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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Black Holes Matter! http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gravitational-waves-discovered-from-colliding-black-holes1/ Music of the spheres? https://physics.aps.org/articles/v9/17 http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35524440 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/02/11/cosmic-breakthrough-physicists-detect-gravitational-waves-from-violent-black-hole-merger/
  2. Alligator chili...with extra shakes of Crystal's Louisiana Hot Sauce. Damn good.
  3. Absolutely they knew...just as the tobacco companies knew nicotine was addictive. One of the evil figures in this whole saga is the execrable Elliot Pellman (I refuse to call him "Dr."). http://deadspin.com/why-is-the-nfls-most-infamous-quack-still-involved-in-i-1746274559 There is also a thorough article on Pellman on that website I posted yesterday...look for the article in the far right column titled "Doctor Yes".
  4. Laissez bon temps rouler!

  5. Starting the day off right. If you love ham, make sure you make Nick's Cafe your destination whenever you're in Los Angeles. It's near Chinatown.
  6. ^^^Patrycja, here's a good resource for the concussion problem in the NFL: http://profootballconcussions.com/document-archive/ Walter, I didn't realize so many ex-Cowboys were plaintiffs.
  7. I like you're thinking, chef. I wouldn't want Durant in Golden State, either. Let him go to Washington. Lakers at Cavs for Kobe's final game in Cleveland. Down 20 at the half.
  8. I agree with Bong-Man. If you were smart enough to save your money and can walk away financially secure and with your wits and legs still in one piece, why not? A team is lucky to get 4-5 productive seasons out of a running back, so Lynch was above the curve already. He is now at the age when running backs show a marked decline. With a Super Bowl ring and Hall of Fame stats already, I don't blame Lynch for walking away. I applaud him for being one of the few athletes smart about their money. So many athletes burn through their multimillions nonsensically, paying for ridiculous entourages and scumbag leeches they call "friends". Calvin Johnson's early retirement makes even more sense, as receiver is also a high-risk position and he plays for one of the saddest, pathetic organizations in sports...the Detroit Lions. In Marshawn Lynch's case you could argue that he is giving up a chance to win another Super Bowl or a rushing title, etc. But Calvin Johnson has no such green pasture on the horizon in Detroit...there is no Super Bowl in Motown's future. Why risk life-and-limb for a stinko franchise that will never be anything above mediocre? So...goodbye Calvin...goodbye Marshawn. Thanks for the memories and good for you getting out before brain damage gets you.
  9. I really hope Sting wheezes his medieval madrigals...that'll wow the NBA crowd. Especially his tortured version of "Cold Song", a far far cry from the brilliant Klaus Nomi performance.
  10. Nooooooooooooo! Another piece of my childhood gone. Sam Spence, the man whose music gave grace and verve to the NFL highlights in the 1960s and '70s, has died. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/09/sports/football/sam-spence-who-set-the-fierce-dance-of-the-nfl-to-music-in-film-dies-at-88.html
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/09/sports/football/sam-spence-who-set-the-fierce-dance-of-the-nfl-to-music-in-film-dies-at-88.html
  12. After surviving Super Bowl Hangover Monday at work, I treated myself to a Ribeye steak dinner.
  13. Yeah, you need this to wipe that Coldsnooze out of your head.
  14. ^^^Thanks Walter and everyone else who had a good time. With the NFL season over I am taking a breather. Baseball is Paul's baby, and as for the NBA or NHL, that'll have to be up to someone besides me.
  15. ^^^"...mature cool vibe"? No way...I want Bob & Doug McKenzie!!! In my opinion, Sting hasn't done a decent album since "Ten Summoner's Tales".
  16. You, jb126, SANBR and paul all finished the playoffs at 8-3. But since paul and SANBR picked Denver, that gave them a leg up on you and jb126, who chose the Super Bowl loser, Carolina. Then, to break the tie between SANBR and paul, the points decided that...with paul being closer to 34 than SANBR. Just as you finished in third ahead of jb126 by dint of your points being closer to 34 than jb126's. All the other ties were settled the same way...that's why Junior finished ahead of Mrs. W. Understand now?
  17. ^^^4 for 25...but your point is well taken. They ended the game a dismal record-breaking 4 for 29. For sloppy, lackluster play and boredom, it reminded me of Super Bowl V between Dallas and Baltimore Colts in 1971. Turnovers, penalties, punts and ultra-conservative playcalling.
  18. +1 Don't hide your feelings...don't beat around the bush. Tell us how you really feel.
  19. Oh gawd, you just know some no-talent miscreant such as Pitbull or Rihanna will make a special appearance to appease the hiphop crowd. Much like the way Beyonce was thrown in with Coldplay at the Super Bowl.
  20. What happened to you, dude?
  21. The game was sloppy and, apart from Von Miller, unmemorable. Luckily, we were drinking and blazing so much that by the fourth quarter it didn't matter...we were entertaining ourselves. Didn't see any post-game antics because we turned it off as soon as Peyton Manning smooched Papa John and put on the Rolling Stones Marquee 1971 DVD. I surely didn't want to see smug Roger Goodell giving the Super Bowl trophy to the Broncos (Shoulda been the Patriots...Shoulda been the Patriots). But good for Von Miller and DeMarcus Ware winning their first Super Bowl. Cowboy fans must be hurt that Ware didn't win it in a Cowboy uniform. I expect to hear Peyton announce his retirement any minute now. There's no reason to delay and certainly no reason to come back. He can do the rare thing...retire as a champion. Go out on top. The first QB to 200 wins and a Super Bowl victory in his final game. Two SBs also ties little brother Eli, so he's not behind in the family anymore. If he comes back, it'll be sad...Kobe Bryant sad.
  22. From one California Man to another, Happy 25th Birthday Glyn! Cheers.
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