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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I don't have a life so I sit here all day. On the old board I think I had just broke 1000.
  2. Most people know the Beatles by Yellow Submarine, Pink Floyd by Dark Side of tthe Moon even though it's really Brain Damage.
  3. Good bye. The only reason I"m taking it is because I have a Robert Plant interview that I've been wanting to translate, I can read some of it. I'm only in French one, so I can read part of your conversation just not alot.
  4. My name is the same, just different avatar.
  5. I have a question. If you were to say the words that are supposed to be there and then play that backwards would it sound like the normal lyrics to Stairway?
  6. I can type, write and read some French but I couldn't talk it to save my life. What else has everyone been talking about?
  7. I don't know where he is. And we don't have exploding smilies anymore.
  8. I'd like them to. But if they don't I won't be upset, I see both sides.
  9. They should play Indy or Chicago so I can go. Not to be selvish, but not sure about Chicago, and Indy has the RCA Dome.
  10. When someone gets those pictues, I would really appriciete it if you posted them. Some of us don't get to go. (like me, I didn't get tickets, but I'm not bitter.) Edited to say: Please and thank you.
  11. How did you manage that many? I don't have very many Bonzo pictures but those can be hard to come by. I have them with Jonesy and Bonzo as a group but not individual shots.
  12. They can't have smilie limits, that's not fair. How will the newbies know what subjects they shouldn't post about? Hello Angi, glad you guys are back. I just wondered where you and Ev where here or not. I hope your move has been going well.
  13. I don't think this is a mystery but I'd like to know anyway. What is the date of their first rehersal?
  14. I now have 52 Jonesy pics. That's funny, I have over 200 pictures of Robert and Jimmy. Poor Jonesy.
  15. I understand, I don't like people buying me the stuff I need. I'd rather have them buy the extras that way I know i supply myself with what I need. That isn't always possible. My mom does that too, it just that they want us to be the ebst we can be and don't realize that it stresses us at. You shouldn't stress. Stressing about it gives the situation more thought than it's worth. Try to let it roll off your back and it will get better. I have to go my brother need th computer. Don't hesitate to pm me. I'll get back to you ASAP.
  16. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could've been born in time to have been there.
  17. Sometimes I feel like that too. You can't really get away, you just have to act like it. Just don't let them control you all the time. If you ever find an escape from it, take me with you. I know it's hard, but if you ignore your brother he will stop. It just won't entertain him anymore.
  18. You have some of Robert Plant's shoes?! What size are they? What color are they? When did he wear them? How worn are they? I'm sorry for the over load of questions. But I've never heard of anyone having a pair of Robert's shoes. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, just thought I'd try. And if they're UK, and you do answer, can someone translate UK sizes to US sizes for me?
  19. Don't worry about your brother. Mine does that too. And I hate teachers like that, I have had some like that. I don't have anyone liek that this year. The only ones that I don't like are my english teacher (he sucks your soul and happiness out), and my french teacher is very nice, but she's pregnant, and very very moody.
  20. Cheer up Rabia. Don't worry about what your teacher says. You made a mistake, big deal. Has your teacher ever made a mistake? Your here now, so you should listen to some good music and talk to people hear and just forget about everything else. I'm listening to a rather fitting songs. Good times, Bad Times, we all have them and get through them.
  21. lzfan715

    Photos !

    Last summer I went to DC on a school trip. The trip was really sucky for the most part. But, this is John Bonham's drum on display at the Hard Rock in DC, I touched it too.
  22. I'd go anyway, after all this is a once in a lifetime chance. Unless you were around to see it when they had showing of it all the time.
  23. Only two, not been up long OTHAFA, and Fool IN The Rain right now.
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