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Caroline Kennedy in the Senate

Robert's Plant

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You're actually comparing Blagojevich and Obama? Why not compare a turd to a diamond while you're at it.

Obama became President through hard work, determination and a sheer will to succeed. Nothing corrupt or untoward in that. Blagojevich is a scheming little piece of shit that no one in MY home state can stand, Democrat or Republican. He's going to be impeached. That's never happened before. That's how horrible he is.

To deride someone for striving to the highest office in the country is just ridiculous, even for you.

The fuck he did.

He only won the Senate seat because the G.O.P. ran the carpet bagger Alan Keyes out there. Jack Ryan had the lead before his wife released the divorcee papers and claimed he wanted to have sex with her in a sex club, only her.

Lynn Sweet, the reporter from The Chicago Sun-Times, claims Obama was going to run in 2012. But decided he be better off now riding this wave now than have to make more votes in the senate that the G.O.P. can rip apart. Let me restate.


So what did Obama do for your home state. Nothing. He flies out to Hawaii every chance he gets.


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Not saying it did. But i think it would have been a factor had she continued. You could tell she was not enjoying all the cameras on her and asking her questions.

Had nothing to do with it. I personally don't think she was the best person for the job - too inexperienced IMO.

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Had nothing to do with it. I personally don't think she was the best person for the job - too inexperienced IMO.

Not saying it did. But you could tell she was not enjoying herself with press on her etc. If could have become a factor.

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It wasn't. She's been in a very public family her whole life. She's done speaking engagements and other public appearances in her professional life. She's been used to the media saying lots of things about her and her family, both positive and negative, for a very long time. That wasn't why she pulled out. I don't know if I believe that her uncle's health wasn't the reason, because I believe it was.

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I saw on the news that she pulled out because of "personal reasons that only her immediate family know about". They say it has nothing to do with Ted's problems though. Anyways, she may not have been the most qualified for the Senate, but I do think she is a very elegant and classy lady coming from all of the tragedies she has lived through, losing her dad, mom and brother, not to mention alot of the scandals that have happened in her family.

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I saw on the news that she pulled out because of "personal reasons that only her immediate family know about". They say it has nothing to do with Ted's problems though. Anyways, she may not have been the most qualified for the Senate, but I do think she is a very elegant and classy lady coming from all of the tragedies she has lived through, losing her dad, mom and brother, not to mention alot of the scandals that have happened in her family.

I have no issues with her personally at all. I was just thinking in terms of the job at hand, she wasn't the most ideal candidate for state senator. But perhaps with time, that could change :)

Edited by ninelives
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Hi all,

He's all the best qualities of his father, I would have loved to seen him chosen for head of the EPA. The environment is his biggest platform.

How is your water?Air?

How about the wind farms Teddy-boy stopped in Hyannis?Bad view,but clean energy.

Yep,those Kennedy's at the fore-front,...... :slapface:

Joe(we like Chaves!)


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That's exactly the kind of thing America needs though

You misread my post although understandibly so.

I agreed that he is a Kennedy that belongs in politics as I responded to a previous post, I would love it if he was to be involved in politics; however, he has stated he doesn't want to be involved with politics.

He's exactly the type of person we need, an honest great American.

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I understood what you meant, no worries :lol:

I was saying that we need that kind of person though. People who go into politics usually WANT to get into politics and will do whatever they have to for election. We need the kind of politician that only got involved because he was deeply concerned with the well-being of his country

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I understood what you meant, no worries :lol:

I was saying that we need that kind of person though. People who go into politics usually WANT to get into politics and will do whatever they have to for election. We need the kind of politician that only got involved because he was deeply concerned with the well-being of his country

Oh, then I misread your post and now you know what I really meant in a more elaborated way.

I think he deeply cares about this country which is why I don't understand why he doesn't want to run for public office. Yeah there are too many politicians who just get involved in politics for all the wrong reasons if Bobby Kennedy Jr. was to get into politics he would be great because the people would know he is in it for the right reasons.

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Hi all,

Carolin's uncle? opposer to wind farms?Not me.

Hey C,why drop your last name??? :blink:


Caroline Kennedy never changed her name when she got married. She's always been Caroline Kennedy. The press has at times erroneously referred to her as "Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg" but again, she never legally took his name after they got married.

So what is the problem with her keeping her maiden name?

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