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Everything posted by planted

  1. Thanks, Kate. I hate to tell you, bit I am not that smart. I always get nervous posting about Health issues in the first place.
  2. Uh huh. Color is in a few weeks. I was impulsive yesterday and my stylist Pasquale only had time for a cut. We will bleach the crap out of it then!!
  3. Haha, yeah, like tits on a bull. Have a good day, Knebby.
  4. Thanks, Sean! I'm feeling pretty confident actually. So much so that I went and chopped all my hair off yesterday! It's 'pixie' season!
  5. Well, Knebby, we got the news feed right herein LZ.com! Who knew?
  6. I just submitted my very first article for a newsletter. The topic was sunscreen ingredients. I am so excited and hope my clients learn something!
  7. Thank the god of your choice the poor-excuse-for-a-human-being scumbag was videotaped.. Those are his own words. Period.
  8. I'm more concerned with bystanders walking around in a daze. Nobody owns a gun? If you don't think it matters what their beliefs are, you are horribly misguided and naive. Beliefs do matter and will almost ALWAYS be a driving force into such heinous acts. This is awful.
  9. planted

    Golf Talk

    Sergio Garcia is an ass.... GO TIGER!!!
  10. A completely appropriate comment given the circumstances. I am so goddamned tired of the political correctness. So here goes, hang on to your panties: Not all Muslims are terrorists. But so far, all of the terrorists have been Muslim. Take all the shots you want, but it's getting more and more difficult to ignore. Edited for spelling. p.s. 'From the hall of Montezuma, to the shores of ___________.' Los Angeles? No... Wellfleet? No..... Oh damn, it's on the tip of my tongue... Oh yeah, TRIPOLI. Where is Tripoli located boys and girls? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? You get 5 extra points if you can answer the bonus question: Where does the term 'leatherneck' originate?
  11. I can't imagine seeing a storm 2 miles wide coming at you, and there's nothing you can do. Those poor people. GIVE BLOOD.
  12. Spent a lovely morning in Providence, RI. Walking around the waterfront taking pictures, then stopped at Ri Ra Irish Pub for a Guinness and stew.
  13. I've decided to paint my living room Tiffany blue this summer.. I just have to find the company that offers the color!!!!
  14. Bingo, slave. You hit the nail on the head. 'Knowing' robs the patient of hope. Would you want to know you were going to get a disease for which there is no cure? What most patients also have to fear besides diagnosis is insurance coverage, something Ms Jolie is spared because of her particular circumstances. Nothing wrong with that, but...genetic testing is risky business. The December 24, 2012 issue of "Time" magazine deals with this very important and life altering decision. I highly recommend it. That's all for now. p.s. the BRCA (pronounced "brac") also reveals risk of ovarian cancer, which has little to no screening available.
  15. Dude, this is a LedZeppelin forum...I come here to let my hair down once in awhile. Get over it. And after everything this city has been through these past few weeks, Boston needed this win. Not to mention to stick in the face of that classy fan of Toronto's with 'the sign'...or was that you? I'm not apologizing for my early statement.
  16. Oh please. Get over yourself, this is playoff hockey...
  17. Don't get too excited, Boston.
  18. Me (to my kids): "What kind of Mom am I?" My daughter: "an annoying one" My son: "that's what I was thinking" Me (to myself): 'I must be doing something right'.
  19. planted


    Thanks, KB. I had to look that 'Treebeard' reference up I admit, since I am not a LOTR fan.
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