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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Which is why I, Nutrocker, and others, have discussed listening to the audio and not watch the video. The concert seems much better as a purely audio experience without the distraction of the lethargic appearance of the band.
  2. It has always been one of my favourite latter-day Led Zeppelin performances. Probably third after 6.23 and 6.21 1977. Had the triple-vinyl set for decades until it was recently stolen.
  3. It is one triple-album set with each album a different colour: one disc red, one disc blue, and one clear.
  4. As Barbara Lewis would say, "Hello stranger...it seems like a mighty long time." Yes, our fearless leader Sam Webmaster already posted it here...go back a page and you'll see it.
  5. I'll give it a go, too. WEST Kings over San Jose Dallas over Ducks Colorado over Minnesota St. Louis over Chicago EAST Boston over Detroit Montreal over Tampa Bay Pittsburgh over Columbus NY Rangers over Philadelphia
  6. Come on, Rick, aren't you just a little concerned that Trump will be more like Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder than Goerge Steinbrenner? What guarantee is there that Trump won't try to move the Bills to Brooklyn or somewhere in the Metropolitan New York area?
  7. Most of his supposed business success has been shown to be a fraud.
  8. This is heartbreaking to read. I don't know you or your circumstances well enough to tell you what to do. If you have exhausted all other options for getting financial assistance and feel this is your only path, then who am I to say "don't sell!" Obviously your family's needs come first. But there is one part of your post that I do feel qualified to address, Plantpothead...this: Don't you believe it...not for a minute. Whether you have Led Zeppelin memorabilia or not is not a prerequisite for being a member of this forum...or even a fan of the band. You don't have to own anything by the band to love their music. You're plenty worthy of this forum and I hope you stick around. I do know how gutted you feel having to sell your collection. I have had stuff of mine stolen or lost in fire, etc. over the years and some I've never been able to replace. But in the end, it is just stuff. They aren't people. They aren't your family. Whatever your crisis, I wish you luck in resolving it. Oh, and keep your scrapbook...you deserve at least to keep that.
  9. Ummm..."Be careful what you wish for" is the first thought that comes to mind with this news.
  10. Tie goes to the runner. Tie Goes To The Runner. TIE GOES TO THE RUNNER!
  11. Well that was pretty cool and worth staying up late to watch. Very colourful having the Blue Star Spica and red Mars nearby, too.
  12. ^^^ Cleveland and Houston would definitely be in one of the #7-#10 slots. Perhaps Detroit or St. Louis, too. Regarding San Francisco, Led Zeppelin was scheduled to play the 1975 Day on the Green for two days in Oakland but had to cancel when Plant had his accident in August. They ended up playing their final American shows in the Bay Area at the 1977 Day on the Green shows.
  13. Hahaha, your video copy must be 100th generation. That's no turtleneck on Jimmy...that's a scarf. And I believe Bonzo is merely wearing the tour robe that each member of the band had. You can see Jimmy and Robert wearing a similar robe in a Neal Preston photo taken at an airport during either the 1975 or 1977 tour.
  14. No question both these are fantastic...and 7.24.79 is definitely often overlooked. But I still say the solo on 6.22.77 rules all!
  15. BlyZeppelinaren, as I mentioned in my review, the Godfatherecords is the best version out there of the videotrack/soundboard...much better than the sound on the VHS tape. Another way to go is the audience tape.
  16. Pretty clear skies out here, too, for the Blood Moon. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/04/14/griffith-observatory-to-stay-open-late-for-blood-moon-eclipse/ http://wnep.com/2014/04/08/a-blood-moon-is-coming-when-you-can-see-the-lunar-eclipse/
  17. Something for Passover, which begins at sundown tonight. http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-79881763/
  18. ^^^ Thank you, New York Mets! Y'all come back now, ya' hear? Like your new baseball emoticon PC.
  19. At the risk of seeming conceited, here's my take on the Seattle Kingdome show I wrote a while back. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/19420-71777-reappraising-the-seattle-kingdome-show/?fromsearch=1
  20. Drum roll, please... At long last! A chance to see Kenneth Anger's "Lucifer Rising" with Jimmy Page's music on the big screen! http://cinespia.org/event/kenneth-anger/ All previous times I have seen it shown, it has been with Bobby Beausoleil's score.
  21. Yes, Millard. As in Mike Millard. Every Led Zeppelin fan should know about Mike Millard...you cannot adequately address and discuss Led Zeppelin's live output without acknowledging his contributions. If you're a collector of live shows, sooner or later, you will acquire a Mike Millard show. It is inevitable. Mike Millard was a guy who lived in L.A. who taped many of the concerts he went to...Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, etc. Seemingly every major rock concert at the Forum, Sports Arena, or Long Beach Arena, from 1975 on to 1980 was recorded by Mike Millard. He would use a wheelchair to smuggle in his Nakamichi Tape deck and AKG microphones and was a master at timing his tape-flips. He didn't like bootleggers and didn't like it when his tapes made it into bootlegger's hands. Apparently he battled with severe depression most of his life, eventually committing suicide in 1990. Some reports say that he destroyed all his master concert tapes before killing himself. Others say they are safely in his family's hands. I have no idea. Only that I would do just about anything to hear them just once. Some of Mike the Mike's recordings: One of Millard's Pink Floyd recordings... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh1AaH0Lgck&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  22. What do you do with leftover lobster? Lobster grilled cheese sandwiches!
  23. It is my considered opinion that if you have never seen Robert Plant in concert before, you owe it to yourself to go at least once whenever you get the chance. The same goes for the other surviving members of Led Zeppelin: John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page. You say you'll be in Paris when Robert has his concert, so to me, that's an easy decision to make: GO! If you're still on the fence about going, you should check out some concert clips on YouTube from last year's tour. Search Robert Plant Live 2013...look up the songs "Tin Pan Valley", "Whole Lotta Love", "The Enchanter", "Four Sticks", "Going to California", "In the Mood". These will give you a feel for what his band and concerts are like today. If you still feel that you'll be upset at not hearing "Stairway to Heaven" and "Kashmir", then I guess you shouldn't go.
  24. Ummm...wasn't April Fool's Day last week? Your profile doesn't say how old you are or where you're from, so assuming you are serious and really have been unaware of Robert Plant's oeuvre post-Zeppelin and don't know that a Robert Plant concert is not the same as a Led Zeppelin concert, I will direct you to this website where you can research his past setlists: http://www.setlist.fm/setlists/robert-plant-3d6b19b.html Not sure where you got the idea Stairway to Heaven was a part of his setlist. If it was because of the "Celebration Day" DVD, that concert was a one-time only thing.
  25. It is all a matter of willpower. I simply want to cleanse my palate, so-to-speak, and try to recreate the circumstances of when I first heard Led Zeppelin. So, not only am I not listening to any Zeppelin, I am only listening to music from 1968 and before...Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Hendrix, Cream, Who, Yardbirds, Donovan, Janis Joplin, all the stuff I was listening to before Led Zeppelin's first record dropped. On June 3, when these new box sets are released, I want it to be a kind of simulation of when I first got that first Led Zeppelin album.
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