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The Blind Date from Hell


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My friend and I met two chicks at the Bad Co show in Atlantic City on July 4. They were married but one had a friend who was not. While partying with Badco in their suite at the casino one of them told me that they have a friend who would be perfect for me. She called her right away and I spoke to her on the phone. Sounded awesome but couldn't meet that night due to the late hour and lack of transportation.

We spoke on the phone on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I asked her if she wanted to meet me in Atlantic City to hang out and see where it goes from there. She agreed and we met on Wednesday afternoon.

We hit it off immediately and had alot in common. Lost our dads to cancer, both looking for a soulmate and someone to spend the rest of our lives with, love rock and roll, concerts. We walked hand in hand on the beach and I really felt awesome hanging with her. she is a knockout as well. Short and cute. Perfect girl for me I thought. when we spoke before meeting I told her that I quit drinking in 98 and I don't mind hanging with people who have a few but just can't take people who get hammered.

she wanted to have a few drinks so we went to the bikini bar. I figured she needed a drink because of the nervousness of being on a blind date. She had a few and we walked down the beach hand in hand. Went to a casino and she had a few more. Then we went to dinner and she starting drinking mixed drinks. We started gambling for a bit, gave her money to gamble and went shopping and bought her a nice Coach Handbag at 150+. She loved it. My dad always told me that you always treat, at least the first few dates. It's the right way to treat a woman. Then we went back to the room and decided to go for a buggy ride on the boardwalk.

Well, she wanted to go to a bar and dance instead so I agreed. We went to the casino bar and even though I don't really dance I did because I could tell she really wanted to. Then she starts to drink Corona after Corona. A hiphop song comes on and I just can't dance to that so she danced with some guy who was there with a buddy. After the dance she goes over to the bar and starts making out with the guy. She looks over at me and could tell I was in disbelief. She comes over and asks if I'm OK. I told her that I'm really not, that I drove four hours to meet and hang out with you and would appreciate it if she would hang with me. She told me he was her cousin, but didn't introduce me. We were making out ten minutes before that, sitting on my lap, etc. She apologized and we started hanging again, kissing, etc. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was back at the bar making out with this guy again. She saw me come into the bar and came over and I was pissed at that point. I didn't speak to her for about five minutes and she gets out her cellphone and calls this guy and I can hear her telling him her name. I was pissed but would not start a scene so I simply got up and walked out.

I went up to our room(I gave her a key), packed my bags, went to the desk and paid for the taxes(I'm always comped) and started driving home. I stopped and got gas at the first gas station and she kept calling me(I refused to answer). I decided that If I drive home I'm not going to get there until 4AM so I decided to call Trump Plaza and they comped me so I drove back and checked in there. I walked back to Ballys where "our" room was and went into the bar. The bartender asked me to sign for drinks that my "wife" drank. I told her no way, she's a blind date and I'm not paying for her drinks(after being completely disrespected). I went to the front desk and told the girl at the desk that I want her to leave the room. I had to go with security as that's there policy. I stayed in the stairwell with one security while the other two opened the door. she was in the jacuzzi with her clothes on and it was overflowing all over the place. She told them that I was her brother and that she was there for a family reunion and that her kids would be coming back to the room so that she couldn't leave. they told her they would post security by the door and contact her if when they come back. she gave them her sisters name.

After they escorted her down the elevator I went into the room and saw that the sheets were pulled back and wet spots on the bed. Apparently she screwed either her new friend, or should I say cousin or maybe she did the room service guy. I don't know or care. He allowed her to sign for more beers that were charged to my room even thought it's against their policy since I'm the only one registered.

I worked in the hotel biz for 13 years and know that when someone does damage to a room they charge you a ridiculous amount for any damage so at 3am I'm using a towel to dry off the floor by wringing it out in the sink over and over and over for half an hour+. I left a twenty for the maid also so that they hopefully wouldn't charge me a fortune. I also found the room service slip for more Corona's charged to my room.

I went downstairs and was heading towards the front desk to take care of the beer charges and security tells me that valet refused to give her the car and she was heading back to the front desk. I went out another exit, gave it some time and went to the desk. I asked the girl at the desk to comp the drinks and that if my host was here it would not be a problem. she resisted but finally took off the charge. then my date calls the desk asking if she's seen her brother Dave. The girl at the desk was hilarious and told her that Dave just evicted her from the room and that she should stay with her family since they were all staying at the hotel. she was so good I tipped her a fifty and went back to Trump and crashed after being up for 23 hours.

I can't even believe that this shit happened to me. I treated this girl with nothing but respect, bought her all kinds of stuff, treated her to everything and even offered to sleep on a rollaway if she wasn't comfortable with sleeping on the bed, and this is what I got.

I would love some feedback from the "zeppelin" fans on this. Why would she do such a thing? was she trying to test me, make me jealous or was she just hammered and stupid?

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I would love some feedback from the "zeppelin" fans on this. Why would she do such a thing? was she trying to test me, make me jealous or was she just hammered and stupid?

I'll take "hammered and stupid" for $500 Alex.

The only blessing from this episode is that she chose to show her true colors quickly. It was many moons ago, but I was invited to a wedding by a girl who pulled the same shit. I did the same as you...walked out and never looked back. This episode may have cost you some bucks, but it could have been worse (she could have left a tiger in the bathroom :blink: ). When it comes to dating, you're never too old to get screwed.

One more friendly word of advice. It's certainly okay to be a gentleman, but opening your wallet to let someone you barely know gamble at a casino is pretty much always a bad idea.

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I hate to say it but it kinda seems like you were set up from the beginning. The girl that introduced you to her probably saw you as a high roller and figured her friend could have a good time at your expense. Obviously you were taken advantage of. That is so sad, becuase obviously you are a generous and considerate man. Women like that give other women a bad name.

I agree with bongman, also buying anyone a coach bag on the first date is uncalled for. I have a friend that was always going over the top like that on first dates and I know with him it either attracted gold diggers or scared the normal women off a bit because they saw it as a bit desperate.

Don't let this bad experience jade you, just be more cautious in the future. You learn something from every event and situation in your life.

Hoping you find the girl of your dreams soon! Sounds like she will be a lucky woman! :D

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Sounds like you just got a bad one. It wasn't fair what she did to you, and I can't imagine anyone doing that to another person. I was always taught you treat people how you want to be treated, and yoou were very nice to her but she just didn't act the same way. You seem to be a very nice guy, and I hope you find the right girl soon.

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...Id take the Coach bag back, and never spoil someone that you just met with that much money. I mean, even though im young, i would never accept that much money and generousity after meeting you for the first time. My limit would just be you buying me dinner or something..That woman seems very selfish and such an idiot, but she got a bag and some drinks out of it.

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...Id take the Coach bag back, and never spoil someone that you just met with that much money. I mean, even though im young, i would never accept that much money and generousity after meeting you for the first time. My limit would just be you buying me dinner or something..That woman seems very selfish and such an idiot, but she got a bag and some drinks out of it.

I agree. Even if you have tons of cash, you should never spend too much on someone on the first date. I'd say probably no more than dinner, a movie or whatever, and maayybe some flowers should be the absolute limit. When you spend a lot on someone right away, they tend to think they can take advantage of you, which is exactly what that lady(and I use the term loosely) did. She was pretty slimey, but at least you found out before you got involved with her. That's something to be thankful for, right?

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I agree. Even if you have tons of cash, you should never spend too much on someone on the first date. I'd say probably no more than dinner, a movie or whatever, and maayybe some flowers should be the absolute limit. When you spend a lot on someone right away, they tend to think they can take advantage of you, which is exactly what that lady(and I use the term loosely) did. She was pretty slimey, but at least you found out before you got involved with her. That's something to be thankful for, right?

I wonder how long before spats shows up. :rolleyes:

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I was on the first blind date of my life about two years ago and it went well, a good conversation and hang. but later she said she was in a breaking up relationship and didnt want to be friends, she invited me to her church though. very strange thing... anyway i'm 40 now, so i'm beyond blind dates i guess.

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Wow, that really IS the Blind Date from Hell!! My worst nightmare would be sitting and staring at the walls behind each other because both of us would end up being shy - I hadn't even thought of something like that! Man, that's beyond outrageous...even a hooker only does one guy at a time!

I'd go with hammered and stupid, and probably trying to take advantage of your generosity, like Medhb and Bonnie said. Lol, stupid is definitely a keyword here - "he's my cousin!" Um, was that supposed to make me feel better? :lol:

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I'm just thinking the posters date could have gone well if they were both aligned better, either alittle drinking and less drinking, or something like that. but thats fate and or circumstance and with any drugs, its not good for a first date.

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He may not be going on dates soon but he has been on worse dates. No matter how bad your date is someone has been on a worse on, and it's usually spats.

Edited to say: I agree with everyone else, it sounds like she just wantd to take advantage of you. She wanted that Coach bag, many women find Coach bags sort of like a badge of honor if you get one and they carry them proudly. (Not all women who own designer bags are like that, just some of women are all about labels.) It was an unfortunate event and this woman just wasn't the right one.

Edited by lzfan715
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I would love some feedback from the "zeppelin" fans on this. Why would she do such a thing? was she trying to test me, make me jealous or was she just hammered and stupid?

Definitely the last two, plus she was somewhat of an opportunist and what some would describe as a problem drinker.

Alcohol lowers inhibitions.

Watch their behavior when they have had a few too many.

But I don't need to tell you that now, because you've learned.

Edited by eternal light
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I really appreciate all of the input from everyone. It was a rough night and you're all right. I should've seen it coming. Since breaking up with my last steady last march I haven't dated much and since I don't drink it's hard to find someone in my area as it's pretty rural. The only gatherings on the weekends are car shows and bars. I'm burned out on car shows - and they're mostly all guys anyway and I just can't take hanging in the bars anymore.

I even went to church for the first time in many years a few weeks ago. I'm not very religious so I felt like I'm there under false pretenses - which didn't settle very well with my conscience.

And yes, oh yes. Luckily I found out soon as it really went well - at first. I really only thought she needed a few drinks to feel at ease. She drove almost two hours as well. Not many go to that extent when never meeting the person first.

Thanks for all the compliments. Nice to hear after such an awful experience. :D

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I know this is out of order, but...

I wonder how long before spats shows up. :rolleyes:

I thought the same thing. :lol:

I would love some feedback from the "zeppelin" fans on this. Why would she do such a thing? was she trying to test me, make me jealous or was she just hammered and stupid?

As others have said, I'd go with the 'hammered and stupid', with a hefty splash of self-centeredness and opportunism for flavor. At least she showed her 'true' (or drunken, anyway) colors early. Despite the money spent, consider it a lesson learned 'cheaply'.

I agree that spending big bucks on a first date like that is probably unwise. Hell, if a guy I'd only recently met started spending money on me like that, I'd be very uncomfortable with it. (No way would I accept a Coach bag before the 2nd date :D ).

Best of all, you maintained your sobriety. Hope things go better next time around for ya... you sound like a decent guy and deserve better than that.

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I know it's easy to say but...don't despair, bigzepfan! There are too many fish in the sea and I'm sure you'll encounter, someday soon, a true soul mate! As many members have said, here, you do sound like a decent guy! There...did I use enough clichés? :D

Edited by Fan_S.
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I know it's easy to say but...don't despair, bigzepfan! There are too many fish in the sea and I'm sure you'll encounter, someday soon, a true soul mate! As many members have said, here, you do sound like a decent guy! There...did I use enough clichés? :D

Thanx! At this point, I'm not losing any sleep over it. I've already moved on...and I definitely learned a lesson. No more spoiling until the second date! I have just always been that way, not out of desperation, but out of (hopefully) mututal respect.

Many thanks to all for your input.

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My friend and I met two chicks at the Bad Co show in Atlantic City on July 4. They were married but one had a friend who was not. While partying with Badco in their suite at the casino one of them told me that they have a friend who would be perfect for me. She called her right away and I spoke to her on the phone. Sounded awesome but couldn't meet that night due to the late hour and lack of transportation.

We spoke on the phone on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I asked her if she wanted to meet me in Atlantic City to hang out and see where it goes from there. She agreed and we met on Wednesday afternoon.

We hit it off immediately and had alot in common. Lost our dads to cancer, both looking for a soulmate and someone to spend the rest of our lives with, love rock and roll, concerts. We walked hand in hand on the beach and I really felt awesome hanging with her. she is a knockout as well. Short and cute. Perfect girl for me I thought. when we spoke before meeting I told her that I quit drinking in 98 and I don't mind hanging with people who have a few but just can't take people who get hammered.

she wanted to have a few drinks so we went to the bikini bar. I figured she needed a drink because of the nervousness of being on a blind date. She had a few and we walked down the beach hand in hand. Went to a casino and she had a few more. Then we went to dinner and she starting drinking mixed drinks. We started gambling for a bit, gave her money to gamble and went shopping and bought her a nice Coach Handbag at 150+. She loved it. My dad always told me that you always treat, at least the first few dates. It's the right way to treat a woman. Then we went back to the room and decided to go for a buggy ride on the boardwalk.

Well, she wanted to go to a bar and dance instead so I agreed. We went to the casino bar and even though I don't really dance I did because I could tell she really wanted to. Then she starts to drink Corona after Corona. A hiphop song comes on and I just can't dance to that so she danced with some guy who was there with a buddy. After the dance she goes over to the bar and starts making out with the guy. She looks over at me and could tell I was in disbelief. She comes over and asks if I'm OK. I told her that I'm really not, that I drove four hours to meet and hang out with you and would appreciate it if she would hang with me. She told me he was her cousin, but didn't introduce me. We were making out ten minutes before that, sitting on my lap, etc. She apologized and we started hanging again, kissing, etc. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was back at the bar making out with this guy again. She saw me come into the bar and came over and I was pissed at that point. I didn't speak to her for about five minutes and she gets out her cellphone and calls this guy and I can hear her telling him her name. I was pissed but would not start a scene so I simply got up and walked out.

I went up to our room(I gave her a key), packed my bags, went to the desk and paid for the taxes(I'm always comped) and started driving home. I stopped and got gas at the first gas station and she kept calling me(I refused to answer). I decided that If I drive home I'm not going to get there until 4AM so I decided to call Trump Plaza and they comped me so I drove back and checked in there. I walked back to Ballys where "our" room was and went into the bar. The bartender asked me to sign for drinks that my "wife" drank. I told her no way, she's a blind date and I'm not paying for her drinks(after being completely disrespected). I went to the front desk and told the girl at the desk that I want her to leave the room. I had to go with security as that's there policy. I stayed in the stairwell with one security while the other two opened the door. she was in the jacuzzi with her clothes on and it was overflowing all over the place. She told them that I was her brother and that she was there for a family reunion and that her kids would be coming back to the room so that she couldn't leave. they told her they would post security by the door and contact her if when they come back. she gave them her sisters name.

After they escorted her down the elevator I went into the room and saw that the sheets were pulled back and wet spots on the bed. Apparently she screwed either her new friend, or should I say cousin or maybe she did the room service guy. I don't know or care. He allowed her to sign for more beers that were charged to my room even thought it's against their policy since I'm the only one registered.

I worked in the hotel biz for 13 years and know that when someone does damage to a room they charge you a ridiculous amount for any damage so at 3am I'm using a towel to dry off the floor by wringing it out in the sink over and over and over for half an hour+. I left a twenty for the maid also so that they hopefully wouldn't charge me a fortune. I also found the room service slip for more Corona's charged to my room.

I went downstairs and was heading towards the front desk to take care of the beer charges and security tells me that valet refused to give her the car and she was heading back to the front desk. I went out another exit, gave it some time and went to the desk. I asked the girl at the desk to comp the drinks and that if my host was here it would not be a problem. she resisted but finally took off the charge. then my date calls the desk asking if she's seen her brother Dave. The girl at the desk was hilarious and told her that Dave just evicted her from the room and that she should stay with her family since they were all staying at the hotel. she was so good I tipped her a fifty and went back to Trump and crashed after being up for 23 hours.

I can't even believe that this shit happened to me. I treated this girl with nothing but respect, bought her all kinds of stuff, treated her to everything and even offered to sleep on a rollaway if she wasn't comfortable with sleeping on the bed, and this is what I got.

I would love some feedback from the "zeppelin" fans on this. Why would she do such a thing? was she trying to test me, make me jealous or was she just hammered and stupid?

Dude, you should not have listened to you're dad's advice. Don't pay for a woman that you barely know just because she's a woman and that is "the gentlemanly thing to do" or "That's what you do for a lady" blah, blah. If a woman does not offer to pay her share she is not worth your time. This isn't the 1950's. A woman should have earn you're respect.

I don't know what to say about that date of yours but blind dates are always a risk. I have not had one good blind date yet. I think i would have seen the warning signs on this date before you did though. The drinking, accepting youre money and gifts. Kissing another guy!!!! :o No offense but you should have ended that whole thing before you did.

Next time go on a date with a woman make things equal. You have to look after and take care of yourself too. They are not going to do it.

Good luck next time.

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He may not be going on dates soon but he has been on worse dates. No matter how bad your date is someone has been on a worse on, and it's usually spats.

Edited to say: I agree with everyone else, it sounds like she just wantd to take advantage of you. She wanted that Coach bag, many women find Coach bags sort of like a badge of honor if you get one and they carry them proudly. (Not all women who own designer bags are like that, just some of women are all about labels.) It was an unfortunate event and this woman just wasn't the right one.

I haven't been on a blind date as bad as his. The dates i have been on i have bailed when i thought things were not going the way i wanted or things were going bad or i just knew it was not going to work. The minute she started drinking i would have been gone. I wouldn't even pay unless i knew them better.

Edited by spats
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I really appreciate all of the input from everyone. It was a rough night and you're all right. I should've seen it coming. Since breaking up with my last steady last march I haven't dated much and since I don't drink it's hard to find someone in my area as it's pretty rural. The only gatherings on the weekends are car shows and bars. I'm burned out on car shows - and they're mostly all guys anyway and I just can't take hanging in the bars anymore.

I even went to church for the first time in many years a few weeks ago. I'm not very religious so I felt like I'm there under false pretenses - which didn't settle very well with my conscience.

And yes, oh yes. Luckily I found out soon as it really went well - at first. I really only thought she needed a few drinks to feel at ease. She drove almost two hours as well. Not many go to that extent when never meeting the person first.

Thanks for all the compliments. Nice to hear after such an awful experience. :D

I know how you feel dude. It's hard to find good women. They are not around every corner like people will tell you. I know first hand. try and keep you're chin up and and maybe some good woman will find you one day. Unfortunately there are no guarantees.

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