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Rock Star stalking


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My ex-husband's family used to live a mile from the mansion where ZZTop reside (or did back in 1994). We drove by and looked, WHAT is the big deal? Actually, we drove on that road because it took us where we were going. If you pitch a tent in the front yard, then you have crossed the line.

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My ex-husband's family used to live a mile from the mansion where ZZTop reside (or did back in 1994). We drove by and looked, WHAT is the big deal? Actually, we drove on that road because it took us where we were going. If you pitch a tent in the front yard, then you have crossed the line.

If a dude "pitches a tent" in ZZTop's front yard, I'd say he'd get ushered out pronto. Those guys ARE NOT GAY !!!!!!!!!


Edited by gadgetguru
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I recently discovered that a musician who was/is a member of a very popular band lives a couple of miles from me. Would it be okay if I just drove by his/her house?

How's it going 'JethroTull?" If the Avon lady or Jehovah's Witnesses' can go up to the door or gate and ring the bell, why not you? As long as you're not the Paparazzi, an obsessive fan or a crazed lunatic that wants to do a drive by, you're ok. If you're going to drive by this house, that would be fine. Is the home gated? If so, go up to the gate and ring the guard. Hell, I've done it before many times with different Rock stars in L.A. as long as you do not make a habit of it. However, I got the door slammed in my face a few times. Famous people expect the expected, it goes with the territory. Tommy Lee was real cool about it, he actually invited a friend and I into his house and offered us drugs and mixed quite a few strong drinks for all of us. ROCK ON!

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We have Rock Stars, Movies Stars, Writers, Artists that we see all the time.

Down here we just treat them like neighbors, nobody hounds them B)

Same here. They are left alone, especially out in the suburbs. Nicole Kidman recently told the Tennessean how much she loved Williamson County (suburb of Nashville) because people give her space. Celebrity sightings are a daily occurrence in my neighborhood and not a big deal at all.

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Not to be a smartass but ZZ Top all lived in the same house?

That was exactly my reaction--like that scene in "Help!" when the Beatles all went in what looked like individual front doors, that opened into one big pad where they all lived together! Or, like the Monkees (I assume only on TV :D ).

I think there's a very fine line here, and ringing the doorbell etc. is crossing it, IMHO. I guess driving by once doesn't hurt, but if hundreds of people were doing it . . . :unsure: and thus advertising where the person lived . . . :unsure:

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That was exactly my reaction--like that scene in "Help!" when the Beatles all went in what looked like individual front doors, that opened into one big pad where they all lived together! Or, like the Monkees (I assume only on TV :D ).

I think there's a very fine line here, and ringing the doorbell etc. is crossing it, IMHO. I guess driving by once doesn't hurt, but if hundreds of people were doing it . . . :unsure: and thus advertising where the person lived . . . :unsure:

Ringing a doorbell is definitely crossing a line. I think that is totally inappropriate. I also have issues with Google Earth highlighting homes of the stars. Should an incident happen, (similar to the Ashley Judd situation where an intruder actually entered her house), I think Google should be held accountable. There are too many crazy people out there to risk someone getting hurt.

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Ringing a doorbell is definitely crossing a line. I think that is totally inappropriate. I also have issues with Google Earth highlighting homes of the stars. Should an incident happen, (similar to the Ashley Judd situation where an intruder actually entered her house), I think Google should be held accountable. There are too many crazy people out there to risk someone getting hurt.

Makes you wonder what goes on in people's minds to think that is something okay to do. They're people too and deserve the same privacy as us. There were these girls some years back (they posted their story online) who did a Zep Trek visiting various Zep related sites. Well they felt Robert's house was part of it and actually managed to go up and ring the bell. He was nice enough to talk to them but how inappropriate they were. They don't realise that they may think it's innocent but to whoever it is they're meeting, they're strangers and they have no idea what they're about :(

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Maybe just a tour of dead stars homes would be appropriate. So long as they didn't drive by the gravesites, you know grave-robbers, the homes would probably be OK.

They do that in Hollywood don't they ?

I think there are Hollywood tours of homes where actors used to live but I'm not sure. Personally I don't see the point of even driving by a famous person's house, but that's just me. I would feel like I was invading their privacy.

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I think there are Hollywood tours of homes where actors used to live but I'm not sure. Personally I don't see the point of even driving by a famous person's house, but that's just me. I would feel like I was invading their privacy.

Well I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to avoid driving by a star's home. Some places you can't avoid them. Just go by and pretend not to notice. :D

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That's a different story if it's on route and you normally drive by. I'm referring to seeking it out.

People drive by and gawk at governor's mansions and that's OK. Sure the governor is a "public servant", but not really. They're rich and still have private lives and it's THEIR home.

Nah, I don't think there's a thing wrong with driving by a star's home, it comes with the territory. Going onto their property may be over the line, but sometimes as has been noted, the star actually can enjoy it and invite visitors in.

I took some tapes of a friends band up to a country star's home on my street, unannounced, he brought me inside and hooked the 15 inch reels up to his massive system and cranked it. You should have seen the look on his face when the blasting psychedelia came out of his speakers. But hey, he was friendly to me. :D

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I recently discovered that a musician who was/is a member of a very popular band lives a couple of miles from me. Would it be okay if I just drove by his/her house?

A one off is hardly stalking. Do it ten times a day and it's stalking for sure..

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Nah, I don't think there's a thing wrong with driving by a star's home, it comes with the territory. Going onto their property may be over the line, but sometimes as has been noted, the star actually can enjoy it and invite visitors in.

That's definitely over the line, to me. You can't know in advance that the celebrity would be OK with people being on their private property. And if they don't live in an area noted for celebrities, like Hollywood or Nashville, I don't think even driving by and staring at their house comes with the territory. If they wanted the attention, they'd live in the sort of place that attracts it. I admit, I'd feel a bit weird driving by somebody's house just to look at it, there's a sort of violation involved.

Edited to say that a governor's mansion is not the same as a private residence. Governors ARE public servants, and their mansions are all of historic national interest.

Edited by Aquamarine
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Not to be a smartass but ZZ Top all lived in the same house?

I don't remember which member it belonged to, or if they shared that house, among other houses they may have, (i wasn't a huge fan of the band, so while i found it interesting, details didn't concern me).. :) Guess i should have been more clear

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That's definitely over the line, to me. You can't know in advance that the celebrity would be OK with people being on their private property.

Better to ask for forgiveness, then to beg for permission. :D

ON another note, they can only shoot you if you're breaking in, and threatening imminent bodily harm on them. Most of their homes are isolated, gated and over the hills and far away anyway, so it's mostly the up and comer's who have accessibility nowadays. It used to be celebrities lived 'amongst the common folk'. And that's when they didn't mind visitors so much. The papparazzi have ruined it for people who just want to stop by and be friendly.

What about Trick or Treating?. :lol:

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I think a less evasive way(since you know the address) would be send a letter to the home stating that you're a big fan and had heard they lived there but did not want to be rude by just coming to their door because you respect their privacy and would it be ok to drop by for a visit sometime when it's convenient for them so you can say hello in person or whatever. If you don't get a reply, then it's the same as getting a door slammed in your face without the embarrassment.

I think the "star" would be much more appreciative of this kind of contact and may be inclined to offer an invite. At least you leave it up to them without putting them in an uncomfortable/defensive spot.

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