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Everything posted by PeaceFrogYum

  1. Anything for a buck, I am surprise he did not have picture of Daisy Bufford and claim that was Elizabeth Short. Hey, what did you think of James Ellroy? I hear he is a real character, kinda like Stanley Bukowski crossed with Tom Waits.
  2. Nah, not enough evidence, I think the guy is just wrong. Hodel though is interesting as his father is on tape saying, "if I did kill the Black Dahlia they could never prove it." Not an admission but still rather strange. The naysayers in that one point out Hodel's father was a VD doctor thus he had no real secrets so why would the LAPD protect him. The answer to that is he was also conducting illegal abortions for the rich and famous and that was seriously major in the 1940's-50's. If he was the killer (I am not convinced), Dr. Hodel would have taken down dozens of very wealthy and famous people, all going to jail so yes, that IMO is quite viable. Now that photo book Hodel has which was his fathers which supposedly show Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia) is just silly, those pictures look nothing like Ms. Short. So for now I thing both, Zodiac & Dahlia, are still unsolved and neither presented enough evidence to prove their respective cases.
  3. Just finished Hollywood on Netflix, a truly great series about Hollywood in 1946. Rock Hudson was such a moron, his depiction in the series is historically spot on as he was a notorious mental midget and could not remember dialogue for shit.
  4. Piss off, I did provide accurate information you bloody nob. Grow up you miserable old sod.
  5. What is your problem bud? Just about every post of yours is negative and you consistently attack people for no reason. If you read the last sentence I am asking for the reference. Jesus Christ you are such a miserable git, maybe you need to get a puppy or something.
  6. I read this in a couple of Zeppelin books as the reason why the song was never performed live. According to Page, they wanted to do a live version but could not work it out to their satisfaction due to several keyboard parts which could not be duplicated live. I cannot remember the name or which books it was in but I did read this. So, if anyone remembers which books Page mentions this please let us know as Senor' Grumpy-Ass needs absolute confirmation.
  7. Good point, I forgot about how they hit Phil. I love that actor, he was in several mob movies including Goodfellas as the made guy Tommy and crew kill. However...if that was the case, why didn't they just kill him either at the sitdown or as he was leaving the sitdown? Meh, who knows. Maybe whoever whacked Tony in the diner took out his whole useless family too. Sopranos was another show that was amazing, had most rooting for Tony, while at the same time every damn character in the show was a complete piece of crap. The only decent things in the Sopranos were the ducks, I know they never whacked anyone.
  8. ITL was impossible due (in the 70's) to trying to reproduce the different keyboard parts live. CP or The Rover could easily have been done but Rover would have been tough on Robert. Either CP or Wanton Song should have been played at least at some of the shows. The Wanton Song they played at the beginning of the 75' tour were great, they should not have dropped it.
  9. I believe the high point of the Stones 75' shows was Billy Preston moreso than the Stones but from what I have seen the Stones were pretty good. Hard to compete with Billy Preston. Preston was an amazing performer. Plus they had fantastic opening acts such as The Eagles & J. Giles Band. The phallus only worked around half the time and was a source of constant onstage jokes for the band, and constant frustration for the road crew. Or as Mick would say, "honest...this has NEVER happened before!"
  10. Uh oh, that sleazy lawyer guy representing the Randy Wolfe estate is coming for ya...
  11. Yes and it is damn good. Even good quality boots such as this still only appeal to the hardcore fans. As I mentioned before (and others too) in different threads, most fans do not want boots for two reasons, quality and mistakes made by the band members. Fans want to live in a fantasy world where their musical heroes can do no wrong and are always perfect. You sit down with an average Zep fan and start going on about Burn Like a Candle or the Garden Tapes and they will look at you as if you had Quaato sprouting from your chest. They don't care, they want clean sounding live recordings, period. Almost every official live album from any band is cleaned up, spliced, Frankenstein'ed etc. You will never hear a true representation of a show in any official live release, both because the average fan wants as close to perfect as possible, and because of the ego's of the band members themselves. I mentioned Journey's live album Captured & Bob Segar's Nine Tonight as examples of live releases which make TSRTS & HTWWW look like unaltered releases by comparison. They all do it and it is what the music buying public wants. Every single official LZ live release has been a raving commercial success; a cleaned up, best of Earls Court, 75' North American Tour, or 77' tour would go platinum within weeks of release no doubt whatsoever.
  12. Plus 75' was the first tour with Woody so I am sure the press was all over that. Kinda a big deal to tour with a new guitarist after having Mick Taylor in the band.
  13. I seriously doubt that, though anything is possible. Most likely a few thousand were actually sold, the remainder were traded free of charge. Also, back in the day when there was a more profitable boot market, this only catered to the hardcore of the hardcore. I had several friends, hardcore Zep fans in the 80's who did have boot, but they got them for free as they said there was no way they would pay for recordings which were sub-par. Even Blueberry Hill & LTTE which were the gold standard in the 80's Zep boots, most of my friends thought the quality (especially Blueberry Hill), was still sub-par compared to an official release. Of course as the years have progressed I grew a nice pair of bootleg ears so unless it is a really shit recording I still enjoy it. That being said I only actually purchased one bootleg back in the 80's (Ally Pally), after that debacle I would never pay a single cent for a bootleg, especially now as you can get it all for free if you wait a few months.
  14. I guess what I am trying to say is even the most popular boot and the money that boot generates is nothing, not even peanuts compared to an official release. If you grabbed 100 random Zep fans and asked them how many bootleg shows of Zep they have you would be hard pressed to find maybe 10 that would have collected boots. The majority of fans are not so into the music they seek unaltered boots of a show, they want an official release. That is all I was saying. The boot market is a very, very niche market when compared to an official release and regardless of what people like us think, the majority of fans want very high quality sounding releases. They don't care how the baby is made, they just want the damn baby. HTWWW has sold around 2 million copies to date and is a triple album. I can guarantee no Zep boot has ever sold 2 million copies or anywhere close. I was referring only to the potential of sales in regard to why an official release has not been forthcoming.
  15. and Diamanda Galas can open for them, doing her Plague Mass
  16. I had no idea in hell what I was doing at the time, thought a bootleg was going to sound just like an official release or close to it. When I put in the tape and the sound was bad it was incredibly disappointing. Yeas later I found out that was a particularly shitty boot and found a much better version which I now cherish. Its not the best quality but it is pretty good. I recently heard Chicago 1-22-75 as was downright impressed, a very good show.
  17. I understand what you are saying but an official release would sound even better, and have the advantage of true professional distribution. The only people looking for boots are hard core fans. 95% of LZ fans are not looking for boots, they want an official release. I did not get my first LZ boot until the mid-80's and that was the Ally Pally December 72' (last show). I had not acquired bootleg ears so after one listen I threw it away as I thought the sound was absolute shit. Did not get another boot for almost 25 years I was so disappointed in the quality of that Alexandria Palace show.
  18. True dat, at least everyone knew Tommy was crazy as a shithouse rat, but Tony could be charming and affable. I still think it was the Russian ex-Spetznaz guy from the Pine Barrens episode who killed him in the diner. Italian mobsters would not whack a guy in front of his family for obvious reasons, but a Russian, those bastards are brutal.
  19. I also think one of the reasons for the strip club / naked ladies bit was to show how those women were nothing more than property to be disposed of like used toys when they wanted. Silvio was one of the more sympathetic characters, more temperate and rarely prone to violence but yet he had no problem beating the crap out of a stripper who he believed had slighted him. I think the bottom line of the show was none of the characters were redeemable and that Tony, for all his supposed excuses, was really just another psychopath killer in the end. They were like animals in a cage and if you dared walk into that cage, don't be surprised if you wind up as lunch.
  20. Yes a breech of trust but what better way to get them back than an official release sounding 1000x better than the crap some bootlegger puts out. Plus, it would immediately destroy the market for that boot. Of course hard core fans would still want the warts and all boot but even they would also buy the official release. Business is business
  21. Can you shed some light on why this would even matter? So what if someone leaked it as a boot? An official release would be of far better quality, just like the O2 release was and would still sell very well.
  22. I believe this is accurate. The lyrics, the song in general was supposed to be a kind of cow-punk tune...cow regarding the country vibe, punk insofar as the not really giving a shit and just f-ing around. I always thought the solo in FITR fit perfectly and really cannot hear any slop, however the Blue Box pretty much masks any noticeable mistakes. HOFN = One of Jimmy's best, most unique solos on record. The whole song is an underrated masterpiece.
  23. Daniel Craig plays the Bond character the closest to the books and original concept. Connery was good, Dalton was a bit too much, Brosnan was like a cross between Roger Moore & Sean Connery. The worse, but the most entertaining Bond was of course Roger Moore. He played Bond so far detached from the original concept he almost strayed into Mr. Bean territory a few times. I liked Moore as that was the Bond I grew up with but as an adult, those Bond movies with Moore were just too silly. Craig gets my vote
  24. I wonder why Bonzo did not take the second vocal part as he had a pretty good voice. I believe he co-sang the second part with JPJ on one or two gigs but not sure. Better yet, why not use local talent? Bring some local female singer on stage to take the part.
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