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Very well Vannis...Rik is feeling lenient tonight! xxxx I am too kind.

And Rabia....avoid words like utopia, you will just line yourself up for disappointment if things don't work out.

Seen as we are on the topic of guy talk I might mention a certain girl....actually, no I won't! :lol:

And Alicia, you are 14....you don't have to be pressured into thinking about guys now!! Same to you Rabia!! And Vannis!! HELL ALL OF YOU!!! I am not far off the age where most people get married...spare a thought for me. :lol: And I have had my fair share of heartbreak! :lol:

Edited by redeyedrichard
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Do not worry

If it's not high school, it's going to be afterwards. There's more freedom afterwards

So, I really don't want you to worry at all.

In fact, you know what, I told you already, but I didn't even care about relationships in high school, but I just naturally changed my mind.

And if it doesn't work out, it's ok.

Rich, you can come back. We'll talk about something else together. Don't feel ostracized, :console:

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Very well Vannis...Rik is feeling lenient tonight! xxxx I am too kind.

And Rabia....avoid words like utopia, you will just line yourself up for disappointment if things don't work out.

Seen as we are on the topic of guy talk I might mention a certain girl....actually, no I won't! :lol:

okay… hot guy walks the same way home from school as me…for like a mile…cant get myself to talk to him…he was about to talk to me yesterday when i had to go into the fucking library…i dunno what to do…i mean i know i should say hi or something…but i cant :blink:

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I don't really care, if it happens great and if it doesn't great. And Rik, is there something you haven't told us? :lol: And don't let other people pressure you into getting married. I'd rather be happy alone that miserable as a couple.

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That's true,

but you're right Rich, I am just infatuated.

But, I said we can always remain friends.

But, I am going to try. If I get my heart broken, I'll cry it all out.....

in a PM

and I'll talk to Rich about guitars or something

Good for you, Alicia, you are a strong trooper.

Oh, and Rich, I also promise I'll make my bed before going to sleep and drink my milk as well, and it's not going to be chocolate :lol:

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Oh, I am gunna get married at some point definitely and have a little daughter that looks just like Boo from Monsters Inc. :lol: Definitely!!



You'll be a great father

Great, now I am hopeless now. Oh well, it's ok, I am going to just ask, even if he says

F%^* you.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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You'll be okay Rabia even if he does say that. If he says no, just remember at least you tried. I can't see why he would though, your super sweet and pretty. What is there not to like?

Rich, you'll be a great daddy. And I'm sure she'll have a great sense of humer just like you. But remember along with girls comes guy talk.

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Go for it then Rabia.

Yes, I have about three girls clammouring for me at the moment. I went out with one of them two years ago and she hasn't stopped loving me since....it is really uncomfortable. We broke up on really good terms and remained friends (which is the worst way to break up) and she thinks that one day in the future we will get back together and live happily ever after. It's a really fragile situation. I think if I went out with someone else then she would LITERALLY commit suicide. And I am not joking with that, she has threatened before. So I am walking a very precarious tightrope at the moment.

The other girl is really really sweet, she just moved away to Manchester though and I haven't seen her for ages and there's no way I'm having a long distance relationship. Shame because she is really really nice.

The other girl is one of my ex's best friends...if my ex found out, there would be hell to pay.

At the same time another of my ex's has decided to show and interest in me again, even though she was the one that cheated on me and went behind my back. But that's another story for another night. :lol: I just try and avoid girls now.

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WOW, thank you so much, Alicia.

You made me feel so much more blissful.

Thank you, he is so friendly to me anyways.

And I know there are other fish in the sea anyways

In Rich's case, the lady is going to talk about him all the day

"Rich, you're so sweet"

"Rich, you're so wolfishly handsome"

"Oh Rich, I want our daughter to be like Boo too"

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Go for it then Rabia.

Yes, I have about three girls clammouring for me at the moment. I went out with one of them two years ago and she hasn't stopped loving me since....it is really uncomfortable. We broke up on really good terms and remained friends (which is the worst way to break up) and she thinks that one day in the future we will get back together and live happily ever after. It's a really fragile situation. I think if I went out with someone else then she would LITERALLY commit suicide. And I am not joking with that, she has threatened before. So I am walking a very precarious tightrope at the moment.

The other girl is really really sweet, she just moved away to Manchester though and I haven't seen her for ages and there's no way I'm having a long distance relationship. Shame because she is really really nice.

The other girl is one of my ex's best friends...if my ex found out, there would be hell to pay.

At the same time another of my ex's has decided to show and interest in me again, even though she was the one that cheated on me and went behind my back. But that's another story for another night. :lol: I just try and avoid girls now.

Aw, I completely understand why you hate love talk,

Talk about a sticky situation. I don't know what I can tell you

Honest, but hey, there are restraining orders if they're necessary.

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That's a really hard spot for you. I'm not being mean, but have you suggested that the one girl get conseling? That's too bad, I hope that everything smoothes itself out for you.

Yes, she is having counseling. She is ill. She has bullimea. She became obsessed about looking good, trying to impress me and keeping her weight down until it became a full blown mental condition!!! :( :( :(

You have no idea how hard it is. And even then, because she is still my friend and I want to help her out a bit, that means I still go to here house every so often, even though I kinda don't want to because seeing me and making her laugh just encourages her to love me more. It's such a battle.

Thanks for the comments Rabia. :wub:

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Um, you're very welcome, Rich.

Rich, you should be a friend to her, only a friend.

You need to make sure that she at least has your kindness.

You are doing the right thing, do not worry, Rich, it's all great

I love ya, but I need to go for a while. My friend just called, lovely friend she is.

Bye everyone.

I love ya all


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