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I'd like to find one kid who had a set up like that. :lol:

It's Swell!!

I had the space station and the lunar rover. Remember seeing the kids on Julia playing with their space station? For some reason, the action figures were never shown, probably because of conflict of interest (which later became known as "product placement"). I've read Tom Hanks is going to be starring in a Major Matt Mason movie, that ought to be interesting.

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As a Child in the 1970's England, I bought some American comics which always had adverts for;

Sea monkeys....?

X-ray specs.

A army of soldiers 1000 or so which came in a locker. I really wanted those...

Did anyone buy any of those ? I did not know what a Zip code was, but I really wanted to send away for them.

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yup........pretty common stuff

sea monkeys were shrimp you kept in a lil tank and they came with all kinds of silly accessories.....money for nothing not unlike the pet rock, but living and interesting for a couple days in a science experiment kinda way.they are still available today.....


x ray glasses were a farce of course but still can be had at most joke shops.....if there are any joke shops left


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As a Child in the 1970's England, I bought some American comics which always had adverts for;

Sea monkeys....?

X-ray specs.

A army of soldiers 1000 or so which came in a locker. I really wanted those...

Did anyone buy any of those ? I did not know what a Zip code was, but I really wanted to send away for them.

I remember sending for the tiny camera that actually used film. I don't think I ever got any pics developed (couldn't afford it) but that was my first camera at age 10. :^)

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I remember sending for the tiny camera that actually used film. I don't think I ever got any pics developed (couldn't afford it) but that was my first camera at age 10. :^)

Would it have been spy camera? I sent away for spy pen telescope, which in the advert appeared as a 007 type gadget.

What I got was a piece of plastic tat , useless for covert surveilance of bikini.... I mean the wonders of the natural world

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Would it have been spy camera? I sent away for spy pen telescope, which in the advert appeared as a 007 type gadget.

What I got was a piece of plastic tat , useless for covert surveilance of bikini.... I mean the wonders of the natural world

It may have been. I think it used 110 film or smaller. It was about the size of a Zippo lighter.

Nowadays they probably sell 'Sex Monkeys' :^)

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I love Louis CK's routine about how people bitch about cellphone reception (and the lack thereof) these days by referencing the days of the rotary phone and how you might be less compelled to dial someone that had too many zeros in their phone number.

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I had some of this as a kid. Ended up with lots of bruises on my elbows playing with these. I have actually seen them for sale again at some swap meets.

Yep, they were cool but kind of annoying too. :^)

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