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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Its Saturday morning and I'm still hare at the bar outside of Sacramento with my sister and daughter having a few drinks. I just saw something real interesting on the TV while waiting for another Jack and Coke mixed drink. I just had to borrow my sister's friend's Lap Top in order to get this new thread to you. All of you should get a big kick out of this one so here it goes.

The Mayor of a small southwest Florida town on Thursday defended the town's council's decision to fire its City Manager after fellow officials learned that his wife is an adult (Porn) actress.

City Manager Scott Janke was terminated for no just cause after officials learned that his wife Anabela Mota Janke (She goes by the stage name Jazella Moore) was a known porn star. The Mayor as well as many local officials have described Janke as a great worker and he did his job extremely well. However, there is a clause in his contract that states that he can be terminated for no apparent reason.

Myers Beach Mayor Larry Kiker insisted that Scott Janke's termination had nothing to do with his spouse's job, but that the town was trying to maintain order. However, it should be reported that upon learning this information, the Mayor called an emergency meeting minus Janke and it was determined that Janke should be terminated. Janke does get 6 months severance pay (Which adds up to $50,000) plus benefits.

Despite being terminated without just cause, Janke is still protected by the First Amendment.

And now I ask all of you, my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics, what are your thoughts on this subject? Should City Manager Scott Janke be terminated for no reason because his wife is a porn star? I welcome all comments, please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Its Saturday morning and I'm still hare at the bar outside of Sacramento with my sister and daughter having a few drinks. I just saw something real interesting on the TV while waiting for another Jack and Coke mixed drink. I just had to borrow my sister's friend's Lap Top in order to get this new thread to you. All of you should get a big kick out of this one so here it goes.

The Mayor of a small southwest Florida town on Thursday defended the town's council's decision to fire its City Manager after fellow officials learned that his wife is an adult (Porn) actress.

City Manager Scott Janke was terminated for no just cause after officials learned that his wife Anabela Mota Janke (She goes by the stage name Jazella Moore) was a known porn star. The Mayor as well as many local officials have described Janke as a great worker and he did his job extremely well. However, there is a clause in his contract that states that he can be terminated for no apparent reason.

Myers Beach Mayor Larry Kiker insisted that Scott Janke's termination had nothing to do with his spouse's job, but that the town was trying to maintain order. However, it should be reported that upon learning this information, the Mayor called an emergency meeting minus Janke and it was determined that Janke should be terminated. Janke does get 6 months severance pay (Which adds up to $50,000) plus benefits.

Despite being terminated without just cause, Janke is still protected by the First Amendment.

And now I ask all of you, my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics, what are your thoughts on this subject? Should City Manager Scott Janke be terminated for no reason because his wife is a porn star? I welcome all comments, please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

Many jobs have clauses, usually known as a "morals clause" which if violated could be just cause for termination. The fact that the man's wife is a whore is pretty much a good reason to justify the termination. But let's say that you found out that the husband of a female city manager in a Southern town was the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter. Are you saying that it wouldn't possibly be a good reason for someone being dismissed?

First Amendment rights may give you the right to say and think as you please without being prevented from that. But it doesn't guarantee that there won't be consequences to your words, thoughts or deeds.

Besides, what kind of a person other than a real low life, would want to be married to slutty whore who would have sex with other men for money?

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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Its Saturday morning and I'm still hare at the bar outside of Sacramento with my sister and daughter having a few drinks. I just saw something real interesting on the TV while waiting for another Jack and Coke mixed drink. I just had to borrow my sister's friend's Lap Top in order to get this new thread to you. All of you should get a big kick out of this one so here it goes.

The Mayor of a small southwest Florida town on Thursday defended the town's council's decision to fire its City Manager after fellow officials learned that his wife is an adult (Porn) actress.

City Manager Scott Janke was terminated for no just cause after officials learned that his wife Anabela Mota Janke (She goes by the stage name Jazella Moore) was a known porn star. The Mayor as well as many local officials have described Janke as a great worker and he did his job extremely well. However, there is a clause in his contract that states that he can be terminated for no apparent reason.

Myers Beach Mayor Larry Kiker insisted that Scott Janke's termination had nothing to do with his spouse's job, but that the town was trying to maintain order. However, it should be reported that upon learning this information, the Mayor called an emergency meeting minus Janke and it was determined that Janke should be terminated. Janke does get 6 months severance pay (Which adds up to $50,000) plus benefits.

Despite being terminated without just cause, Janke is still protected by the First Amendment.

And now I ask all of you, my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics, what are your thoughts on this subject? Should City Manager Scott Janke be terminated for no reason because his wife is a porn star? I welcome all comments, please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

Many jobs have clauses, usually known as a "morals clause" which if violated could be just cause for termination. The fact that the man's wife is a whore is pretty much a good reason to justify the termination. But let's say that you found out that the husband of a female city manager in a Southern town was the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter. Are you saying that it wouldn't possibly be a good reason for someone being dismissed?

First Amendment rights may give you the right to say and think as you please without being prevented from that. But it doesn't guarantee that there won't be consequences to your words, thoughts or deeds.

Besides, what kind of a person other than a real low life, would want to be married to slutty whore who would have sex with other men for money?

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Many jobs have clauses, usually known as a "morals clause" which if violated could be just cause for termination. The fact that the man's wife is a whore is pretty much a good reason to justify the termination. But let's say that you found out that the husband of a female city manager in a Southern town was the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter. Are you saying that it wouldn't possibly be a good reason for someone being dismissed?

First Amendment rights may give you the right to say and think as you please without being prevented from that. But it doesn't guarantee that there won't be consequences to your words, thoughts or deeds.

Besides, what kind of a person other than a real low life, would want to be married to slutty whore who would have sex with other men for money?

How's it going "Del Zeppnile?" You do have a good point. If that's the case, why don't employers have something on their 6 month or yearly evaluations that grade you on your outside of work performance? Who knows, maybe Janke wanted a woman that was really broken in! Ha Ha! That is his choice! Janke is entitled to marry who ever he wants. Janke had no right being judged for his outside of work extracuricular activities. His employer should have been more concerned with his on the job performance and not judged him for what he did outside of his job. In my opinion, that was TOTALLY unfair. That gives employers more power to terminate an employee for no reason at all, where's the job security in that? ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Many jobs have clauses, usually known as a "morals clause" which if violated could be just cause for termination. The fact that the man's wife is a whore is pretty much a good reason to justify the termination. But let's say that you found out that the husband of a female city manager in a Southern town was the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter. Are you saying that it wouldn't possibly be a good reason for someone being dismissed?

First Amendment rights may give you the right to say and think as you please without being prevented from that. But it doesn't guarantee that there won't be consequences to your words, thoughts or deeds.

Besides, what kind of a person other than a real low life, would want to be married to slutty whore who would have sex with other men for money?

How's it going "Del Zeppnile?" Good double point!!!!! Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

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Thay realy sucks ;)

How's it going "slagfarmer?" Yes, it really does suck! No wonder there isn't anymore job security. This all means that employers can fire you for no reason at all and you have no rights whatsoever! I hate to say it but our system sucks! ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Mangani?" When you find out any information, please post it here on this thread on the forum. It would be deeply appreciated. ROCK ON!

I have some new information... she's portuguese!

Wow what a surprise, a fellow portuguese like myself. :D

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How's it going "Joao?" I hope all is well with you. I dated many Portuguese women in my lifetime, they're great lovers! Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

:D They are, aren't they? We have some pretty good looking ladies here.

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This would not even be an issue in the old Roman Empire.

We've become entirely too politically correct.

How's it going "SteveAJones?" I hope all is well with you and welcome to the conversation. Good point! It seems that our government wants to give more power to the employers and give no rights to the employees thus stripping the employees of any civil rights. It seems to me that job security is getting less and less as time goes by. ROCK ON my friend!

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Stop your sobbing and move to a "right to work' state. ;) The guy wasn't married to a porn star when he took the job, and kept the fact that his new wife was in porno quiet...he obviously knew it would be a problem.

You gambled and you lost dude....it wasn't like you were managing a Starbucks...you were managing a town. Porno and politics only mix under the covers! :D

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Way too much big brother attatched to this decision. No matter what I or anybody else may think about his choice for a wife, he should be evaluated on his job performance. If there is a clause in anybody's contract that allow's an employer to determine who we can and can't marry then I would suggest that it's time someone challenged that clause in court. If he hasn't broken any law's ( which I'm sure was the intent of said clause ) then his private life shouldn't be an issue.

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Stop your sobbing and move to a "right to work' state. ;) The guy wasn't married to a porn star when he took the job, and kept the fact that his new wife was in porno quiet...he obviously knew it would be a problem.

You gambled and you lost dude....it wasn't like you were managing a Starbucks...you were managing a town. Porno and politics only mix under the covers! :D

How's it going "Hickory Man?" I hope all is well with you. You do have a point there and I really respect your opinions and views. However, I don't believe that his wife's occupation should cause his employer to terminate him on the grounds of his outside activities and not because of his job performance. Think of this example: If you were married to someone with a bad background but changed and became a decent citizen for many years and your employer found out about it through a background check and terminated you for no reason at all, would that be fair? I know someone that had this happen to them. It wasn't fair one f*c*ing bit! Our own Government is giving employers too much power by taking a lot of our civil rights away by terminating numerous employees for no apparent reason. Where is the job security? No one's job is secure anymore, even mine. My current employer terminated me a couple of years back for no apparent reason whatsoever and basing it on my bad credit history many years ago. My credit has been perfect for many years now and yet, they tried to use it against me as a reason to terminate me. Thanks to the union, I got my job back and that rule was changed within my employer. I fought for my rights as well as everyone elses and I'll be god damned if I'm going to be terminated for no reason at all and by not basing it on my job performance. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Way too much big brother attatched to this decision. No matter what I or anybody else may think about his choice for a wife, he should be evaluated on his job performance. If there is a clause in anybody's contract that allow's an employer to determine who we can and can't marry then I would suggest that it's time someone challenged that clause in court. If he hasn't broken any law's ( which I'm sure was the intent of said clause ) then his private life shouldn't be an issue.

How's it going "ally?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. I totally agree with you on this issue. Employees need to stand up for themselves and fight this ridiculous clause in the contract or they too, might be terminated for no apparent reason at all. I've seen this happen too many times to innocent employees and its getting very old for me now. The bitch of it all is that when you try to apply with another employer and trying to explain why you were terminated for no apparent reason from your previous employer, it looks bad on you and you have a very hard time gaining employment elsewhere. ROCK ON!

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Perhaps the city wanted to avoid any appearance of vice.

How's it going "eternal light?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. You're probably right. If Miami Vice raided the town of Fort Meyers, Florida, it would only be because they wanted to meet Jazella Moore! Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Del Zeppnile?" You do have a good point. If that's the case, why don't employers have something on their 6 month or yearly evaluations that grade you on your outside of work performance? Who knows, maybe Janke wanted a woman that was really broken in! Ha Ha! That is his choice!

And again, many things may be our "choice" but if that choice violates a standard of ethics set forth by your employer, you may still be out of a job. For example: many times a school teacher (a public employee) is found to have posted adult photos, or made other remarks on social networking sites, and then ended up losing their jobs. If a 'morals clause' is a condition of employment, then they really have made a "choice" when they push that issue and then get discovered by their employer.

Another example would be say a guy who is a vice president for a large bank, and then the guy says some things that are critical of his company at a party where it turns out there may be other employees or even clients of the bank. Then that story gets back to his superiors and they fire him. Does he have a first amendment right to his opinions? Sure. Does he also have a responsibility to present his company in the best light also? Yes he does. So when the two rights clash, one is going to carry more weight to the people who have the responsibilty to represent the company, or in this case the city, in the best possible manner. If the guy wants to live with a whore he should have kept that part very private. Obviously he was foolish on more than one level. And foolish people don't make good city leaders.

Janke is entitled to marry who ever he wants. Janke had no right being judged for his outside of work extracuricular activities. His employer should have been more concerned with his on the job performance and not judged him for what he did outside of his job. In my opinion, that was TOTALLY unfair. That gives employers more power to terminate an employee for no reason at all, where's the job security in that? ROCK ON!

Janke has no excuse. A city manager works at the discretion of people who are politicians, elected by the people to manage and represent the public interests. And while city managers are just civic employees, at that level politcs does play into things. If a city manager or a school superintendent puts themselves into either compromising or controversial situations, the 'elected' politicians are going to be forced to insulate themselves from that situation or pay the price themsleves. Therefore, this Janke guy took a huge risk when his personal choices presented themsleves in the public domain. And besides, he did get a pretty heafty severance deal -- six months of pay is a very good out. He really has no room to complain.

Stop your sobbing and move to a "right to work' state. ;) The guy wasn't married to a porn star when he took the job, and kept the fact that his new wife was in porno quiet...he obviously knew it would be a problem.

You gambled and you lost dude....it wasn't like you were managing a Starbucks...you were managing a town. Porno and politics only mix under the covers! :D


I wish I would have been as consice with my explanation.

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And again, many things may be our "choice" but if that choice violates a standard of ethics set forth by your employer, you may still be out of a job. For example: many times a school teacher (a public employee) is found to have posted adult photos, or made other remarks on social networking sites, and then ended up losing their jobs. If a 'morals clause' is a condition of employment, then they really have made a "choice" when they push that issue and then get discovered by their employer.

Another example would be say a guy who is a vice president for a large bank, and then the guy says some things that are critical of his company at a party where it turns out there may be other employees or even clients of the bank. Then that story gets back to his superiors and they fire him. Does he have a first amendment right to his opinions? Sure. Does he also have a responsibility to present his company in the best light also? Yes he does. So when the two rights clash, one is going to carry more weight to the people who have the responsibilty to represent the company, or in this case the city, in the best possible manner. If the guy wants to live with a whore he should have kept that part very private. Obviously he was foolish on more than one level. And foolish people don't make good city leaders.

Janke has no excuse. A city manager works at the discretion of people who are politicians, elected by the people to manage and represent the public interests. And while city managers are just civic employees, at that level politcs does play into things. If a city manager or a school superintendent puts themselves into either compromising or controversial situations, the 'elected' politicians are going to be forced to insulate themselves from that situation or pay the price themsleves. Therefore, this Janke guy took a huge risk when his personal choices presented themsleves in the public domain. And besides, he did get a pretty heafty severance deal -- six months of pay is a very good out. He really has no room to complain.


I wish I would have been as consice with my explanation.

How's it going "Del Zeppnile?" I do respect your views and opinions but I have different views and opinions on this matter since I do speak from experience not that I'm saying that you haven't because I do not know if you have experienced something similar to this or not. If you have experienced something similar to this situation, believe me, you won't think its fair one bit. I don't think its fair one bit. ROCK ON!

LATE NOTE: I'm signing off the forum for now, its time for more drinks. I'll be back online later so please feel free to speak your mind. All comments are welcome. Thank you all for your honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way. ROCK ON my friends!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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How's it going "eternal light?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. You're probably right. If Miami Vice raided the town of Fort Meyers, Florida, it would only be because they wanted to meet Jazella Moore! Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

I'm doing fine, thank you, ZeppFanForever, and hope all is well with you also.

There is a reason to avoid the appearance of scandal in government.

The city officials are not necessarily uptight about sex, but they may want to maintain a sense of decorum that does not encourage others to think they may be corrupt and warrant an investigation.

They are trying to present a wholesome image to the public they serve perhaps mainly because they do not want to seem corrupt in any way.

In trying to seem honest to the public, the city may wish to avoid seeming risque in any way, perhaps overcompensating for the environment of corruption for which Florida is somewhat known.

In a sense their public relations message is, Florida may be corrupt but our city is not, so we do not employ anyone with a family member who may be engaged in porn to run our city.

But you can see how sexual repression develops in a society.

Hyacinth - "Rose, what are you doing?"

Rose - "I've come to help with the church cleaning for that dishy vicar."


Though the billowing scandal has dismayed local observers, precisely this kind of political bribery in which electoral candidates have their campaign funds filled in return for property or other forms of favours is rife in many, though not all, parts of America. Richard Winters, a professor at Dartmouth College, has compiled a league table of states based on the number of corruption convictions that have occurred since 1977 per elected official. New Jersey comes 12th down the table.

Florida tops the table, showing 100 times the rate of corruption in the cleanest state in the study, Vermont.


All over the Web, people weighing in on Janke's firing say it's unjust because he did nothing illegal -- and neither does his wife.

University of Miami School of Law Professor David Abraham, an expert in labor law, said it's a touchy subject.

Abraham said the United States has operated by a basic rule for more than a century when it comes to firings: "Absent contractual agreement to the contrary ... the basic U.S. rule is any reason or no reason at all, so long as it's not a forbidden reason."

Abraham said race and religion are "forbidden reasons" and that repressing the free speech of a family member may be, too.

"If he were successfully to say that he was fired because his wife was engaging in an act which is perfectly legal, then his firing would be illegitimate. If [the town's] counter-argument was that he was being fired not because of the specifics of what his wife does but that it brings shame and ridicule onto the town, then the town wins," he said.

Edited by eternal light
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