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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. He's def underrated as a bassist. Killer sense of timing and feel. I love what he did with "Echoes". "Have a Cigar" bass line is also pretty dope.
  2. Hi Brad, here are some more suggestions to consider: OTHAFA - Vienna 73 Nite Owl Matrix (also Dazed from this night is one of their best ever) NQ - Earl's Court May 18th. If the sound quality of this is too rough (I'd say it's on par with Copenhagen 71), then check out Detroit 1-31-75, Montreal 2-6-75 and MSG 2-7-75 WLL - Bradford 73 (also Dazed from this night is insane, one of my favs). This one is, in my opinion, one of their all-time best and is my own personal favorite. Plant has fully evolved into his 73 swaggering iteration and is in his best voice of 73 (up there with Baltimore and LA 6-3). The band is really, really tight - the whole thing sounds like a well-oiled machine. While the Europe 73 versions of WLL are insanely good, the experimentation didn't always suit the song and sometimes detracted. I prefer the earlier 73 UK versions, and this one is the best. CB - I think for your project Blueberry Hill is the perfect choice. For the second slot using the BBC version, are you using the one from 69 that has "It's Your Thing?" in it? One of my all-time fav versions. Beyond that, there are some absolutely killer versions of CB from 71. I'd check out Leicester 71 for sure. Wanton Song - Chicago 1-22
  3. Woah, great find! I'm with you 100%, would love to see more of these types of pics with Zep. They seem all too rare. This one is beautifully composed, I agree. Looks like something Robert Frank would do.
  4. Gimme a break, dude. People go on this thread to talk/complain/brag about their favorite teams all the time. You do it the most, I've noticed. If a team loses a game and are knocked out of contention, they then become off limits to talk about on this thread? Who made that rule up? You? Just now? I shouldn't have to explain this, but I'm going to anyway. I was responding to someone's reply to my own post, venting about Tua and the Dolphins' loss. That's allowed. And you either know that's allowed and are trying to bully me (good luck with that), or your critical thinking skills are severely limited. Having said that, I'm jumping off this thread anyway - because as you say the Dolphins are out. I only comment on teams who I've actually watched play, and this year it's just been the Dolphins and their opponents. I'm also adding you to my ignore list because quite frankly - and I'm going off of other posts you've made on other threads where you've tried (unsuccessfully) bullying other forum members - you're a fucking idiot.
  5. This is awesome 🤣 Had a good laugh, needed that
  6. The whole story of tv (and arguably all things connected to human consumption) right there lol. I was actually impressed with what they did in those 2 seasons of Rome even though I agree it could have been much better with 2 more seasons.
  7. Yeah, I'm WELL AWARE of that (as are most football fans young and old, it's kinda famous). As a kid in south Florida in the 70s, I knew the Miami Dolphins jingle by heart. They had a minor hit on the radio for a while (at least in south Florida) after that magic season, did you know that? They sold the song as a single in stores for years and years. I was venting earlier because I was really hoping Tua would step up for the big game. And Dolphins fans have earned the right to vent, haha. It's a character-building experience. They were fun to watch in the 80s and 90s and have been a "maybe we'll have an 8-8 season" team, ever since. So, Dolphins fans have been hungering for the team to be winners for decades because we remember (or have heard the stories for younger fans) those early years. In all honesty, even in the 80s and 90s, it was rough going. I watched a lot of those games. Make it the Superbowl, choke. Make it to the playoffs (barely), CHOKE. It was a theme. But at least they were competitive. Watching Marino in his prime was a treat.
  8. The Dolphins continue their long and storied tradition of disappointing fans 😂😂 Still love em tho. I think the defense was disgusted and demoralized with the offense last Sunday .. can't explain why else the Jekyll/Hyde performance compared with the past 7 weeks. My original thought on Tua was - he'll never be a championship level guy, but if they stick with him and build around him AND he gets better in his second season, we have hope. I now think that he just doesn't have the mental toughness to accomplish the objectives of the org - namely, to get to the Superbowl. He beats himself with unforced errors in important games. Stepping up with great plays once you're in the fourth quarter and the game has been effectively lost is a huge indicator of a player who is mentally weak when under pressure. Tua did this a lot both last season and this season. Super nice guy, God bless him ... but the kid has got to GO. We'll be lucky if we can hold onto Waddle, Howard and Gesicki - not holding my breath.
  9. Yep, rush job on Penny Dreadful's last season which is why the feel and pace of the first couple of episodes are so different than the rest of the season. Huge fan of the show, I think the first 2 seasons are among the best of any show ever (along with the Wire and Succession). "City of Angels" was horrible lol. And yes to all the love for Rory Kinnear, that guy killed it. I actually think the entire cast was amazing. Great example of a show being a bit too smart for the mainstream. People want to be hit over the head with plot lines, nudity and gore like Dexter and True Blood. Sad, but true. (I've got nothing against nudity or gore, but you guys know what I mean).
  10. Well, Bob I'm getting turned around now on HOFN lol. Just listened to the Bonhamology cover ... Jesus, that thing swings! I always knew Gene Krupa was one of Bonzo's idols, but you can really hear that influence here. And the stuff he's doing at the end, all those little fills and breaks and whatever else that I don't know the technical terms for because I'm not a drummer ... it really makes me appreciate how great he was. Also, this is the first time listening to the song where I've connected the "everything's fine under heaven" lyric with "haven". "Heaven" sounds exactly like "haven", which cannot be an accident. It's so obvious ... I'm sure it's been discussed somewhere on here by now (I did a search but couldn't find it). And I also forgot how much I like Jimmy's solo, His playing with shapes and textures just got better and better as the years went on, In this instance, it feels like a nice way to break up all the stop/start fuckery and let the listener swim in it a bit for a brief pause before the main theme comes back again.
  11. Ha, I actually checked out the one by Bonzoleum just last week.. It still made my head spin when he got into the outro section 😂 I actually think Presence has Jimmy and Bonzo both playing arguably the best either had ever played on record up to that point. And to my ears, Plant sounds absolutely incredible, But it's such a feel-bad album haha. I def need to revisit RO and HOFN now.
  12. Post workout shake, I don't drink either but might have a glass of wine tonight (wooo hooo!!). I think we're making vegan wellington (which means I'm getting my chicken fix in before dinner lol)
  13. On this site, it's absolutely controversial, but that's ok! It's good to be honest about stuff. I actually have the same opinion about ALS, it never clicked for me, and I found it boring. But then, hearing it live with some boots kind of opened it up for me, if that makes any sense. But as far as the album goes, I think it's incredibly well-played stuff and love how it sounds. Some of the songs def sound like filler -HOFN and RO to my ears. My fav songs from the album are Tea For One and Candy Store Rock, which I'm sure puts me in the minority with Zep fans. CSR is by far their most underrated song. It's genius and perfectly encapsulates where they were at that moment in time. The feel of the song is restrained with controlled tension there. The release is more cerebral vs visceral (which is very un-Zep like). An imaginary catharsis, if you will. Plant sounds tense, desperate and uncertain (in a good way) at the end. "It's all right" ...at that moment in time, it really wasn't. The irony was they were doing their flavor of rockabilly, and the main tenet of rockabilly is how free and wild it is and what a release it was (thinking of Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochran specifically). But this version has the opposite atmosphere.
  14. Might as well throw in Jamaaladeen Tacuma. It's Friday, it's NYE ...why not? Here's something from Jamaaladeen's short-lived funk band Cosmetic. He got signed to Rough Trade in 82, when post punk bands were all the rage. This sounds very "Ornette meets post punk" with all those angular guitars so I'm pretty sure he was listening to Rough Trade artists (The Fall, Pere Ubu, Pop Group, etc) while writing/recording this:
  15. Rarely listen to stuff from 1980, but this is a nice comp put together by LZBoots. Never been a fan of TUF live, but the Berlin version is interesting for a lot of reasons. Also, love ALS and WLL from this:
  16. That whole thought process sounds very familiar 😂. Exact same thing has happened to me with more than one show ...
  17. Indeed it is! And yeah it does sound very 73-ish, only 13 minutes long. Jimmy's focus is pretty tight, and everyone just comes together on it.
  18. Yeah, 3+ hrs is a commitment lol. Going on a NQ bend is perfect because most versions are around 20 min or so. I loved it when I went on my own bend while I was doing the rankings. You can listen to just one and then move on to something else, or listen to like 3 in a row for immediate comparisons.
  19. I bring up Norwood and John M. drops this ^ (Norwood was absolutely influenced by Rocco). John, I don't know if you like Fishbone or not but there's a fun track on the Mask soundtrack called "Let the Good Times Roll". It's Fishbone with ToP horn section. And now I feel the need to listen to East Bay Grease which will def make work a little more fun today.
  20. Nice shout out to Norwood, such an underrated bassist, Dude f-in lays it DOWN like no other and can play any style, "Sunless Saturday" is like Rush meets Sly, and the interplay between that sick bass line with the drums and guitar is what's making it happen. Also - I love how he took "Fight the Youth" and saved it from being a stupid big hair 80's style rock song with that FUNK lol, And don't get me started on his live playing ...
  21. ^^ My response above is for best combo of sound quality and performance for 75 NQ. If you're asking what are the top 3 shows of 75, that's a whole 'nother question.
  22. Jimmy only went by Palu for a very, very brief time - during his Hawaiian music phase. "Down By the Seaside" originally had a "Tiny Bubbles" style ukulele thing going on. We don't like to talk about it here on the forum.
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