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The Killers Want To Knock Led Zep Off Their Pedistool


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Jaffy! Did you ever think that maybe people that like Led Zeppelin, and think that anything that sounds different sucks... may be on to something?

No. I have favorite bands myself (Zeppelin included) but I could never be into just one artist and totally unaccepting of anything else.

What is wrong with making music people like? Not chic enough for you? Can't belittle people for not knowing any (INSERT RANDOM HIPSTER BAND NAME) Songs?

Different Strokes for Different Folks son.

I'm all for different strokes for different folks. I believe this guy's comments have been totally misconstrued throughout the majority of this thread (as well as mine). It's not about artists being "chic" or "hip" enough, or belittling anyone, it's about being accepting of other types of music besides those that have set the standard whether it be Nirvana or Led Zeppelin. I don't listen to music for any sort of perception of hipness but because of what moves me.

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I think folks are missing the gist of Flowers' comments. He's not saying the Killers are better or more popular than Zeppelin or Nirvana, he's saying some music fans in the States seem to be totally unaccepting of anything new. Though it's not true of everyone that posts here, I've noticed the very same thing on this board. Those that are into new music are in the vast minority. There's more choices than ever before to discover new artists yet so many only want to hear what they're accustomed to.

Now Flowers' comments remind me of the John Lennon - Jesus Christ incident...

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Now Flowers' comments remind me of the John Lennon - Jesus Christ incident...

Talk about your misinterpretations. I didn't read anything in there that even remotely reminded me of Lennon's comment, which was also completely misunderstood at the time.

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Actually, John Lennon's famous Jesus Christ comment was specifically parodied much earlier in this thread. See Page 2 of this thread, specifically Post 36 by Moonmaid. I read through the whole discussion hoping nobody else caught onto it so I could discreetly praise it...

only to have my hopes dashed in the last 2 posts of a 14 page discussion when its brought up by somebody who misinterpreted a post with similar wording! Curses!

Not a complete loss however, being as there were many good, thought-provoking posts that shared and articulated sentiments, both mine and others, that I was able to read along the way. Good post, Moonmaid, and everybody else, great thread!

Edited by creditmoonforthename
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bringing up mainstream bands like Nirvana and Led Zeppelin is a good way to get attention, but his intentions weren't that bad. He's basically mocking the close-mindedness that runs rampant throughout the country.

Personally, I can't stand people that are stuck in a certain time period and are unwilling to move on. I'm always looking towards the future, but that's just me.

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Bringing up mainstream bands like Nirvana and Led Zeppelin is a good way to get attention, but his intentions weren't that bad. He's basically mocking the close-mindedness that runs rampant throughout the country.

Personally, I can't stand people that are stuck in a certain time period and are unwilling to move on. I'm always looking towards the future, but that's just me.

Ill look towards the future when theres some good music worth a listen...What you said is pretty true, but it isnt necessarily that people are stuck in the past, its they cant find what theyre looking for in the present. Well thats atleast how it is with me..

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Ill look towards the future when theres some good music worth a listen...What you said is pretty true, but it isnt necessarily that people are stuck in the past, its they cant find what theyre looking for in the present. Well thats atleast how it is with me..

There's plenty of good music in the present, you just have to dig deeper to find it. You won't find it in the mainstream or MTV. Tell me what you think of


or these songs:

First song was "A Pinch of Salt" by Dead Man. I'm sure you'll find a band you will like that's from today. ;)

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Bringing up mainstream bands like Nirvana and Led Zeppelin is a good way to get attention, but his intentions weren't that bad. He's basically mocking the close-mindedness that runs rampant throughout the country.

Personally, I can't stand people that are stuck in a certain time period and are unwilling to move on. I'm always looking towards the future, but that's just me.

You're not alone. I'm constantly in search of that next album that I never want to take out of the changer, that I must hear on repeat a good half a dozens times or so but that only happens every so often. The constant searching is well worth it though. Today, there are even more options than ever for discovering new music which makes the journey that much more exciting.

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There's plenty of good music in the present, you just have to dig deeper to find it. You won't find it in the mainstream or MTV. Tell me what you think of

or these songs:

First song was "A Pinch of Salt" by Dead Man. I'm sure you'll find a band you will like that's from today. ;)

Thanks for the songs, i really liked Lady Winter by Witchcraft, do you have anymore songs from them that you could reccomend? :)

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Thanks for the songs, i really liked Lady Winter by Witchcraft, do you have anymore songs from them that you could reccomend? :)

Sure, here are a few.

(In Swedish)

Chylde of Fire

No Angel Or Demon

No angel Or Demon (acoustic)

From Sweden, they have released three albums. Witchcraft, Firewood, and The Alchemist.

Here's another Dead Man tune, they're also from Sweden and have released two albums. Dead Man and Euphoria.


Edit to add myspaces.



Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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Ill look towards the future when theres some good music worth a listen...What you said is pretty true, but it isnt necessarily that people are stuck in the past, its they cant find what theyre looking for in the present. Well thats atleast how it is with me..

I'm not saying it's wrong to have a preference for a certain of music, but don't shun something simply because it doesn't fit your norm.

With the internet at our disposal, there's no reason for anyone not to at least check something out before they make unfounded accusations.

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