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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Call me callous, but that was my reaction, too, Lakey. I mean, given all the circumstances, you could almost say it was preordained...a foregone conclusion. Given the state of many clubs and venues around the world, particularly in Third World countries, it's a wonder these tragedies don't happen more often. Frankly, it's a miracle I'm alive after some of the unsafe club and concert situations I found myself in around the world. You might say I played with fire and lived to tell.
  2. You are so right...I got him confused; he sounds like a Brit sometimes. Whether he takes that as a compliment or a slur is up to him.
  3. So as not to pollute/confuse the other NFL threads with non-football talk, I figured this deserved a stand-alone thread. This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, and as such, represents the final FEAST that is the Holy Trifecta of Feasting in America: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Super Bowl Sunday!!! This thread is for discussion of your Super Bowl food plans...your menu, recipes to share, food questions and advice, pictures of the feast and aftermath, etc. I finalized my contributions to this Sunday's feast and shopped over the past weekend. My brother is handling grilling the steaks and chicken and they'll have the usual array of chips, dip, guacamole, corn on the cob, salads that are de riguer at our Super Bowl Sundays. What I will be making: Spicy grilled prawns Fish kabobs Veggie kabobs Macaroni & cheese Rhode Island Clear Clam Chowder Crudités Hummus Gloop Fudge brownies with bacon There will be plenty of beverages...wine, beer, cider, juices, cokes, and water. There will be around 10 of us, total, maybe 12. I'll make the macaroni & cheese, chowder, and brownies on Saturday, and also prep the prawns overnight. For those curious, here's where I discovered the Rhode Island clear chowder recipe: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/19/food/la-fo-master-class-20130119 http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-74066923/
  4. Strider


    You took the words out of my mouth...thank you, Black Dawg! Wes tries to portray this as an isolated incident but he's a repeat offender. I've seen him do this at least three or four other times; fobbing someone else's words and work off as his own. Cite your source, please, at all times. It's helpful to Sam to keep media organizations from harrassing this forum over uncredited copyright violations. I, too, am glad Djokovic beat Murray; after Federer, Djokovic is my second favourite player on the men's side. Being in California, the match started at midnight(for both women's and men's finals), so I was up until the wee hours watching until the conclusion. Poor Rick...his favourite, Maria the Grunter, didn't make it to the finals. Neither did the Williams sisters. Just a statistical anomaly? Or are we seeing the decline of the Williams/Sharapova era?
  5. Right. Because people in England never drink sodas/cokes/colas/soft drinks. Look, I applaud you and chillumpuffer's exemplary diet. You have embraced the spirit of this thread completely with your mouth-watering descriptions of your latest home-cooked repast. I especially look forward to CP's posts, as we seem to be on the same wavelength...we both love seafood and spicy foods. I've learned a couple new interesting preparations for fish reading his posts. But with globalization and the far-reach of multinationals, including the British company Tesco, to pretend that obesity is only a North American problem is living with blinders on. You cannot fool me...I've been to the UK and Europe and you two are in the minority. There are just as many elephants waddling the aisles of Tesco and SuperValu, their carts stuffed with cokes, cheesy puffs, crisps, and all manner of over-salted, over-sugared, and over-processed 'food'...basically, anything in the yellow food group...as there are in America. Besides, that photo doesn't really tell us anything about the context...that cart full of soda could be for a party or some event. Maybe that person's employer sent them to buy supplies for an office party or some function? Had a mexican breakfast today: Machaca and eggs and avocados. Coffee and juice.
  6. Oh dear...this is not how I wanted to come back to the forum after being away for the weekend. Such distressing news. April, as bad as it was I am thankful at least you weren't in the house at the time it happened. I hope your insurance doesn't sctew you. You definitely deserve a break from bad luck after your recent Trilogy of Terror. Let the Fates move on and pick on somebody else for a change...send them my way. Will this delay your impending move?
  7. You're way off base in regards to your comments about Pete Townshend. Completely wrong.
  8. Strider

    Supermodel Jimmy

    Come on, Jimmy...give us your Blue Steel!!!
  9. ^^^ Aww, you beat me to it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz6mrfwNUU4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AwaiAturyQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. I guess it depends on whether the tape that surfaces is a Soundboard or an audience. Also, it could depend on the city. Does Dallas have a history of good audience recordings like Los Angeles, Osaka, or Seattle? What about St. Louis?
  12. No. Actually, you're kind of late to the party. Hell, I threw dirt on their season months ago...and I'm a die-hard Laker fan. But I'm also a realist. The Lakers currently stand at 17-25. To get the #8 seed and make the playoffs, they most likely need to go 31-9 the rest of the way. Not bloody likely the way they've been playing. And now there are whispers of a Dwight Howard to the Clippers rumour. All hail your new New Orleans PELICANS!!!
  13. SR, that was similar to my experience in 1973, when my strict stepmother allowed my hippie uncle in San Francisco to take me to the Kezar Stadium show, which I've related elsewhere. It was one thing to let my Big Brother to take me to shows; he was vetted by the organization and she had met him and approved of him. But she was usually at odds with her uncle over his lifestyle choices, so that was a big shock when she relented to my whining. I have a sneaking suspicion her reason for relenting was similar to your mom's response...she wanted me away so she could get her groove on. Here's another eerie similarity, SR...both of us were 9 when we saw our first Led Zeppelin concert. As my first was June 25, 1972, I was still technically 9 years and 10 months and 26 days old. Back to Atlanta '77...have only heard bits here and there but don't have the complete concert, as the sound quality can be off-putting. I wonder what the taper's reaction was when he got home and listening to his tape, realized he'd pretty much wasted his opportunity. What is known about this guy? Was he a one-and-done taper, or had he taped other Atlanta concerts, either prior or after the Zeppelin gig? Did he learn from his mistake and his tapes get better?
  14. ^^^ You beat me to it, ledzepfvr...but yes, I agree, this is much ado about nothing. It's been done at Inaugurations and Super Bowls for years now...hell, even the great Yo Yo Ma cello-synced his performance at the 2008 Inauguration because of the freezing cold. This is a mere drop in the bucket...no big deal and certainly nothing to get outraged about.
  15. Tickets went on sale today at noon for the concert at the Hollywood Palladium that will take place after the Los Angeles premiere of the "Sound City" documentary at the Arclight Hollywood, January 31. I'll definitely be trying to figure out a way into this show...the line-up looks killer: Joining Dave Grohl for the Palladium concert will be John Fogerty, Stevie Nicks, Rick Nielsen, Pat Smear, Chris Goss, Alain Johannes(2nd guitarist on the TCV tour), Lee Ving, and plenty more...not to mention his usual Foo Fighter-mates. Anybody pooh-poohing this show can go to hell as far as I'm concerned...this concert is going to kick ass. The following article appeared in the L.A. Times: Dave Grohl's 'Sound City' film gets L.A. premiere, all-star concert By Mikael Wood, January 15, 2013 Los Angeles Times "Sound City" is coming home. After a world premiere Friday night at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Dave Grohl will bring his documentary on the famed Van Nuys recording studio to L.A. on Jan. 31, the Foo Fighters frontman announced Tuesday. The film examines the story of Sound City -- where Nirvana's "Nevermind," among many other albums, was recorded -- through archival footage and interviews with artists including Neil Young, Stevie Nicks, John Fogerty, Josh Homme and Rick Springfield. (Watch a trailer below.) In addition to the movie, Grohl has made an album of new songs with help from some of those famous friends, an appealingly motley assortment of whom will perform at the Palladium following the "Sound City" showing at Hollywood's ArcLight Cinemas. According to the statement, those due to appear include Nicks, Fogerty, Springfield, Brad Wilk of Rage Against the Machine, Cheap Trick guitarist Rick Nielsen and Lee Ving of the great L.A. punk band Fear. Tickets for the Palladium gig -- which Pop & Hiss has been told may feature additional unannounced luminaries -- go on sale through Ticketmaster at noon Pacific time Wednesday. "Sound City" begins a theatrical run in L.A. on Feb. 1 at West Hollywood's Sundance Sunset Cinemas. The accompanying album, "Sound City: Real to Reel," is due out March 12.
  16. ^^^ ZEPFAN17, are you actually watching these movies now, or just posting random films from the past that you like? I had the same feeling about "The Hobbit", RH. I read the book as a kid and because I loved it, that led me into "The Lord of the Rings". After the Ralph Bakshi disaster in the 70s, I pretty much resigned myself into thinking that the Tolkien books were unfilmable. Lo and behold, the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy wowed and stunned me by how good it was. Needless to say, I was looking forward to "The Hobbit" when news first was reported...especially as Guillermo del Toro("Chronos", "Pan's Labyrinth") was to be the director. MGM's financial woes contributed to many delays and del Toro was out and Peter Jackson in the director's chair again. But when I saw it last month or whenever opening day was, at the end I didn't feel like I did at the end of "Fellowship of the Ring", the first part of LOTR. It was okay, but with the exception of the Riddle scene between Bilbo and Gollum, nothing wowed me. I'm so bored now with CGI orcs and elves. One problem is that while LOTR is three separate books, "The Hobbit" is one, so splitting the book into THREE separate movies smacks of overkill, and deprives the first film of having an ending or story arch. It just ends because that's the part of the story they happen to be when the time is up. I also think it would have been better to make "The Hobbit" first, then LOTR. As "The Hobbit" was written more for children and serves as a preamble to the deeper and darker LOTR, there's a sense of "we've been here before" redundancy to "The Hobbit". One question for you RH: Did you watch the regular version or the 48fps 3d version? I hate 3d and I heard that the high frame rate made the movie look like video...one friend said it looked like all those old British shows PBS used to air on Masterpiece Theatre. So I saw it in the regular 2d version. Andy Serkis as Gollum was by far the best thing about "The Hobbit", followed by Ian McKellan's wry and amusing Gandalf the Grey.
  17. Only $10.95 at the Thai restaurant. You're right...and Froot Loops, too. I think it was Rick who suggested Paul change his avatar to a froot loop. Wasn't it Jim Fixx, the man who popularized jogging, who died young having a heart attack while running? I'd rather live well than live long.
  18. This was my reaction, too, Ally. It seems nothing amuses certain people today more than attacking and antagonizing other people and filming it to put up on YouTube. There are groups that go around picking fights or raping girls and having their buddies film it with their iPhones. Then they spread the footage around to their friends. Apparently cheap notoriety is all you need to be popular these days. Some of these clips Charles has been posting have the same stench of being 'staged' about them. Let me be clear and add that I'm not saying that Charles himself staged them. I had an interesting experience on the subway this past Monday. I've been riding the subway in Los Angeles for 20 years since it began in 1993...January 30, 1993 to be exact. Never had one problem in all that time. Then, on Monday morning, for the first time I was stuck in the tunnel. The subway had just left the station and halfway to the next station, it just died and would not move...forward or backward. For almost 30 minutes we were just sitting there, waiting for a repair tech to come out and fix the problem. It turned out to be a faulty brake on the lead car. But here's the thing...nobody lost their temper or got angry or excited. We all remained calm and cool and just waited patiently for the problem to be fixed. I was kind of proud of my fellow citizens at that moment.
  19. Oh yeah, our Mr. White is a paragon of virtue...doesn't own a tv, eats nothing but blackberries and water, leaves a small carbon footprint. And yet, Paul Carruthers with his diet of Burger King, Popeye's chicken and sodas will probably still outlast him. Roast duck salad for lunch today...and green tea.
  20. Not fanta, Fanta...as in the Fanta soda pop company Hitler had a hand in creating. Orange is simply one of the many flavours Fanta sells...grape, strawberry, orange, cherry, etc.
  21. 6.27.77 LA Forum Inspired by Sue's review, I pulled out Watchtower's "Coherence" to give this show another listen.
  22. BRAVA! Congratulations, Sue, on breaking your review-cherry! Your very in-depth and detailed personalized reactions made it a pleasure to read. I have some specific questions that I'll shoot to you in a PM. But I look forward to your Pontiac review with relish. As for my reaction to the show...it all depends on whether you are asking the 15-year-old me, fresh after the concert or the 50-year-old me after years of having the bootlegs to compare and contrast the details of each show? The 15-year-old me was blown away by the show of course, and slightly haunted by the question of when/if Led Zeppelin would return again. Make no mistake, every show I saw on that run was mindblowing...a three-and-a-half-hour onslaught of light and sound. Even if the setlist was fairly stagnant, it was a pleasure to hear those songs performed...you felt honoured to be there. But even as great as the final night was, by then I had become so used to the setlist that I was able to settle in and relax and actually pay more atrention to what is being played...and how. The first couple of shows of the LA Forum run, I was so excited and anxious and pumped that they could have come out and farted and I would have applauded. Those first two shows(6.21 and 6.23) flew by so fast, that my initial memory of those concerts is one big long whoooosh, punctuated at the end by the strange appearance of Keith Moon! By the weekend, for the Sat-Sun-Mon closing set of shows, I was a bit more settled down and able to focus and listen clearly. And I have to say that as great and epic in length the final Forum show was, with the previous two nights fresh in my memory, I thought 6.27 paled slightly to the others...especially 6.26, which I thought was one of the best of the entire week!!! In fact, after the epic looneyness of the 6.23, which will always be my favourite one of the five '77 shows I saw, the 6.26 gives 6.21 a run for its money for the Number 2 slot...call 'em 2a and 2b. But of course, I had the luxury of attending multiple shows. If I had only artended one, even if it was the Tempe, Arizona disaster, you can bet that I would argue that that one was the greatest concert I ever saw.
  23. ^^^ Avocados make great sandwiches...either alone or as an add-in. Try a BLTA sometime. One of my favourite local Mexican restaurants closed its doors the other day, so for lunch today I went to try this other Mexican joint that recently opened down the street. Upon first scanning the menu, I noticed they only had hard-shell tacos. Hmmmm, weird...but okay, I can live with that. But then, I discover they don't have carnitas!!! WTF!?! It was like some nightmare gringo version of Mexican food. I left and went around the corner to this Thai place and had Tiger prawns and green curry and papaya salad. No soft tacos/carnitas at a Mexican restaurant is like an Indian restaurant not having curry.
  24. Probably...but I'm not in her class...or yours.
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