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Everything posted by brspled

  1. Thank you for the link! I read about it back then, but I have never seen any picture. Well, I guess the visit of a Golden God can be responsible for some fuss.....especially when Santa Claus is taking his nap after all his hard work on Christmas time.... Sorry, no offense intened, just a silly joke. Thanks again for the link!
  2. I paid only 3 dollars yesterday for the movie ticket, I was The normal price is 9 dollars. But it's a Christmas promotion, a present to the audience. I think it was a great idea. Maybe some kind of promotion is waiting for you there soon.
  3. Great pic!!! Familiar? the guitar, maybe? LOVE the pendant! Thanks for posting.
  4. Thorzep!!! So happy you finally posted a pic of yourself...well, I was thinking you looked like your avatar, and honestly, I was a bit scared. great shirt! Lovely place! Oh, yes, you look good too
  5. Here is a pic of Logan and his wife (she wasn't his wife as the pic was taken) They have one kid, I heard there's another one on its way (not sure though) Carmem has three kids. Sorry, my Queen ...well, it is Christmas time, I'm in the mood of playing the nice girl.
  6. He is adorable. Enjoy your baby, Matt. Kids grow up too fast.
  7. Keep reading the posts, you'll get even more baffled as to what some people have said about the concert. But, you know, we were there. We know better.
  8. Claudia, have one on me! No bad feelings and a late welcome to the board.
  9. AQUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you! Can't wait till you're back on the board again!
  10. Claudia, Knebby's post wasn't an attack directed to you. Maybe you took that way, but she was only commenting that most of these pics have already been posted before. The fact is: many people from this board have been around for years, and though we understand that new members are always registering (and they are certainly welcome), it gets tiring at times to read the same posts, the same questions, to see the same pics as they were just "discovered". This is a friendly place and I'm pretty sure you don't know Knebby that well, or you wouldn't have taken her comment as a personal offense. She knows A LOT about LZ, loves the band and is one of the greatest people on this board. Take it easy, keep posting the pics you feel like to and enjoy being a member of the best LZ board.
  11. Angi and Ev, it's great to see you both!!!
  12. Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! But Greece will have to wait. I think I won't be able to go there that soon. I already have plans for my next vacations.
  13. Thanks for the link, I haven't seen it for awhile.
  14. I haven't been to Greece neither, 9. My list is also imense.
  15. Goya's Ghost In the beginning of the film I was feeling like this , but in the end, I was
  16. brspled

    Roberts Jeans

    I'm pretty sure there wasn't no stretch denim at the time.
  17. Beautiful pics of some beatiful places! Hawaii, Spain, Greece...wonderful!
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