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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. I was referring to the WS/BMS combo, not just BMS. The WS part had some pretty intense runs, BMS was just a melodic progression, no solo.
  2. One could consider White Summer / BMS one long acoustic guitar solo but that was never a studio track for Zep so...nevermind 😉
  3. Makes sense to me, however what I was on about is how exactly does a country such as China, with human rights abuses out the wazoo, given the right to host the games? If ok for China, why not Saudi Arabia?
  4. If she is too young to have agency, to know what is happening to her, how exactly is she old enough to compete? How is this situation any different than, say, dog racing? This is nuts. All competitors should be at least 18 years old to compete. This nonsense of having a bunch of kids competing is just silly and always has been. The Olympics as they currently are, absolutely disgusting. Plus, China having the Olympics AGAIN after only 14 years since the last Olympics in Beijing. Gee, I wonder if the Olympic committee is corrupt???
  5. Here is my random thought: If Putin invades Ukraine and his forces are beaten back to the Russian border, do you think he will use tactical nukes? I for one believe if Putin invades Ukraine, there is a 90% chance this is game over baby. Time to get out the iodine tablets and leave the big cities / areas around military instillations.
  6. These are the same clowns who scream at a motorist when little Snookums (off-leash) bolts into traffic chasing a leaf and almost gets hit. I hate these jerks. My dog is an awesome doggie, just the best, however I always walk her on-leash even though she is trained. You just never know, better safe than sorry.
  7. I don't think anyone could top Prince's half-time show, that was the GOAT as was Prince, insofar as individual musicians of the 20th - 21st centuries goes. Great game, though surprised how the Bangles stomped on their own dick several times late in the 4th quarter. Too bad.
  8. I would consider this moment the highlight of the game. Two, um, "thumbs" up 😉
  9. My current favorite, simply because it is so fucking awful in regard to lack of truth is the Neuriva commercial with Mayim Bialik. This dame truly has a PhD in Neuroscience yet has no concept of the scientific method or peer-reviewed results? This snake oil she is using her PhD to Schill has not been peer-reviewed, no papers have been written on this so her "appeal to authority" so sell this crap is truly appalling. For shame Blossom...for shame
  10. I have to respectfully disagree. I have ridden in the past and have a bunch of friends who ride. If you actually know how to ride and not ride like a damn fool, you can have a quiet bike and not worry. One of my biker friends is an 83-year-old woman who has been using motorcycles has her primary form of transportation since the 1950's. She has never had an accident though she rides daily, city & highway. Now every single rider I have known who were in accidents, were riding with the loud, modified exhausts and were driving like nimrods. I believe it's less about the noise and more about the driving of the biker. Just because you have a bike which is considerably faster and more maneuverable than a car does not give the rider the right to drive like a jackass. That being said I have no idea regarding the riding conditions down under and how car / truck drivers drive and react so, I might be talking with my sphincter on this one 😉
  11. Right on to both counts. Never understood the desire for a noisy vehicle, it's not like it enhances performance to any measurable degree. Just seems like some form of compensation, the whole LOOK AT ME aspect of insecurity. Me. I like a nice, quiet, ambiguous sort of ride, let me creep around un-noticed. That way if the economy goes to shit I have a viable getaway vehicle for those sweet liquor store hold-ups, post-crash. Those loud dopes would not last 5 seconds in the shit. Yes! Now, you know I support BLM, LGBTQ++, all that happy shit, live and let live is my motto. However...just because music is inclusive and minority dominant does not necessarily make it good. Big difference between the Spinners & Kanye, between The O'Jays & Rico Nasty; Parlaiment, Prince, Tarence Trent & Zoe Wees. Let's have Alice in Chains, Siouxsie Sioux, Lenny Kravitz, & Summer Walker. Both inclusion and talent. Mix and match, there are all kinds of great musicians from all over the spectrum, old & new which should be playing these shows. Instead, we get the "couture de jur," fair to horrendous and never exiting. Blech.
  12. The fact most people cannot discern between a legitimate, peaceful protest and a criminal act and how the metric always changes depending on what side one is on. No, there is no interpretation here. If you gather and protest peacefully you are doing good. If you gather and break stuff, trespass, injure or kill people, loot or vandalize, you are a criminal, plain and simple. The truckers in Canada are engaging in criminal activity by their actions. They are attacking innocent people, they are making noise all night long, stopping traffic for weeks. The Jan 6 insurrectionists broke into, vandalized, and trespassed into a building. They assaulted people and four people wound up dead as a result. They brought bombs (which thankfully did not go off) and injured dozens of people. The BLM / ANTIFA protests in Portland and other cities resulted in looting and vandalism, and dozens of people injured, that is NOT how you peacefully protest. How about if we stop defending "our side" and simply use the metric of law to determine what is a peaceful, lawful demonstration is. I don't care who does it, violence, looting, and vandalism is wrong, plain and simple. I would think that would be one page we could all easily get on but, sadly, no.
  13. Plus, they usually have those stupid cherry bomb exhaust systems too. Not only do you get nuts, you get obnoxiously loud truck. These people usually round out the redneck truck package with a 3" lift kit, 35" BF Goodrich Mud Terrain tires, a massive American flag on one side and a massive Confederate Battle Flag on the other. Bonus points for either a Let's Go Brandon, or kid pissing on Biden sticker. WOO HOO!!! Time to load up the kids and head on over to the Golden Corral to hook up with Skeeter & Bubba.
  14. Legs or no legs the lady is cute and has one helluva sense of humor. She's a keeper, just lube up the wheels and keep her away from trains and you will have the best partner for life 🙂 Bonus: Those handicap seats for concerts are always the best!!!!
  15. Top three is a tough one, top five is tough as well. Regarding influence you have to toss Roxy Music, Kraftwerk, and possibly the Spark Bros. into the mix. Then there is Judas Priest which IMO, was the template for all the 80's metal scene along with Scorpions. But for sheer overall influence, changing the game, and success I have to go with, in this order, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Zeppelin.
  16. Agree, this is my favorite song by them as well. Brings back so many memories of my youth in the 70's and driving in my parents' 1973 Pontiac Grand Ville.
  17. Well of course, as a fellow Chicago native myself there are always exceptions to the exceptions and there is NO exception for a proper Chicago hot dog. No katsup and MUST be a Vienna hot dog with a steamed poppy-seed bun. Whenever I fly into Midway Airport (I detest O'Hare) I immediately look for the Vienna hot dog vendor cart usually parked by the shops before the boarding gates. Gots to get me fix!!!!
  18. Jimi was no MKUltra asset, he was a Dr. Funkenstein asset and he has gone off on the Mothership to intergalactic grooviness.
  19. IMO there is no "proper" way of drinking a tea or eating a food really. If you like it and it works for you, right on brother. I have a co-worker whose favorite desert is crushed up Taki's (disgusting Mexican junk food, very spicy) sprinkled over strawberry ice cream. Sure, I may think it would gag a maggot, but to each their own. I did ask him when the baby was due though 😉
  20. No, actually they are disruptive idiots. Ottawa is the capital of Canada but like Australia, all mandated are provincial, not federal. Trudeau and his cabinet, nor the govt. at large initiated a single mandate. These clowns are beating people up, harassing people, and the town does not want them there. Just imagine how much you would love the sound of their "freedom" as they constantly blow their air-horns 24-7, all through the night. Something tells me you might want to infringe on some of their "freedoms" by day three of their forced insomnia. There is a proper way to protest and this is not it. You don't block traffic, you don't beat people up, you don't scream at innocent people trying to walk to work, and you don't keep the local population awake for days on end. It's no different then BLM or anyone else as such practices are just wrong under any context including looting. You want to protest, fine, but don't lay siege to an entire town in the process. BTW I just want to mention I agree 100% all of these mandates should end (except with private business as business owners should have the freedom to do as they wish with their business as long as it is not directed toward a protected class). The vaccine prevents you from dying or getting very sick. Masks it turns out offer little protection. The vulnerable per statical data are the elderly, those with co-morbidity's, & the obese. We need to focus on protecting those groups and let everyone else alone. Don't want to get vaccinated? Fine, it won't affect me, not my issue nor problem. However, if you are un-vaccinated then damn right you should stay away from the old-folks home and the Golden Corral Buffet let you take out several old, and / or tubby folk due to transmission. Your body, your choice. You decide to live unhealthy, that should be up to you though I also believe should you get severely ill from the COVID and are un-vaccinated, your insurance should not pay for your medical care, instead you should have to pay for that cost 100% out of pocket. That's fair right?
  21. I know, you would think Earl Grey would not work well with dairy because of the oil of Bergamot but some people dig it. In the states many places serve a London Fog which is an Earl Grey with milk. Tried it once, not too bad, I was rather surprised, but I prefer my EG traditional.
  22. Peet's is by far the best coffee for the price and their oily beans make all the difference. I used to try those expensive boutique brands on occasion and pay $17 for a bag, but the beans were always dry and I thought weak. Now Peet's is some tasty shit and I get it on-sale for around $8.00 a bag. I drink one cup of coffee every morning for the taste as caffeine for some reason does not really affect me. My wife can't believe I can drink a double espresso right before bed (have not done this in about a year) and fall right asleep, no problem. Also a tea drinker in the evening. So, it's a cup o' Joe in the AM, and a cup of Earl Grey w/ honey & lemon for the PM.
  23. Waaaaaas up????? The problem in NATO is the US should no longer be attached to it. Once the Soviet state ceased to exist NATO should have re-formed as a European only joint defense partnership. With us involved it gives the impression of an American hegemony in the region. Regarding Putin's ambitions, he desperately needs money as Russian is all but bankrupt at this point. Russia is not a threat and has never really been a threat to the West as all of their assets are for regional defense only, the only global capability Russia, or China has for that matter, are with their nukes but neither nation can move any conventional forces farther than a few hundred miles of its land borders. Russia has been used as a nonsense excuse for this outrageously massive defense budget which makes no sense. The fact is, the only nation with global conventional force projection capabilities is the US (the UK does as well but to a much lesser extent). If it came down to it Germany alone could hand Russia it's backside with very little effort. Europe can easily take care of itself against Russia. Yep, us silly humans. On the one hand you have the Crusades, the Wars of Religion, several genocides etc.' but on the other hand there Is Zeppelin & Bach, Raphael & Klimt, Joyce & Bukowski. I guess if you want the sweet, you must suffer through a whole lotta sour.
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