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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Aw, thanks Reswa, I'm hoping he'll let me post a pic too. Thank you too brpsled!
  2. Yup, Robert's the ....bigge...I mean TALLEST.
  3. Not a bad upper bod either..........
  4. Wow, some of you have been through some tough times. But good for you, you trudged on. I don't see anything wrong with it, I wouldn't mind a few tucks here and there. It's scary though, you never know what you'll wake up to. I've seen so many botched and poor outcomes that the only way I'd do anything is if I could afford the Best in their fields. I think the worst work is on womens lips, they often come out looking like they were just stung by a bee...permanently. ugh!
  5. ^ we know that by now... Knowing that by tomorrow evening I will get to hold my newborn grandaughter. And, that they are going to allow me to be in the room when she enters this world. I sooo wish my ex were alive for this, but I know he'll be there in spirit.
  6. Scary. Very scary, all that ocean too....
  7. Damn, you're HOT! ps: Roxie, you're so pretty...I think most "Roxie's" are....my daughter is one too. ;D
  8. Visit My Website Somewhere in the Netherlands... ^ Some recent very clear video of CC, with a touch of Immigrant Song. Peter looks so..... And CC's voice isn't cracking too bad. He admitted he sucked on Letterman. And twitter...I can't keep up with him, but check it out to see if there are any new cute pics or whatnot. Vicky takes such crappy pics...lol ps: I feel like I'm one of the few CC fans, even though everyone was saying he should fill Robert's shoes. Weird. *shrugs*
  9. Homegrown Tomatoes Tried to link youtube's but it will not link. You should take a listen though, it's a great song. I heard it on a radio call-in gardening show. Funny as heck.
  10. Blustery....it's trying very hard out there to produce some precip, but so far just windy and dark clouds building next to the mountains. Nice really. Earlier it was like 82 degree's and I was thinking....come on, not straight to summer temps please. It's 68 now.
  11. I always thought it was his tail.........
  12. That is really cool. Dig that smile too.
  13. Regardless where he had it plugged or not...Cool pic Medh!!!!
  14. Nice pics everyone! Good to see ya Puck!
  15. Rain, rain, rain........................... Bringing..June flowers I guess. I don't really mind, but my youngest daughter went to Bear Lake for the holiday, and I do believe it's not all fun up there with this non-stop drizzle. It's forcast to clear right up.....for the back to work week.
  16. You and me both Nine, sadly our youth today seem more focused on MySpace and video games than any kind of movements. And what really blew MY mind was the pure strength of the Mexican-American marches in Los Angeles. 500,000!! Now there's a group that means business and I was impressed. Immigration is an entirely different topic though. But you can NOT deny their strength.
  17. Yes, that is what it was like. As far as stories, well... here in SLC, for the most part demonstrations, protests, rallies, sit-ins, were very NON-violent. I never saw anyone being abused by the "pigs" back then. In fact some were quite supportive, and were just there to make sure no one got crazy. My sister, who was my best friend as well, was very active in all things activist. She is eight years older than me, so I often hung out with her and her friends who were all college age, pro peace activists. So she would let me know whenever there was a happening, and sometimes drug me along. Most protests started at the University of Utah, and would head to a park, then we would march down the street next to Reservoir Park to the Federal Building where there would be speakers and all would join in. There were often band jams before and after. My sisters husband was a contentious objector and actually went to prison because he did not believe in killing people. So, he became active in Amnesty International, and helped others go to Canada. He was on the "people to watch carefully" list back in the height of Tricky Dicky's reign. I do have a vivid memory of Tricky Dicky's visit to SLC. We were there protesting him just being here, and I swear I looked into his eyes as he passed us in a row of "greeters" and I saw the devil incarnate. I would not shake his hand as he held it out thinking we actually were there to like him. The thing was, back then our friends and families were losing young, I mean YOUNG kids really, to the Draft... they did NOT volunteer, hence my outrage. My brother was four years older than me, and he was probably going to be drafted had it not been for an injury to his shoulder. So it WAS personal to me. Indeed we HAD boys come home in a box in our neighborhood. I never partook in any violent protests, and like I said, most here were very peaceful. But I'm surprised people don't know what happened in the larger picture. I mean, who can forget Kent state? Kent State SLC's rallies Then of course there were the radicals...ie: Abbie Hoffman. Abbie The link to SLC'S rallies isn't linking, but it could be my browser. The article outlines our marches, etc. The largest was estimated 4,000...lowest...40. We were not a huge metroplex then, so to get that many people out was pretty good for a largely Mormon town. I wouldn't trade my times then for anything. It was all impowering, to realize that we could change things. And things DID change. I remember too the day it was announced the WAR WAS OVER!!!!! Boy, did we party like rock stars that week! Sadly at what cost, so many lost, for what? And for those who were drafted, they have my upmost respect, they went through hell...not by their choice.
  18. oooops! Ha, I had to log in again when I saw that! My bad.
  19. I'm semi-hitting the hay. Goodnight folks, sweet dreams. I hear a familar voice on the tv...see ya.
  20. Lot's of great spots here. Ashley National Forest. Moab. Zion Canyon/Canyon Lands. Bear Lake ( also part of Idaho). Lake Powell. Fish Lake, Moon Lake, lotsa lakes. Spanish Fork Canyon. Flaming George. To name a few. Too tired to post pics, maybe another time. I do love our state.
  21. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    We could try chanting that while we smudge the joint.
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