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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. That's funny you said that because during BCW, Robert sang the line "You didn't have to tell me I was just your kid" directly to Alison, and they both kinda laughed like it was some kind of inside joke or something. As far as a set list goes, I know a few people went up to the stage after to grab one, but I couldn't tell you song for song what they played. Everyone seems to be so shocked when they play "In The Mood", and it gets as big of a response as the Zeppelin numbers do.
  2. I love your energy. LOL
  3. So I decided on a somewhat spur-of-the-moment to go to this show. As always the show was great. I didn't think it was too different from the previous shows, so I won't post what everyone else has already said. Although it was strange to see Alison in a pants suit. It was such a change from the dresses she's been wearing on this tour. Some pics I took at the show:
  4. I think you should definitely try if you want pics. At least go with the disposable option. I saw the show again last night in Detroit, and they checked purses and jackets, but I had my camera in there, and either they were blind or didn't care. I managed to take a ton of pics. The security were even telling people that it was ok to take pics, but not video.
  5. I wouldn't have known about the pics if it weren't for your link! Plus I wanted to resurrect the Smile Thread because it wasn't even on the main page anymore.
  6. Nice to see both JPJ and Jimmy there together... rather than just one.
  7. I second that! It definitely does sound like he could be talking about Zep... the fact of the whole secrecy of it all... but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  8. The venue website for the show I saw in Canandaigua last week said the same thing. But they didn't even check for cameras at the gate, and EVERYONE ended up taking pics and videos. I guess it just depends on how strict the security is. I was able to walk right into the venue early on during Sharon Little's soundcheck and no one said anything. All of the security was sitting in the seated area getting a "GO TEAM" lecture from the Head Security guy, so there was no one there to stop us. lol
  9. Yes. Spur of the moment decision to go see the show in Detroit.
  10. Skid Row (showing my "hair metal" youth)
  11. I'm really shocked about that. I'm not a Rush fan, but I figured that most people who go to see them would practically worship them... or at least not boo. lol
  12. Roxie

    Pet Peeves

    I'm sure I've posted this before on this thread, but because it happened again today and nearly caused an accident - I"ll say it again. People who don't signal when they change lanes!!
  13. PLEASE let him be wearing those tomorrow when I see him.
  14. Great picture! And I've got the same calendar on my wall too (as I'm sure many of us probably do on here).
  15. Roxie

    Band Photos

    Love this one.. esp Robert's smile. Can it get any bigger?
  16. I like the Cleveland version too... crack or no crack. lol
  17. What great pics!! I'm SOOO happy for you that you met him.... and yes, you do look EXTREMELY happy in the photo!
  18. I hope you don't get stranded Miss H - I'll be sending positive vibes your way. Can't wait to read your review, and hopefully you get to meet Jason!
  19. Roxie

    Photos !

    Some oldies I decided to dig out today from my trip to Seattle in 1996. Bruce & Brandon Lee's graves: Courtney Love & Kurt Cobain's house (it was actually part of the tourist map)
  20. That's true... he does sound like that at times. It's hard not to laugh at him laughing. Gotta love it.
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