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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Valhalla - he is coming! Well done, res.
  2. Bella bella bella!!! Simply gorgeous...love your tableware Dd!
  3. Almost forgot to take pictures of the Christmas spread...so a lot of it was already eaten by the time I remembered to take a photo. But here's a few... Christmas fudge, lemon bars, magic bars. Pesto puff pastry tree. My Christmas dinner plate...ham, stuffed mushrooms, mash potatoes 'n' gravy, yams with pecan crunch topping, Grand Marnier cranberry sauce, asparagus.
  4. I have been urged and prodded to post this photo for days. My resistance has worn down and in the spirit of Christmas, I am giving in...Merry Christmas.
  5. Just saw "The Big Short". Wow! Who would have guessed the director of "Talladega Night" and "Anchorman" would be the one to turn Michael Lewis' brilliant book into a scathingly funny but also emotionally rueful film about the 2008 economic meltdown spurred by the collapse of the housing market that was propped for years on bad sub-prime mortgages and loans. Though the film is frequently hilarious, you could also call this movie an American Horror Story...although it is scarier than any Jason or Freddie movie because this actually happened (and could happen again) and the victims were real. What is exceptional about "The Big Short" is the way it takes Wall Street banking mumbo-jumbo and illustrates the financial concepts in a clear and entertaining fashion. Two of my favourite bits were Margot Robbie in a bubble-bath and Anthony Bourdain in the kitchen. Some of the visual razzle-dazzle is unnecessary...particularly in the opening scenes of the film. It's as if director Adam McKay was trying too hard to impress millennials with his ADD editing style. Fortunately after the first 10 minites, when Adam establishes most of the characters and their milieu, the film settles down into a more natural rhythm. Stick with it in the beginning and you'll be rewarded later. As jb126 noted above, the cast is great. Steve Carrell has never been better, in my opinion, and Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, and Ryan Gosling (who I didn't even recognize at first) are all terrific. My favourite of the cast might have been Jeremy Strong. In some ways, this film reminded me of the British satire "In the Loop". One thing is for sure, it blows away that incoherent mess "The Wolf of Wall St." and the useless "Wall St." sequel. And you get a great Led Zeppelin song at the end! "The Big Short" belongs on the short list of must-see movies right now. I can't wait to see it again.
  6. Whether you are cold or hot, have yourself a merry Christmas.
  7. I remember...one of your best Zeppelin banners.
  8. Last day before Christmas...a day for Christmas music extremes. From awful (Bob) to awesome (Vince).
  9. Going to try and see this today. Lot of good films out now...recently saw and liked "Carol", "The Danish Girl", "Room", "Hitchcock/Truffaut". "Macbeth" and "Revenant" were sadly meh. "Son of Saul" is on my go-see list along with "The Big Short" and "Spotlight". Don't forget action fans..."The Hateful 8" opens on Christmas Day for those who have had their fill of candy canes and Santa Claus and holiday good cheer.
  10. Well, well, well, look who had a birthday today...our newcomer to the football pool and Bronco fan Steal Away Now Baby Rose. Hope you were able to pull your nose out of a study book and celebrate your birthday. Crikey! You're only 20...still too young to drink legally. Happy birthday anyway!
  11. Wrapping presents, drinking wine, and watching a logjam of cool stuff on TV tonight: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the original Boris Karloff TV special), I Love Lucy Christmas Special on CBS, Adele Live in New York City on NBC, and the entire lineup of Sinatra that TCM aired today that I recorded..."Happy Holidays with Frank & Bing", "The Miracle of the Bells", "High Society", and "Robin & the 7 Hoods".
  12. Oh dear...more computer glitches? Tell him it's all good...his pick is in safely. I hope he gets the problem solved by the weekend. If not, he can post his picks through you.
  13. It's Christmas Hump Day in America...Wednesday on Christmas week. Less than 48 hours to go. Who is ready for Friday? Who is ready to collapse? Who procrastinated and will have to spend Thursday and Friday among the barbarian hordes doing their last-minute Christmas shopping? Merry Christmas (Happy Christmas! for our forum pals in the English Empire) to one and all. Happy Festivus, too! Peaceful blessings and warm wishes for a Happy New Year! May 2016 be a prosperous one for you...and maybe one with some new Jimmy Page music.
  14. I didn't see the game. Had to catch the replay the next day. Ridiculous...another blotch on the shameful season the referees are having this year. They need to fire 75% of the refs working today and start over with a fresh group of fully trained, full-time, well-paid referees. And no more hiding the refs from the media when the bungle a call. Hold them accountable.
  15. I have chosen the wine for the Christmas feast. Now all that's left is to make the desserts and the Grand Marnier Cranberry Sauce...here's the recipe, Dd: Homemade Grand Marnier Cranberry Sauce 1 12-ounce package fresh cranberries 1 1/4 cup granulated sugar Juice of two oranges (any kind -- about 1 cup) Zest of 1 orange 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier liquor Plop all the ingredients into a heavy stock pot. Simmer on low (be sure to cover!) for about twenty minutes. You will hear the berries start popping and that is OK. Stir occasionally and make sure heat is very low. Refrigerate. Can be made up to four days ahead.
  16. Looks like you're on a "Trampled Under Foot" binge, PC.
  17. What a nice, level-headed response. Thanks.
  18. Ay ay, yes you do, mi amiga. Unfortunately your package will not be arriving in time for Christmas...nor will a few others on my Christmas list. Even more confounding, I forgot to keep a list of what I was sending to whom and now I am at a loss as to who got what and have probably sent duplicate presents to some people.
  19. December 22, 1972 Alexandra Palace, London, England. Wendy "Riot House" version. It's been a long time since I've cranked a Led Zeppelin concert but man cannot live on Christmas music alone. Since today is December 22 it is only fitting I pulled out this December 22 Alexandra Palace show from 1972. For some reason, this is never a show I readily put on but when I do, I am always surprised by its quality. I have just listened to the first disc and this show immediately announces itself as one of the finer entries of the 1972/1973 Winter Tour. Unlike some shows on this tour that take a while for Plant to find his voice and the band to sizzle, this opening night at the chilly Alexandra finds the band firing on all cylinders from the get-go. "Rock and Roll", "OTHAFA", "Black Dog" are seismic...this is one of my favourite early pre-release OTHAFAs. "SIBLY" is stunning and the audience tape captures the sexy tone of Jimmy's Les Paul in all its eargasmic glory. The only glitch so far is Jimmy and Bonzo getting a bit lost in "Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp". "TSRTS" and "Rain Song" finish Disc 1 in a magickal spectrum of sound. Now on to Disc 2 and "Dazed and Confused"...
  20. Happy birthday anniemouse! It's your day to roar! Have a blast and celebrate with friends and family! Oh, and it is FunkyPhantom's birthday, too...a sprightly 23 years old today. Have yourself a funky birthday! Since you two share the birthday of December 22, here is your Birthday Show...Led Zeppelin at Alexandra Palace December 22, 1972.
  21. Since I am spending Christmas with others, I have no control over the cooking this year. My brother and sister-in-law are vegan, I think there's a gluten-intolerant or two among the guests and maybe even a vegetarian or two. Going by prior Christmas dinners, roasted ham and turkey will most likely be the centerpiece. I will let you know the specifics after the fact. I will definitely be bringing wine to the festivities. Still narrowing the specific vintner and vintage selection, but a bottle each of rosé, zinfandel, malbec or pinot noir, and eiswein will be accompanying me on Christmas day. Depending on time, I might make some treats to take along as well...some Magic Bars and Christmas fudge perhaps.
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