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Woman held for noisy sex 'breach'

The Rover

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DEEP GENUINE EVERLASTING LOVE! Since getting out of jail, I think that she is still looking for me. The neighbors across the street from my sister are still looking for me and are still asking her where I am at. ROCK ON!

Just send me $1000 Confederate Dollars and your secret will be safe with me, OK friend.

Regards, Danny


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Psh. That's just neighbors who need to get laid :rolleyes:. Or maybe it's the husbands trying to shut her up because, they can't make their wives be that loud. Or maybe it's the wives trying to shut her up because, they're just that jealous. Some women do scream at 3am for all the right reasons haha :P . Just sayin..

It is a bit of a turn-off when I've had women do it with me, the screaming bit; especially in thin-walled apartment buildings where children also live. I had to put my hand over one's mouth a few times. But being fined for that? F--- that.

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If this case ever develops into a counter-suit, loss of consortium would be an issue.

Years passed and Rapunzel remained locked up in her tower room.

Good Times Bad Times, you know I had my share;

When my woman left home for a brown eyed man,

Well, I still don't seem to care.

I know what it means to be alone, I sure do wish I was at home.

I don't care what the neighbors say

Published Date: 06 May 2009 NOISY-SEX neighbour Caroline Cartwright has appeared in court again over claims she has breached an Asbo.

It is alleged the 48-year-old broke the four-year antisocial behaviour order imposed by magistrates by having raucous sex sessions with husband Steve.

Cartwright, who is remanded in custody, appeared by video link for the short hearing at Sunderland Magistrates' Court yesterday.

She has previously denied flouting the order on April 18, 22 and 26, at her home in Hall Road, Concord, Washington, and has exercised her right to be tried by a jury at Newcastle Crown Court

The claims came less than 36hours after the order was imposed by JPs at Sunderland.

Yesterday, District Judge Roger Elsey heard Cartwright had been granted bail following a judge-in-chambers hearing with Judge Guy Whitburn, QC.

But her solicitor Peter Lowthian said an address provided to the court had to be withdrawn, leaving his client with no option but to stay behind bars.

The case was adjourned until a further hearing at the city court on June 2.

It was agreed Cartwright would appear again by video link, unless a suitable bail address had been found before then.

Cartwright was hit with the Asbo after being convicted for five breaches of a noise abatement order and fined a total of £515.

The civil order bans her from having noisy sex anywhere in England.

Its conditions state that Cartwright cannot make excessive noise, knocking, shouting, screaming or vocalisation that can be heard in neighbouring properties or outside the house.

It also prohibits the couple from playing loud music.


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Why hello "~tangerine~!" Ha Ha! I have to hand it to you, that was an interesting observation. When I first moved to Sacramento, California, the next block from where I lived, was a Catholic school for girls. I met and dated at least half of them. They corrupted the hell out of me worse than the girls that went to a public school with the exception of my ex-girlfriend Donna. Donna used to walk up to the Catholic school with her best friend Stacy and deliberately get them drunk, stoned and pick fights with them resulting in beating the shit out of them. I think that Donna corrupted the whole Catholic school. I used to love looking up the Catholic girl's little skirts (uniforms), what a thrill that was for me then. ROCK ON!

Yep, there was one Catholic girl's school on Church Street in San Francisco and those short skirts were sort of the anti-Catholic statement ya' think? My old pal Mickey told me they were the horniest of them all. I wonder if they could say 10 Hail Mary's while having an orgasm?? :lol:

Quick edit: On Diamond Street in SF was a Catholic school and the boys were some of the worst fuckin' punks I ever ran into. :lol:

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Yep, there was one Catholic girl's school on Church Street in San Francisco and those short skirts were sort of the anti-Catholic statement ya' think? My old pal Mickey told me they were the horniest of them all. I wonder if they could say 10 Hail Mary's while having an orgasm?? :lol:

Quick edit: On Diamond Street in SF was a Catholic school and the boys were some of the worst fuckin' punks I ever ran into. :lol:

Hi 'redrum'

10 Hail Mary's and one How's your Father

Two Catholic girls walking home from school, one girl says to the other, "Its been a long time since Benedictus" :lol:

Regards, Danny

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Yep, there was one Catholic girl's school on Church Street in San Francisco and those short skirts were sort of the anti-Catholic statement ya' think? My old pal Mickey told me they were the horniest of them all. I wonder if they could say 10 Hail Mary's while having an orgasm?? :lol:

Quick edit: On Diamond Street in SF was a Catholic school and the boys were some of the worst fuckin' punks I ever ran into. :lol:

How's it going "redrum?" Ha Ha! That's a good one. 10 Hail Mary's, hell they would say 10 Hail Horny's or 50 Hail Orgasms! Those Catholic school girls must have either gotten kicked out of a public school, kicked out of the school district or both. Those Catholic girls are hell. ROCK ON!

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Hi 'redrum'

10 Hail Mary's and one How's your Father

Two Catholic girls walking home from school, one girl says to the other, "Its been a long time since Benedictus" :lol:

Regards, Danny

How's it going "BIGDAN?" Ha Ha! I'm not going to comment on that one, it might come out disgusting. ROCK ON!

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How's it going "BIGDAN?" Ha Ha! I'm not going to comment on that one, it might come out disgusting. ROCK ON!


Good for you, keep it clean, did you know that "Peter Green: Man of the World" documentry is on BBC4 this Friday at 21.30 local time repeated on Saturday 01.35, just thought you might like too know.

Regards, Danny

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Good for you, keep it clean, did you know that "Peter Green: Man of the World" documentry is on BBC4 this Friday at 21.30 local time repeated on Saturday 01.35, just thought you might like too know.

Regards, Danny

Hey "BIGDAN!" Oh shit, I have one BBC channel here in San Antonio, Texas U.S.A. I'll have to check and see if the PETER GREEN special will be airing here. Damn, I sure hope so! I want to see this show bad! If I don't get it here, can you record it on a DVD+R? This is something that every Rock n' Roll and Blues fanatic needs to see. Everyone needs to know just how great PETER GREEN REALLY WAS back in the day! People would be shocked! I'll e-mail or comment here on the forum tomorrow whether I can or cannot get the program. Keep in touch, ROCK ON my friend!

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Hey "BIGDAN!" Oh shit, I have one BBC channel here in San Antonio, Texas U.S.A. I'll have to check and see if the PETER GREEN special will be airing here. Damn, I sure hope so! I want to see this show bad! If I don't get it here, can you record it on a DVD+R? This is something that every Rock n' Roll and Blues fanatic needs to see. Everyone needs to know just how great PETER GREEN REALLY WAS back in the day! People would be shocked! I'll e-mail or comment here on the forum tomorrow whether I can or cannot get the program. Keep in touch, ROCK ON my friend!


Calm down mate, i'm already on to it, i've set the Set Top Box to record both showings so as i dont miss either, if you need a copy there will be no problem on my part, just thought i'de let you know its on.

Regards, Danny

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Calm down mate, i'm already on to it, i've set the Set Top Box to record both showings so as i dont miss either, if you need a copy there will be no problem on my part, just thought i'de let you know its on.

Regards, Danny

How's it going "BIGDAN?" C-O-O-L!!!!!!!!! I'm calm now. I can't wait to see this special. I owe you one for this one. ROCK ON my friend!

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Hi 'redrum'

10 Hail Mary's and one How's your Father

Two Catholic girls walking home from school, one girl says to the other, "Its been a long time since Benedictus" :lol:

Regards, Danny



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We have more Monty Python-like activity from the old country. Readers may recall the recent trials and tribulation of Caroline Cartwright who fell afoul of the law for making too much noise while engaged in lovemaking with her husband. Cartwright faced incarceration after ignoring an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO).

Well, it is the police this time who are causing a disturbance according to residents. Northamptonshire Police have been ordered to use megaphones to shout crime prevention advice at residents who leave their windows and doors open.

In an effort to reduce burglaries this summer, the officers have been instructed to go into unlocked properties and alert the homeowners to the security risk. This includes even waking people up if they are sleeping.

The plan will see police patrolling the streets with the megaphone, shouting at homeowners to ensure their properties are properly secured.

The concept is not going over large with locals who find it patronizing and intrusive.

The scheme was dreamed up by Northamptonshire police and begun two weeks ago in the Thorplands and Lumbertubs area of Northamptonshire where there have been a number of burglaries of late. Officers are patrolling residential streets bawling "This is the police, shut your window and lock your doors, don't let burglars in."

Shirley Partridge, 75, said, "I don't want police officers coming into my house and bellowing at me with a megaphone telling me what to do. All they will be doing is waking my dog up and set him off barking at all hours."

Inspector Mike Grady has responded by declaring, "Sadly, a good proportion of burglaries in this county take place at homes that have been left insecure. A burglar can be in and out of your home with your wallet, mobile or keys in just seconds if he gains entry."

Ms. Partridge retorted ,"Surely all of the criminals will just hear the police and hide until they are gone."

This is definitely a plot-line for a movie. How about "Carry on shouting"?

"This is the police. Number 134, shut your window!'

"Shut your face , ya bleeding wanker!" "You shut up. We're trying to protect you." "'ere, what's all the bloody noise? Shut up." "You shut up Snelgrove; I'm talking to the police."

"No you're not; you're shouting at me." "Both you shut up and stop shouting. And close your windows."

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do." "Yah, don't tell me to shut up when I'm conversing with me neighbour. You and your bleeding megaphone should shut up."

"Will you please shut up? You've got me dog all excited and now he's barking his head off.!"

"Sorry, Ms. Partridge. It's Snelgrove's fault." "You shouted first."

"Did not, the coppers did, so shut up." "Everybody! Shut -the -hell -up!" "Easy for you to say. You've got a big bleeding megaphone!"

Meanwhile a block away, sitting in a car watching and listening to all this, two yobs dressed in black would come to a decision.

"I think we should go look at another 'hood, Bert; seems rather chalky about 'ere."

-George Chandler


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As an atheist all i can say is Oh My God. Unbelievable.

To all the posters regarding the Catholic girls, i was never one of those, lol.

How's it going "~tangerine~?" I'm glad to hear that you weren't one of them, you're one of the rare ones. Then again, who ever said that you were? It wasn't any of us! ROCK ON!

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How's it going "~tangerine~?" I'm glad to hear that you weren't one of them, you're one of the rare ones. Then again, who ever said that you were? It wasn't any of us! ROCK ON!

Hi ZeppFanForever :), well i'm not a Catholic girl, so i never had any religious beliefs to worry about, lol. I enjoyed reading the previous posts on this subject... funny material.

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Hi ZeppFanForever :), well i'm not a Catholic girl, so i never had any religious beliefs to worry about, lol. I enjoyed reading the previous posts on this subject... funny material.

I thought so, I'm glad that you enjoyed reading them, you deserve a good laugh. ROCK ON!

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