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Everything posted by planted

  1. My favorite comfort food is...wait for it.. a PB and mayo sandwich. No joke.
  2. I believe in Keeping most of what I earn every week, and defending your right to do the same. Music is the Universal language. Everything is relative. The truth always comes out.
  3. Kris....Kristene to be formally exact. And, don't ask about the spelling, I have no idea. (But, I've always liked being unique.) Thanks, Mom and Dad.
  4. My daughter has rented "Never say Never" (Justin Bieber). So, here I sit on the boards...I should be reading, though.
  5. So many hospital rooms are painted those putred colors!! We have a room that's all memorabilia from 1969. There are posters from Woodstock on the hallway walls, etc. Our infusion center is maroon and off white, stained glass, and a beautiful patio filled with flowers and birdfeeders. Off topic, I know, but I had to chime in about beige and pea green. Why is that? My fave is green...like Kelly, and lime green. NO SEAFOAM!!!
  6. Hi Kiwi_Zep_Fan87! I am so sorry for your losses. Cancer is an insidious disease. I work in an Oncology practice and an infusion center, and I can't tell you how awe struck I become by the families of these patients. My hats off to you! And, I am glad to hear your Mom is ok. We get a mix of patients who either love pink or go out of their way to avoid it. I get it. Which ever it is, it's impossible not to think about cancer when you see pink these days. Not a bad thing, IMHO. These people need all the help they can get. Peace.
  7. Green. Brings out the gold flecks in my baby blues...
  8. You don't owe me anything..(.well, I do love Hermes scarves, or Chanel...oh nevermind!!) ALL the credit goes to WZLX 100.7/Boston. They play "The Stairway to Seven" at, you guessed it, 7pm weeknights. A 3 song block party and fun little tid bits. Thank you for sharing! Look atchoo...seein Elvis 4 times. I was living in Europe when he died..my Mom cried for days.
  9. Actually, it was a she who took the photo. LOL. And she does beautiful work. Thanks for the kind words, btw.

  10. Thanks for the add!

  11. http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/music/led_zeppelin_meet_elvis.html
  12. planted


    Never. I can tell the difference between two names separated by only one letter. You had to ask. Although I am not the author of this thread, I'm making an educated guess it was meant more as a jest than a serious discussion. Jeeze.
  13. Freezing cold, windy and raw today. Hate this time of year in New England.
  14. I have just learned that a senior member of the Spec Ops (12 years on the job), earns around $54,000 annually. Think of that.
  15. See? This is one of the reasons I spend time on this board. Intelligent analysis and responsible discussion. Mr Zakaria is one of the most brilliant political minds today. Many thanks.
  16. I awakened this morning to my daughter telling me the news. She's 14, and was just a baby on 9/11. She asked the quintessential question, "What does this mean?" I'm embarassed to tell you I struggled with the answer, but gave her the facts as I knew them, that he was the leader of Al-Queida, who masterminded the attacks of 9/11. We went off in our own directions for the day, but still that gnawing question remained. This article has brought me closer to the answer. Thank you for posting this, saj. I will print and post this in my kitchen, as a constant reminder of what it means. American pride. Damn right.
  17. oh yeah, OVAH! the only way to 'go'.
  18. OMG...soooo funny! We must be the same age.
  19. Red and white lasagna is as simple as adding a top layer of Alfredo sauce and Parmesan cheese (shredded). Hence, the red (marinara) and white (alfredo). Very tasty.
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