have it easy.

If they succeed in turning around the country somehow, they can all gloat about it.

But if they fail, they can simply say that republicans dug a hole that's simply too deep to crawl out of.

Welcome to politics

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I'm just saying that Democrats have it easy.

C'mon Drummer...you know better than that. I actually think McCain was relieved that he lost! Who would WANT to walk into work on the first day to the current situation? Easy...huh.

And look how they - the republicans, are now trashing Palin! They're telling us she was even dumber than we thought she was! The only person happier than McCain that they lost this is Palins daughters baby daddy. Let's make a pool....I'm putting my $5 that they don't end up married :)

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I was just thinking tonight about this redistribution of wealth idea.

The guy across the street from me drives a new S class Mercedes Benz

and I have this crappy 13yo altima, if we combine the two we could each have

a really nice pickup truck :D

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C'mon Drummer...you know better than that. I actually think McCain was relieved that he lost! Who would WANT to walk into work on the first day to the current situation? Easy...huh.

Really? You don't think that will happen? If they fail, they will accept the failure as theirs and theirs alone?

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C'mon Drummer...you know better than that. I actually think McCain was relieved that he lost! Who would WANT to walk into work on the first day to the current situation? Easy...huh.

And look how they - the republicans, are now trashing Palin! They're telling us she was even dumber than we thought she was! The only person happier than McCain that they lost this is Palins daughters baby daddy. Let's make a pool....I'm putting my $5 that they don't end up married :)

They'll get married and be divorced within 2 years. They're kids being forced to get married because they were too stupid to use birth control. If they don't get married, that's going to look real bad for Mama and the rumor is that she might take over Ted Stevens' senate seat if he gets expelled. You can't have a Fundie senator with an unwed teen mother. It's all about looks with this one. Not just how she looks, but how her family looks to other people.

I mean take the RNC for example. They kept passing that poor baby around like a damn relay baton. That infant should not have been there, but damn it....it helped her image.

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C'mon Drummer...you know better than that. I actually think McCain was relieved that he lost! Who would WANT to walk into work on the first day to the current situation? Easy...huh.

And look how they - the republicans, are now trashing Palin! They're telling us she was even dumber than we thought she was! The only person happier than McCain that they lost this is Palins daughters baby daddy. Let's make a pool....I'm putting my $5 that they don't end up married :)

That's a personal attack on Palin and her daughter, it has no merit here. The attacks about her being stupid c'mon, please attack her on her political stances but not personal blows. The Republican attacks are just rumors from an unnamed source and as led zeppelin fans we should know how true rumors turn out to be.

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They'll get married and be divorced within 2 years. They're kids being forced to get married because they were too stupid to use birth control. If they don't get married, that's going to look real bad for Mama and the rumor is that she might take over Ted Stevens' senate seat if he gets expelled. You can't have a Fundie senator with an unwed teen mother. It's all about looks with this one. Not just how she looks, but how her family looks to other people.

I mean take the RNC for example. They kept passing that poor baby around like a damn relay baton. That infant should not have been there, but damn it....it helped her image.

Baby Baton :o

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That's a personal attack on Palin and her daughter, it has no merit here. The attacks about her being stupid c'mon, please attack her on her political stances but not personal blows. The Republican attacks are just rumors from an unnamed source and as led zeppelin fans we should know how true rumors turn out to be.

Well, I'll meet ya half way on that one. It's not really a personal attack when discussing her intelligence level if she is next in line for the presidancy. The daughter bit....K, yer right....I couln't resist though. I do have at least one weakness...and that is seeing huge egos fall....sorry, I am enjoying her downfall (but guiltily actually....cuz I kinda feel sorry for her. I think she was a patsy right from the get go - welcome to politics!)

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Well, I'll meet ya half way on that one. It's not really a personal attack when discussing her intelligence level if she is next in line for the presidancy. The daughter bit....K, yer right....I couln't resist though. I do have at least one weakness...and that is seeing huge egos fall....sorry, I am enjoying her downfall (but guiltily actually....cuz I kinda feel sorry for her. I think she was a patsy right from the get go - welcome to politics!)

Well, I think she is a smart woman, she held her own against Biden who's had alot more experience than her, the intelligence remarks from republicans again is just a rumor and those who insult her intelligence are mostly those that hate her no matter what she says.

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This is my problem with Sarah Palin. I'm sure she's not stupid. You don't get to be Governor by being an idiot, although as we can see, it can get you in the White House the last 8 years. At least there's precedence for intellectually-incurious Governors from oil-rich states to make it to the White House, so she's got that going for her.

However, she's just..........a few crackers short of a Lunchable. I'm sure she's nice, when she's not shooting wolves from a helicopter or forcing her teen daughter into an arranged marriage, but the image she presents to people is so OTT hokey and folksy, it makes her look like she's trying too hard. And if she appeared to be able to be moderate in some of her opinions, maybe people other than the hardcore Fundies would give her the time of day.

Also, when you accuse your opponent of basically being a terrorist sympathizer, you get no sympathy from me when the media starts climbing up your rectum. Barack Obama has had people calling him every name in the book and then some, and I don't recall him whining about it. If you want to get on the roller coaster, accept that you might get puked on somewhere along the way.

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Because John Kerry is a political hack. And while Obama has yet to prove as much, Kerry came off as cold, inadequate and downright zombiesh with restoring the Democrat's heir to the throne.

But why do Democrats expect "everyone" to rally together now? Why are they expecting Republicans to rally with them when they weren't willing to join together during the last 8 years (save after 9/11)?

It's hypocrisy. Quite simple really

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Again, why weren't we doing that 4 years ago?

Why isn't it until now that liberals decide to try and "unify" the country?

What a joke

Key word: WE

get it?


goodnight all...:zzz:

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