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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I truly did not know that there were two what song is stuck in your head? threads.
  2. Humid!!! Utterly bloody humid! It is wrecking havoc with my hair!
  3. Sounds interesting! Thanks for the recommendation! I most certainly will!
  4. It is just too hot to give a damn about anything anymore! I usually love warm weather, but this is getting ridiculous. I seem to be feeling tired all the time, from the moment I get out of bed in the morning and I don't seem to have any energy whatsoever, to enjoy the activities that I normally enjoy doing, so much!
  5. That's so nice to hear, Charles! A few people who I know, reacted rather adversely when I picked up Anthem, giving me a series of lectures - how could you read that stuff, etc? What drew me to this short novel, is the fact that I can identify with Equality 7-2521, in terms of my experiences in school and I really appreciate his bravery to have a vision and way of thinking, way beyond what the esteemed Council prescribes! My dad is a fan of Ayn Rand's work and I came across her novels, in his collection and there was no turning back! I can't wait to dig into We The Living, next!
  6. I am currently reading Anthem by Ayn Rand, not because I am a Rush fan, but because my curiosity, got the better of me. This interesting piece of literature, has got me reflecting on my upbringing, especially when I just began my journey into the wonderful world of schooling. Alas, during the days of my childhood, when I actually began developing the potential to understand things and question the world around me, I was literally trapped in an institute that was the quintessential dictatorial educational institution. This period in my life, continued for 10 years (from the age 4 to the age 14). The teachers and principal laid down the law. Kids (irrespective of their ages) were deemed too young to think and ask questions. Kids were even questioned in a scornful fashion and ridiculed, when they expressed their likes and dislikes for specific subjects. All in all, the teachers at my school, wished to be looked upon as nothing short of superior beings, who demanded respect! As a human being, how on earth am I supposed to respect someone, when I can't even have an open and honest dialogue with them and ask pertinent questions? Everything from math problems, simple word puzzles to the interpretation of complex poetry, was essentially governed by two things that are (in my opinion) detrimental to the universally important notions of critical thinking and creativity: Learning by rote and the existence of the coveted right answer and right approach, coupled with the inability to understand that everybody thinks differently and that all students may not approach a specific problem, in a similar way! I was even beaten with a cane when I was just 9 years old, for committing the ultimate crime of improvising and expressing my own thoughts in writing, on a specific historical event and thereby, failing to by heart passages from a history text book that was deemed appropriate, to answer that specific essay question. At the age of 14, an entire section of an examination answer booklet that consisted of an essay that I had written, had been ripped to shreds in front of me, by my teacher, just because I resented learning by rote and the fact that I couldn't think like the 'good' students! My mother being an early childhood educator, firmly believes that, every individual has a right to think, a right to ask questions and have opinions, no matter how young / inexperienced they may seem. She even refers to children of all ages as 'the little citizens of the world, who will one day have the power to make a difference, provided educational institutions mold and shape them in the right way, by encouraging learning and not behaviorism!'. Upon reading the first chapter of Anthem, all these thoughts and past experiences came flooding back, but luckily for me personally, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, upon enrolling at University. Honestly, I find myself agreeing with every single little thing that Rand is trying to point out in this work, so far. It is for this reason, that I so far, find her view points in this particular piece, to be music to my ears.
  7. This is one of the best articles that I have ever read, Morgan! Everything that I wanted to know about 2112 was conveyed so brilliantly in one place! Many, many, many thanks for sharing this and a huge kudos to NPR for such an excellent piece!!
  8. Britain's Got Talent. Never thought I'll actually say this, but I absolutely love this show, especially since David Walliams is one of the judges!
  9. The Inmates live at the the Riverview Hotel in Bedford, Quebec, in 1969, singing Drop Your Drawers
  10. This is not a good cover song. Hell, no! Not even close! This is a fuckin' BRILLIANT cover song! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the one, the only Prince!!! Prepare to bow down!
  11. Such a wonderfully funky artist with tons of energy, spunk and creativity, who had the ability to play the guitar with sublime perfection, practically effortlessly, thereby making it look so easy!
  12. You're very welcome, Kelly! Spirit has no case and you're right, this case needs to be dismissed, as soon as possible! This case has its foundations around the art of splitting hairs unnecessarily and of course, money grabbing! *sigh! Also, we all should thank fellow Zep Head, Stairway is NOT Stolen, for finding out about that Italian composer!
  13. Simple but yummy beans on toast, sprinkled with some Tabasco sauce.
  14. Ha! It looks like the descendants of 17th century Italian composer, Giovanni Battista Granata, should now sue Spirit! I haven't participated in this thread before, but I believe that this entire lawsuit, is just a pointless, money grabbing exercise! Sheesh! Breaking: Led Zeppelin Is About to Win Its ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Case… Paul Resnikoff April 27, 2016 Against near-certain defeat, Led Zeppelin is being offered a desperate, last-minute deal. Last week, a commenter on Digital Music News single-handedly dismantled a massive copyright infringement case against Led Zeppelin involving ‘Stairway to Heaven’. Now, attorneys bringing the case against Zeppelin appear to be desperately trying to work out a deal. The case against Zeppelin, raised by the band Spirit, accused the legendary group of stealing the pivotal guitar progression in ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and minting millions off of the song’s popularity. Unfortunately for Spirit, it turns out that progression is actually in the public domain, appearing as early as 1630 in an Italian baroque composition for stringed instruments. That will undoubtedly become a critical part of Zeppelin’s defense early next month, with jury members almost certain to dump the case after hearing the soft ‘Stairway to Heaven’ melody in a 17th century pre-Classical work. In fact, sources to Digital Music News have confirmed that Zeppelin attorneys are almost certainly going to play recordings of the centuries-old composition (and perhaps others) in what appears to be a slam-dunk case. Against that near-certain defeat, Spirit’s legal team is desperately trying to secure a settlement before a jury has a chance to deliberate. The apparent deal: an offer of a $1 fine in exchange for a juicy writing credit. “Lawyers suing members of rock supergroup Led Zeppelin say their client is willing to settle a lawsuit over the band’s most famous song — a claim potentially worth millions of dollars — for just $1,” Vernon Silver of Bloomberg just shared. Spirit’s attorney, Francis Alexander Malofiy, confirmed that information, telling Bloomberg, “It’s always been about credit where credit is due.” But here’s the kicker: that little ‘credit’ would apparently amount to $40 million, based on a quick read of Jimmy Page and Robert Plant’s $60 million, ten-year accord with Warner/Chappell Music Publishing (and Bloomberg’s foggy calculations). The obvious elephant in the courtroom is that the real writing ‘credit’ should probably go to Giovanni Battista Granata, the 17th century Italian composer that penned this piece (listen around 0:32 for the kicker): Lawyers watching the case have noted that Zeppelin would be extremely foolish to accept the latest deal, especially given the fresh evidence that has come to light. Malofiy, who specifically represents the estate of Spirit singer Randy California, also faces another challenge. Aside from ‘Stairway to Heaven’ basically existing for nearly 400 years, another piece with exactly same riff also surfaced from the late 1950s. That track, performed by Davey Graham in the late 1950s, could have easily been the inspiration for ‘Stairway’. Source: http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2016/04/27/breaking-led-zeppelin-has-already-won-the-stairway-to-heaven-infringement-case/
  15. This is by far the coolest and most funky cover version of WLL, that I have ever heard! WOW!!
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