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Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dead at 77


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I could really give a shit about Ted Kennedy one way or the other but I must say I find it a bit odd (not to even mention contradictory) how some of the same folks that got all up in arms over "speaking ill of the dead" in the wake of Michael Jackson's death haven't wasted a second of time in that regard in relation to Kennedy's passing.

You're surprised? I'm not. He was a Democrat. That's all it takes for some people. Doesn't matter that every major piece of legislation that went through the Senate had his name on it or that over 300 bills he affixed his signature to became law. Or that he's been fighting for Health Care Reform since 1966, fought for Civil Rights, fought for children, fought for education reform....nope. None of that matters to the partisan hacks that have posted in this thread. All they can see are the letter D and the word dead and that's it. Oh yeah and the name Kennedy.

Say what you will about Dubya, but if he dies tomorrow, I sure as shit won't be happy about it.

Edit: Kennedy also opposed Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act. So he was also for gay rights on top of all the other things he fought for. But let's continue to flog his corpse over Chappaquiddick which was a stupid fucking move on his part, but also 40 years ago. If you believe in karma, retribution, people getting theirs in the end.....well then he's getting it now.

Edited by Electrophile
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If you believe in karma, retribution, people getting theirs in the end.....well then he's getting it now.

Funny you should mention this in nearly the same breath as his stance on gay rights.

I can't say I'm surprised, I just found it a bit odd is all. There's always been a divide in political beliefs in this country (as there should be) but it seems to have widened and grown even more divisive in recent years. At some point I fully expect it to result in acts of violence between supporters of the warring parties. Of course I surely hope it doesn't but that's the level of intolerance it appears to have reached.

On the "speaking ill of the dead" tip I know it didn't stop members of my own family (including myself) and friends from talking shit about my oldest brother when he recently passed. Were we all sad? Most definitely but he could be an incredibly difficult person. While that certainly made an impression on nearly every person he encountered, it won't be the lasting one. The things we'll carry with us for the rest of our lives are the smiles he put on all of our faces and the fact that one doesn't have to "toe the line" to live a fulfilling existence in this world. He went against the grain from the moment he was born and went out like that too.

Now back to the regularly scheduled Ted Kennedy bashing session.

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Funny you should mention this in nearly the same breath as his stance on gay rights.

I wasn't saying that because it's what I personally believe. I don't have an opinion on karma or the afterlife or divine retribution or whatever it is that people think happens after you die. I just don't know. And the only people who do know aren't talking, obviously.

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I wasn't saying that because it's what I personally believe. I don't have an opinion on karma or the afterlife or divine retribution or whatever it is that people think happens after you die. I just don't know. And the only people who do know aren't talking, obviously.

I was referring to your references to "gay rights" and "getting theirs in the end".

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You're surprised? I'm not. He was a Democrat. That's all it takes for some people. Doesn't matter that every major piece of legislation that went through the Senate had his name on it or that over 300 bills he affixed his signature to became law. Or that he's been fighting for Health Care Reform since 1966, fought for Civil Rights, fought for children, fought for education reform....nope. None of that matters to the partisan hacks that have posted in this thread. All they can see are the letter D and the word dead and that's it. Oh yeah and the name Kennedy.

Yeah, because when Republicans die they are treated so much more respectfully by Dems on this site.

To your credit, Electro, you were less offensive than most.

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I looked at my posts in that thread and cannot see where I was offensive at all, much less a fraction of the offensive other people were. I was not happy he was dead. I didn't like his personal views and opinions and felt they were out of line with the times, but I was hardly grinning from ear to ear and dancing around my house. Do I feel there's a special circle of hell for racists? Absolutely. I don't however, think it's a funny or joyous thing since racists aren't particularly funny.

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I looked at my posts in that thread and cannot see where I was offensive at all, much less a fraction of the offensive other people were.

That's why I specified you were less offensive than most, and I agreed with you on the racism. I couldn't truthfully say "least offensive" because a couple posts were totally neutral or even positive (not counting the OP).

Although this is hardly flattering...

Jesse Helms does not belong in the same sentence as Adams, Jefferson and Monroe.

I pretty much agree with you.

And many of the posts in here are similar - not particularly flattering, but not specifically nasty, either.

My actual point was just responding to your post that people are being rough on Ted because he was a Dem, and I wanted to point out that most of the Dems in that particular thread were a lot more offensive than any posts in this thread.

Again, not so much you in particular.

You just happened to make that comment.

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But let's continue to flog his corpse over Chappaquiddick which was a stupid fucking move on his part, but also 40 years ago.

Killing someone is only a stupid fucking move? Regardless of if it was 40 years ago, or not, he killed her and got away with it.

You say a lot of stupid things on this board, but you trying to de-emphasize that is really up there.

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Who said I'm trying to de-emphasize anything? It was stupid, criminal, reckless and if you believe in such a thing, then he's paying for it now since he got away with it while he was alive. However, that doesn't negate the mounds and mounds of amazing work he did as a legislator. I've never been a fan of him personally because of Chappaquiddick but his political career, ambitions and policies have always been something I've admired. I'm not going to stop admiring those things.

Oh and before I forget, I don't care what you think of the things I say here. Never have, never will. So do me a favor, put me on ignore and forget I'm here. It'd make my heart sing.

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I haven't been around much the last few days, did this thread get trimmed by the mods or something? People keep referring to all the Kennedy bashing going on here and the only post I found that could be construed as bashing Kennedy is the one below and even he started out with "It's sad to see someone who was loved by so many to die". Did I miss something?

Ill cover for you Steve Jones.

It's sad to see someone who was loved by so many to die, but if we where to listen to Sen. Kennedy and enact his goal in life, Universal Health Care, Sen. Kennedy would've died long time ago.

Atleast the myth that was the "Kennedy's" and "The Lion of the Senate", can be finally put the rest and we can concentrate more on the people who actually have done good in their life, and not those who covered up the death of one Mary Jo Kopechne.

Yes, I know it was hard to ride the Kennedy name for the last 30 or more years, and to get away with everything from being drunk 96% of the time, to the numerous affairs that have been reported over the years, but aleast he did it like a Kennedy, with no regard for anyone else's feelings.

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I haven't been around much the last few days, did this thread get trimmed by the mods or something? People keep referring to all the Kennedy bashing going on here and the only post I found that could be construed as bashing Kennedy is the one below and even he started out with "It's sad to see someone who was loved by so many to die". Did I miss something?

There might have been a few posts deleted. It got pretty disrespectful IMO. But the thread was just started yesterday since that was when he died.

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I haven't been around much the last few days, did this thread get trimmed by the mods or something? People keep referring to all the Kennedy bashing going on here and the only post I found that could be construed as bashing Kennedy is the one below and even he started out with "It's sad to see someone who was loved by so many to die". Did I miss something?

Looks unedited to me. Some are more thin-skinned than others. I'm sure govt health care can cure it. dry.gif

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In general what was cut? I don't see anything out of line now.

What's your point, everyone knows he died yesterday?

I said there "might" have been - I don't know if there was or not, or specifically what was cut. Why do you seem to have an attitude with me. I don't have a point other than to respond to the statement you've been off the board for a few days and I was just stating the thread only started yesterday.

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I said there "might" have been - I don't know if there was or not, or specifically what was cut. Why do you seem to have an attitude with me. I don't have a point other than to respond to the statement you've been off the board for a few days and I was just stating the thread only started yesterday.

I don't have any attitude w/you I'm just trying to find out what I,judging by the tone of this thread, apparently missed. You seemed to have some info on that so I asked what it was. Sorry for any misunderstanding. :)

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Ted Kennedy was a public figure. I don't feel that mentioning Chappaquidick is unfair in any way shape or form. If that had happened today the man would serve jail time and his political career would be up in smoke. To his credit, that event changed his life big-time, and he responded through the years in the proper way. I just feel if you're going to mention the positives of his political career, that event shouldn't be broomed under the carpet just because he passed away. The bottom line is he wouldn't have been a Senator at 30 without the Kennedy name and political machine, and he wouldn't have got off so easily from Chappaquidick without it either....and I have those feelings even though I am a Democrat.

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