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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. "Thank you. It seems ah, that every time we come to the states, we do something that you ain't heard before. You can't identify with it. Everyone sort of sits there going . . . . . This is one of those. This is off the new album, and ah, all being well we should have it out before the nights start drawing in because it's like a summery album really, and this is one of the songs from it. It's called Dancing Days."
  2. When I think back on this release, one of the things I recall vividly is that it contains one of my favorite Plantations ever - as he gives a spiel about fans not digging new songs just before the band bulldozes the crowd with an overpowering version of the then unreleased Dancing Days. The juxtaposition of that rather weary sounding spiel followed by the powerhouse recording of the band pummeling the audience is indelibly etched in my mind. Such a wonderful live moment.
  3. JRK just posted a remaster of the 9-28-71 soundboard release. Nice. If someone can make these board tapes sound this good (others have also done great remastering of these Osaka 1971 tapes), I wonder what the multitracks that Page apparently rejected sound like. These remastered Osaka 1971 soundboards are just amazing.
  4. Yes, but I always like the crazed atmospheric haze he builds up in the outro. As one reviewer of Page's playing once said , "as unique as a thumbprint".
  5. Over the Hills, 22 June 1977. Page really goes for it.
  6. Released Dec 28, 1969. Dennis Edwards and Eddie Kendricks. The Motown house band.
  7. written by Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records. Ray Charles first hit. 1953 1959
  8. Indeed! The performance and recording are absolute first rate. The mix on the DVD tracks is for me the best sounding live Zeppelin ever captured, that I have heard. Maybe Jimmy figures it is on the DVD for all to enjoy, as one part of a very reasonably priced package. Maybe he wonders if as a standalone audio release it would sell enough to make a profit. Most fans who would be interested in it already have the DVD, and how many hardcore fans would buy a new version? Oh wait a minute, I guess the same argument could be made for TSRTS and HTWWW, so yes, bring it on Jimmy. Would he ever include the partial Heartbreaker just because what is there is so incredible? Plant is killing it on that track - the peak of early Plant - power, power, power, control and range. In fact the whole set is peak early Plant.
  9. My first thought was "whichever one I am listening to at the moment". But that is too easy, so I thought about it some more. Jones was such an important part of the music. He played many different types of lines and they all fit perfectly whether they were simple or complex, whether they mirrored the guitar parts or not, whether you noticed them or not, etc. I looked at a recent studio tracks playlist I made and realized it contains many of my favorite Jones bass lines. What Is and What Should Never Be The Lemon Song Ramble On Over the Hills - especially live - what he plays while Jimmy is soloing. But if you think about it, Jones is "soloing" at the same time. The Crunge The Song Remains the Same Achilles Nobody's Fault But then I thought of some more. Ozone Baby (a review when this was released called that "a dribble and shoot bass line") Immigrant Song (the bridge parts - that is a crazy line) Celebration Day (and this one was much better live, with 71 and 73 both being very different but both amazing) Carouselambra - especially the funky third section If it Keeps on Raining St.Tristan's Sword Dazed and Confused - not the main opening, but the spaced out middle section where he plays those psychedelic lines. And have others have mentioned - so many live versions of WLL. I really like the ones in 73 and 75 for bass lines. 73 for the funk and boogie sections and theramin part, and the funky sections in 75. Just so amazing. And of course Berlin 80 is one of a kind and very special.
  10. I still use iTunes on my iPhone, for listening while I am out walking or in the car. For most music I buy CDs and rip them to iTunes. In the past few months some strange things have happened with live Zeppelin official releases. A few months ago I was on a walk listening to The Song Remains the Same remastered 2018 version. Black Dog won't play - it says it is currently unavailable in my region or country. I thought - wait a minute- I bought the CD and ripped it to iTunes myself. How can it not be available to me? Then the other day, the same thing happened with Moby Dick from HTWWW, 2018 version. So I rechecked all my other official live Zeppelin and those were the only two tracks that were "not available". The good news is they still play on my laptop where I have my iTunes library. Black Dog is still grayed out, but I am pretty sure when that first happened a while back Moby Dick from HTWWW was still available. I started to wonder why this would happen, but it seems so random - those two songs, one from each album? And, this has never happened with any other music I have either bought through iTunes or ripped from CDs into iTunes.
  11. A young band captured in a raw, visceral sound in a studio for FM broadcast. Kind of like another band's early BBC sessions.
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