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Everything posted by PeaceFrogYum

  1. No way the CIA's M-16 shot JFK and this is why. M-16's use jacketed rounds, are .223 (same size as a .22 caliber round), and extremely high velocity. The round was designed for one purpose, to create massive internal damage by the use of a high-velocity, unstable round. If he were shot in the back of the head with an M-16 there would have been a very small entry wound, no exit wound from the head (likely none at all but if it did would come out his toe or some other random point), and his brain would have been turned into tapioca pudding from the round bouncing around in his head like a pinball. JFK's head wound was most likely caused by either a large caliber, non-jacketed lead hunting round, or an explosive "dummy" round. There is another possibility but very highly unlikely. That would be a high-powered sniper rifle from a distance of greater than 150 meters as the distance would both reduce velocity and thus increase kinetic damage. The higher the velocity of the round when hitting a target the lower the kinetic damage as the energy will move through the mass instead of being distributed into the mass as happens with a lower velocity round. Quite literally 1/4 of Kennedy's head was blown completely off. The bodies of dead NVA & VC would in most cases, appear as if the person just died as the entry wound was so small it actually took effort to find it in most cases, as with the exit wound if there was one. This is why when a GI would shoot himself to get out of combat they had to pick up an AK from a dead VC, otherwise, the GI could very easily accidentally kill himself simply by shooting himself in the foot or leg whereas an AK round (7.62mm) neither tumbles nor has the velocity of a .223 and just blows a nice big hole right through. Lechmere is as good a candidate as any. The Ripper case will likely never be solved unless the original police files were to show otherwise which they do not. The Phx Lights could be explained away. That one could have been a top secret military dirigible. The Nimitz one though, that one is a true mystery.
  2. This sounds amazing, thank you so much for all your hard work, it really paid off!
  3. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. You must be a real hoot on Christmas.
  4. The reason why the 9th circuit is the most overturned is because we have a majority conservative Supreme Court. When the SCOTUS was majority liberal (not for quite some time), it was the opposite so it all depends on the makeup of SCOTUS. Further, SCOTUS would likely not hear this case if they try to appeal to SCOTUS because there are several criteria which must be met first and this case does not rise to that threshold. Bottom line, its over, Zeppelin won and we can now move on.
  5. Just F'ing around, being silly. Though Coronavirus...accident of nature? I think not!!!! Some Chinese bio-weapon breeches research facility and BAM!!!! No more toilet paper! WTF??? I need TP for my bung-hole!!!!
  6. I used to eat hell outta that stuff. That and Fruit Loops & Cocoa Puffs. Those were my three go-to's. One time my dad had me try that Grape Nuts shit, fucking awful. Crazy bastard, drinks and whores around but thinks Grape Nuts are gonna save his ass.
  7. DON'T DO IT MAN!!! Its actually a program utilized by the shadow government to track you. Its not as invasive as Facebook but they're working on it.
  8. What the hell is wrong with you boy, you a commie pinko? Have issue with capitalism and the old red, white, & blue? Greed is good, if its good enough for MERICA, its good enough for old Robert. My and my RC...look mighty good to me.
  9. The EC portion of the DVD from 2003 is pretty damn impressive. Everyone playing and sounding very good and energetic. I do realize that was official release and edited but I have heard both the 18th & 23rd from boots and those are two very stellar shows. I also have the DVD of In the Court of King James and thought as well was quite good (not as good as the 18th or 23rd but still good) though for ITCOKJ you are right, Bonzo is rather reserved.
  10. Translation: As the 9th circuit courts decisions run counter to my preference, thus, they suck. After all, who cares if the vast majority of people agree with a decision or determination, if you disagree they all must be wrong. Silly people, they Just keep getting in your way.
  11. The speed issue we will probably overcome within a 100 years once we can produce a warp engine (theoretically they exist) or learn to fold space (artificial navigable singularities). We are woefully ignorant in regard to physics and with quantum mechanics and spooky entanglement, the light speed limit really has no bearing. Collisions with asteroids are a non-issue as space is incredibly empty. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is a good example. You could fly through it for days and not see a single asteroid and the Ort Cloud is even less packed. One thing we do have to worry about are solar system boundaries. As Voyager II was leaving the solar system boundary recently, it encountered a "ring of fire" or extremely intense radiation. No human could ever survive the solar boundary without shielding tech we do not have. Space is interesting as Hell. Heaven, not so much, just a bunch of Mormons up there.
  12. No way, Zep's music as stated was a product of the times, the zeitgeist if you will and one cannot separate one from the other. If Zep came about today, they would likely have a small following and that's it. Also, the Beatles would be in an even worse position. Due to streaming very few people buy albums anymore, a band makes 90% of their money from touring. There is no way the Beatles could have stopped touring and as mentioned, the record company would never have allowed Sgt. Pepper to be released, much less the White Album. Everything is manufactured today, overproduced with all emotion removed.
  13. Those are not counterfeit, there are simply "alternative releases." You know, kinda like "alternative facts."
  14. Mazzy Star & Portishead, my early - mid 90's soundtrack. Fantastic, weird times.
  15. Meh, you can have Larry David, give me Julia Louise-Dreyfus. She already nailed it as Veep.
  16. Who, him a serial killer? No way! What a kind and noble face..
  17. Ok, I never intended this to degrade into a bash Alec Baldwin rant. Everyone has bad moments and even the best of parents go off the wall at times and to be honest, both my mother and father said much, much worse to me as a child. Of course its not right but we are all human and we all make mistakes. Regarding his SNL Trump impersonation: if Lorne Michaels is the impetus behind the parody then I can see why Baldwin is playing it so over the top as he does not want to do it in the first place. The rest though holds true. I don't know of anyone who can parody Trump as he is already a walking parody. The guy is so over the top he is one line of adderal away from going full Vince McMahon on live TV.
  18. I don't think you really want to get into a debate about looks when Trump is your man.
  19. So by your metric The Great Dictator was not funny, or do you think Chaplin secretly admired Hitler? BTW, most of America voted Clinton, not Trump...over 3 million in fact. The majority of Americans do not like Trump so if anything, SNL is playing to the masses. Whether Baldwin is funny or not as Trump is up to them to decide. Personally, I agree with you that Baldwin stinks as Trump. Not because Baldwin hates Trump, but because Baldwin is a narcissistic jackass who thinks he is being funny when in fact he is being self-indulgent and absurd. IMO Trump is very difficult to play because Trump's own personality is already so way over the top it is in itself a sick parody of humanity at its worse. So where can you go from there?
  20. His office was in a strip club so...how exactly does a director / writer not have naked women running around? I am one of the first in line to call out gratuitous sex and nudity however I never felt The Sopranos were guilty of that as it was all within context IMO. The Sopranos' was based on the real life DeCavalcante mob family out of Elizabeth, NJ which also operated out of a local strip club.
  21. Fucking Nazi's, always having to be complete dicks. Just watched The Night Porter for the fifth time and same thing....Nazi's are assholes! Only a complete shitbird would even contemplate shooting Charlotte Rampling.
  22. Great show, one of my favorites along with the 14th. Jimmy must have REALLY loved those loafers as he wore them for three consecutive tours (73'-77').
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