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Everything posted by PeaceFrogYum

  1. I bet if you did put them up Steve they would look upon you with great reverence as you would be, truly, a savior compared to what many are enduring. I have to also say I was surprised by the vocal talent these artists have. Even though the style is not my thing I do now more fully respect what they do, especially under the conditions they do it under. Just imagine Peter Grant telling Jimmy, Robert, JPJ, & JB they would have to leave there families and live communally, not engage with the ladies, and of course no booze, drugs, partying, etc. Oh, and that Grant now OWNS them too. Me thinks they would still be looking for Mr. Grant today after his "mysterious" disappearance.
  2. Turns out the K-Pop machine is a dark one indeed. Vice just posted an expose on K-Pop and how it is an industry, a manufactured product where the corporation, for all intent and purpose, owns the artist. What the corporations that control the K-Pop industry engage in makes the mobs control over the black music scene in the 50's & 60's look like a mutually equitable partnership by comparison. Watching the VIce documentary really opened my eyes to the whole business. I truly feel sorry for these artists as most are very talented performers, unfortunately they are also slaves for all intent and purpose. Its no wonder so many are killing themselves.
  3. Strange, I just listened to this show again just a week ago and was completely amazed by the performance, show was excellent, not just for 77' but for any touring year IMO. Now the 27th...no bueno.
  4. So I guess a crowd-funder to purchase a 10 meters long by 2 meters wide bronze zeppelin, shooting out of the ground is out of the question???
  5. Ah, Nuremberg. Site of the Nazi rallies and where Zeppelin's blimp was particularly limp. Bad mojo.
  6. So nice to see his grave is being well kept and manicured. Just wrong, such a small, demure stone, a name, and maintenance which says "we don't give a single F***." Sorry, but, such a shame. He deserves better...much better.
  7. Just a breakdown of 20th century British Royal shenanigans: They were pretty sedate actually from 1902 - 1918 but that is when things start going wonky. They had quite a bit to deal with during the early 20th century as opinions had turned considerably, royal houses were falling left and right of which the majority were directly related to the UK royal line. Believe me, this scared the shit outta them, plus, WWI. Once WWI ends you have the future Edward VIII (David) sticking his dick in anything that moved and involved the royal house in all sorts of scandal long before Wallace Simpson showed up. Ed VII & George V were both pretty good monarchs in general. The real problems started with David (Edward VIII) as he was not simply a Nazi sympathizer but collaborator. Thank god he was stupid enough to abdicate just so he could marry that horse-face Wallace (she cheated on him more times than Trump on Melania). Once Eddie was kinda gone (he still had his scandals), then you had all of Margaret's goings on. Another one who never met a penis she did not want...typically several times (John Bindon was one of Princess Margaret's lovers, during the time he was working as an East End mobster for the Cray's) and this behavior went on for decades. Good news is after Edward VIII they seemed to learn their lesson and stay away from politics and governance as a whole. Royals, wealthy people, celebrities, they all get a pass in modern society as the "average" person looks upon them as some sort of fantasy come to life. They can do all sorts of crap and as long as they apologize...all good. Andrew will be gone for a few years then return as if nothing happened. If you think the Epstein thing stops at Andrew, no way. EVERYONE, and I mean everyone had their hands in that perverted pie. Trump, the Clintons', and just about every NY power broker & celebrity. This is why he mysteriously "killed himself." If the truth ever got out there would be real trouble. When people reach such lofty status it takes more and more to get their kicks. Freud wrote a book about this in 1902 (I believe) whereby he estimated the rates of incest & pedophilia among the wealthy was as high as 80% through his extensive research. He was forced to retract the book as the powers that be forced him to. Its the same reason people believe in a personal god, they NEED something to believe in, to carry the weight, to aspire to even if that aspiration is impossible. Until people can rise above their petty fears and fantasies, we will always have royals and those who are in affect, de-facto royalty.
  8. I used to feel the same way until I learned that emotional pain and suffering is relative to the individual. A Somalian suffering and starving cannot conceptualize the life of a successful western musician any more than the successful musician could understand the pain and struggles of the Somalian yet both experience pain, loss, & suffering. It is easy for a blue collar worker busting their hump six or seven days a week just to get by...barely at that, to think how easy some rock star has it, even under the worse conditions compared to what he has to deal with. Problem is, its never that simple. Very successful people, especially musicians and actors who typically come from working class backgrounds, are constantly wondering if the people around them truly care about them or are simply in it for the money and fame. If their best friend is secretly embezzling money, if their father is gambling their fortunes away, etc. Then there is the famous interview with Rick Springfield from around 1981 I believe where the interviewer says, "Rick, you must have had hordes of ladies since you were a child you are so good looking..." Springfield replied that no, until he became famous he could not even get a date, women wanted nothing to do with him. He then said as a result he finds it almost impossible to trust anyone, everyone wants, wants, wants and no one gives unless it will benefit them. So yes, they have stuff and experiences we can only dream of, but then many go home alone feeling they are simply a commodity, just a thing to be exploited and used. When people say they can't believe so and so famous person killed themselves, overdosed, was committed, whatever, they are missing the forest for the trees. Its all relative my friend.
  9. Yes, as they performed a duet on Robert's latest album. Song is Bluebirds Over the Mountain and a very good tune. I think a whole album would be great.
  10. ^ Would have been sweet bitchin' if Page went into Cadillac during the coda to Upon a White Horse. It would have fit quite well and I love Cadillac live.
  11. It was a somewhat joke, JPJ's way of saying he was fed up with the road life and touring in general. Can't blame him, almost 5 years alternating between on the road and the studio is a bit much, especially for a family man with three young daughters. I cannot blame JPJ one bit. What's the point in success if you cannot enjoy the fruits of your labor?
  12. Not according to Joeboy, they should have been working, touring, writing, recording non-stop from 68'-80'. Anything else is obviously unacceptable.
  13. You got that right. Priest is one of those rags to riches stories in that they started out somewhat scattered and directionless (or rather, too many directions with no clear path), then found their sound and became legends. Those guys deserve every bit of success they have.
  14. I don't think so. I was around back then and remember quite well. Yes, Kiss had become very popular, but if anyone was challenging LZ it was The Who as every poll I remember from that time had the Who & Zep neck & neck with The Who usually on top. Stones were still going strong but they were lagging by this point however would reclaim the top spot in 81' with Tattoo You and the massive stadium tour which followed. Plus, by this time KISS live was a real hit or miss with much more miss than hit due to Peter Chris's antics (stopping in the middle of songs, not starting songs, not ending songs, etc.) all because he was pissed off at Gene & Paul. I understand being upset with those two jerk-off's but to take it out on the audience??? I saw them in 79' (KISS) in Chicago and they sucked. Man did they suck. Everyone in the place was less than thrilled. One guy next to me said he would have rather gone to the Village People show!
  15. The sales may have been sluggish, but the show sure was on fire. They put on a great performance that night. There was so much weed smoke in the place I thought I saw two Jimmy's on stage...and I did not even try the Dro until I joined the USMC in 86'!!!!
  16. No, you need to learn to read buddy. Steve accidentally said McCarty, not McCartney, read his post again. I was simply taking the piss due to his mistake as Jim McCarty was the drummer for the Yardbirds thus two drummers and NO bass player.
  17. BTW I have dated three Korean ladies (not all at once unfortunately) and have a bit of an affinity for them. Very gracious women, kind and extremely supportive with a wicket sense of humor and very passionate. I guess that's what happens when a bachelor frequents Sushi restaurants as most sushi restaurants in AZ are owned and staffed by Koreans and not Japanese. For some reason AZ has quite a large Korean population and very few Japanese. Anyway, Asian women are quite lovely, at least from my experience.
  18. All of a sudden I have a vision of Plant wearing a papoose with the head of a little Malti-Poo sticking out, Plant saying, "who's the best doggie...you are...YOU are!!!"
  19. Thanks but no thanks Steve, I like my women a little older and with a few miles. Though if I am ever in Japan or Korea I will without a doubt look you up...drinks on me.
  20. Rarely have I seen a middle-aged, elderly male try so hard to justify their obsession with pubescent and pubescent looking girls. Can they sing? Yes, and quite good but the songs are not very good. What's next, a Debbie Gibson or Tiffany post? Nothing wrong with this type of music if you are, oh, 8 - 17 years old but someone of your "advancing years" possibly relating to such music is either bizarre or because there is something else which is grabbing your attention. Miley Cyrus has a pretty good voice too but I sure as hell was not showing up at Hannah Montana concerts or listening to her music. Nothing to relate to.
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