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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Sign me up!!! Why would she regret it? It still retains its value and because it was a special binding limited to a small number, the quality and uniqueness of those first editions still remains the same. When you're dealing with books or even records, the first edition or pressing is always going to be desirable. A first edition of Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is still mint no matter how many times it's been republished over the years. I doubt a single owner of the first run of Genesis' Jimmy Page book regrets their purchase. Ten or twenty years from now it could be worth $100,000.
  2. I have a friend who has a friend who is a professor at Berklee, so six degrees and all that, haha.
  3. All of these positions have been iterated and known for some time, though. That's what I meant by this being "old news". All this article does is give the Robert-haters another chance to bash him.
  4. Actually, they have...and Jones didn't even say anything in this Rolling Stone piece. Plant went on record years ago about his distaste for the lawyers and legalese involved with the O2 show and there was nothing in this latest Rolling Stone rehash that hasn't been published before in previous interviews and stories. "Globally accurate"? What does that even mean? There's one big inaccuracy right off the bat...the idea that Jones only played keyboards during the Live Aid reunion. Jones did play bass on Rock and Roll and WLL. It was only on Stairway that Jones played keyboards while they had Plant's bassist play bass.
  5. Old news, really. Typical Rolling Stone.
  6. It was automatic in the old days perhaps. These days he's more likely to have Ross Halfin in tow than a guitar. But given how adept Fallon is at musical mimicry...have you seen his Neil Young or Jim Morrison impersonations?...one has to hope that maybe there'll be a Dueling Jimmys segment! Or maybe Fallon can do Robert Plant and have Jimmy accompany him, just as Fallon has the real Bruce Springsteen join him when he impersonates Neil Young? Walter is right about one thing: ?uestlove will be busting out the Zeppelin all night long!
  7. Everyone seems to be backing away from Manziel and Clowney. Hmmm.
  8. Damn Yankees. If the Angels can't take advantage of the Yankees weak pitching then they have no chance of keeping up with Oakland and Texas.
  9. Thanks for this, Kayley! Always a treat when any unseen footage sees the light of day. Looking forward to ledzepfilm's sync job. What would really thrill me would be if any film of the July 23/24 1979 Copenhagen warmup shows surfaced!
  10. Great. But let's not jump the gun...I doubt he'll be playing. More likely talking about the Berklee honour and the upcoming Zeppelin releases.
  11. Have zosorose and aen27 set up camp at Berklee yet? I expect round-the-clock reports from our esteemed Pagettes.
  12. Yes I did, and as I noted above, if Jordan wants to prevent that from happening again, he needs to make his free throws. It's puzzling for any player not to be able to make at least half his free throws. Hey Paul, bummed your boy Lebron didn't win MVP? I think the Heat thrash the Nets by double-digits tonight. But I'm not betting on it, haha.
  13. ^^^ Say Hey! Indeed, PC...one of the all-time legends of the game. Happy birthday to the Say Hey Kid! Yes, that was entertaining but Joe has a ways to go before he's even close to Earl Weaver's or Tommy Lasorda's level, hehe. After the Angels pitching let them down in their weekend series against Texas, it was nice to play a team with seemingly worse pitching woes than the Angels. Still cannot believe that 8th inning...walk after walk after walk after walk...and with two outs no less. Angels didn't have to swing the bat. 49 total pitches thrown by the Yankee's pitchers in that 8th inning...most of them balls. For Yankee fans it must have seemed like Chinese Water Torture. But who knows what happens tonight...it could be the Angels' pitchers who blow it as they have done this season.
  14. With the Kings and Clippers games already in the books, the Angels completed the trifecta, securing the last out in their 4-1 victory over the Yankees at 10:17pm. It was a tight pitcher's duel for 7 innings and then, the 8th proved the crucial point. First, Jered Weaver escaped out of a bases-loaded nobody out jam with the help of a great double-play by Kendrick. Then the Yankee's pitching collapsed...6 walks in the 8th inning, 5 consecutively as the Yankees walked in 3 Angel runs!!! Frieri closed out a 1-2-3 ninth to seal the win.
  15. My lucky Angel shirt came thru again! At 9:48 pm. the horn sounded on the Kings hard-fought victory over the Ducks at the Pond. The score was 3-1 but it was 2-1 for most of the game until a late empty-netter by Williams gave LA breathing room. Kings defense really smothered the Ducks. I tip my hat to you Rick. I thought your prediction of the Kings in 4 or 5 was wildly over-optimistic. Series shifts to Staples now with a chance for LA to close it out at home. I still fear the Blackhawks, though. Chicago beat the Kings last year and they'll have home-ice advantage again. About the shirt reference...for the first three games of the Kings vs. Sharks series, I wore a Kings shirt. They lost each time. For the fourth game, I decided to wear one of my favourite Angel shirt because the Angels were playing the Rangers that same day. The Angels lost but the Kings won! Then for Game 5 I wore the Angel shirt again and the Kings won!! I have now won the same Angel shirt for each Kings game since and they keep winning...six straight games so far. Does anybody else have sports talismans or superstitions?
  16. Watching three games simultaneously, this was the first one to finish, the Clippers stomping of OKC ending at 9:10pm. Strange how OKC was lethargic...with OKC at home and not having to travel, you would have expected the Clippers to be the more tired team. A total ass-whupping. How OKC responds in Game 2 will determine if this series goes more than 4 or 5 games.
  17. ^^^ Whaddya know, Rick, all three teams won. Hope you made bank.
  18. If the Clippers shoot like this, the sky's the limit. But I think we know the shooting will eventually cool off. And DeAndre Jordan better work on his free throws or OKC might employ the Hack-a-Jordan method.
  19. Absolutely! We'll try to help the Os out by sweeping the Yanks. Do you have money down on all three games?
  20. It's a sports logjam tonight. My view from the local pub: Clippers @ OKC, Yankees @ Angels, Kings @ Ducks.
  21. It's final. 3-3. Astonishing result. Liverpool's porous defense reared its head at the worst time. From a certain victory and a chance to cut into Man City's goal differential to a fookin' draw. And the 24 year drought continues. Damn...what a shift in momentum that last 15 minutes was. Okay...maybe I jumped the gun. Technically, Liverpool still has a chance, depending on Man City's results, but it does seem grim at the moment. Poor Gerrard. Poor Suarez.
  22. That's thinking positive! 'Atta girl!
  23. Hi JTM! Can you believe this? Unbelievable.
  24. This is madness! From a 3-0 Liverpool lead to a 3-3 draw in just 20 minutes or so. Is Joe from Liverpool still about? He must be having a heart attack!
  25. Strider


    I just hope they leave Kim out of it! Chloe yes! Kim NO!
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