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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I don't think pretending to be thwacked out of your gourd on national television makes one a good actor. He did two decent movies; Gladiator and Walk the Line. You all are making it sound like we're watching the second coming of Pacino or something.
  2. Found another photo of him:
  3. I always thought the Brits had bad teeth because they didn't have fluoridated water until recently.
  4. The 70s. You start off with the soft rock/singer-songwriter era (Bread, The Carpenters, Carly Simon, James Taylor, Carole King), move through to the harder rock era (Stones, Who, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin) and then end with disco, punk and the beginning of New Wave. That's a lot of diversity for a 10 year period.
  5. Dude was totally trippin' balls. Which hey, if that's what you want to do with your life so be it......just don't go on TV looking like that.
  6. You do understand that bluegrass/country IS what Alison Krauss does, right?
  7. A lava lamp too? Throw on some Pink Floyd and you're ready to make a little whoopee.
  8. I don't do anything for Valentine's Day. I find it rather trite, to be honest. I don't need a Hallmark-created holiday to further remind me that at this point, no I don't have someone to buy me flowers and fattening chocolates. If I want them, I'll buy them for myself.
  9. I'm the same way. It really doesn't matter to me how long you studied guitar or how fast you can play or how many fancy tricks you know to make the guitar do this that or the other. To me, what kind of emotion do you wrench out of the notes? I'm more impressed with passion and artistry than technicality.
  10. If Page is sloppy, I wonder what some of you think of David Gilmour's playing. He isn't a technical genius either.
  11. The smell of fresh oatmeal raisin cookies wafting upstairs from the kitchen.
  12. Immigrant Song. That version on HTWWW is just too kick-ass.
  13. Gotta go with no to both. What I want and what I think will actually happen are sadly, not the same. There's a better chance of David Gilmour and Roger Waters getting on the same stage together again than there is of Led Zeppelin going back on the road. The one-off concert was a fantastic way of ending Led Zeppelin on a positive note, rather than how it originally ended. They got to ride on into the sunset with a crowd of adoring fans screaming for them, rather than with everyone crying and devastated. It's a lot better than most bands get for a swan song.
  14. Hard to choose between 1972 and 1973, but I with '73 in the end.
  15. I present the always beautiful David Gilmour:
  16. Ooh, I'm glad that this thread got resurrected. I've got some pics on my other computer to share here.
  17. It's called a "joke" and it's something people called "comedians" tell for these things called "laughs". It's weird, I know. A diss would have been an insult. I don't think Leno insulted him, although some people around here have a thin skin when it comes to the boys in the band. It's Jay Leno's job to tell crappy jokes for about 15 minutes before the interviews/musical performances begin.
  18. Absolutely! Go to http://www.listentoyoutube.com and copy/paste the address of the YouTube video. Click "Go" and then a short while later (depending on the size of the video), a link will appear at the bottom for you to click on. When you, you can then save the audio as an mp3 file to your computer (make sure you rename the file though, it'll say something generic instead of the actual song's title).
  19. No, that was the sketch he did with Andy Samburg. "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" is the one he did with Jimmy Fallon.
  20. Come on now, someone's musical taste shouldn't decide if you're friends with them. One of my closest friends thinks Britney Spears is actually a good singer. I happen to disagree. Doesn't mean we can't be friends. At least she loves Pink Floyd. LOL
  21. This was your first post on this board? Really? God, that sucked. Why don't you re-register under a new name and try again.
  22. I find your attitude to be pretty pathetic. And they're doing a second album, sorry to have to ruin your day with that news. God, some of you people need to get over it. Robert Plant has moved on in his career, it's time for you to move on too.
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