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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'd love some of that.

I know! I just thought of it now. Is it a nice town/city?

Um, well Lawrence is pretty dang boring. All the houses are the same, ranch-style houses. It's mostly a living area, actually, but there are a few shops, and maybe a small mall, I think.

Lawrence is getting closer to the prairie than where I live… though where I live is called Prairie Village. It's a bit more than a village now, though! :lol:

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I'm kind of pissed cos I'm supposed to be doing a project for school with someone, and it's a powerpoint. So my partner (for the project, of course) gave me her student ID number and password so we could work with the same powerpoint. So anywya, she said she'd work on it a lot this weekend, and I said I would on Sunday, cos I'm kinda busy. So I just got on and opened the powerpoint that we started on Friday and SHE HASN'T DONE A THING!!! I mean, for Christ's sake, we need to get it done!

Ooh I just got a call from my guitarist and he said he's coming…but he's the only one who's coming. I told him that and he sounded even more eager.

Oy, he still likes me… goddamn it it's been three years… and I liked him FOUR years ago. That just didn't work now, did it? :lol:

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I'm kind of pissed cos I'm supposed to be doing a project for school with someone, and it's a powerpoint. So my partner (for the project, of course) gave me her student ID number and password so we could work with the same powerpoint. So anywya, she said she'd work on it a lot this weekend, and I said I would on Sunday, cos I'm kinda busy. So I just got on and opened the powerpoint that we started on Friday and SHE HASN'T DONE A THING!!! I mean, for Christ's sake, we need to get it done!

Ooh I just got a call from my guitarist and he said he's coming…but he's the only one who's coming. I told him that and he sounded even more eager.

Oy, he still likes me… goddamn it it's been three years… and I liked him FOUR years ago. That just didn't work now, did it? :lol:

I hate it when people do that or when you're supposed to be doing a joint project and the other person just doesn't do any of the work!

Hmm oh dear you might find yourself in a tricky situation later :lol:. hang on a sec i thought you were 13? you liked him when you were 9?! childhood sweetheart!

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God, I understand how you feel, Vannis

School adds too much pressure on kids these days.

When my creative writing teacher was in high school, she honestly worked on her homework from an average of 1-1 and a half hours a day each year.

And she would only get one project a month, mostly.

She said she had more time to read, write freely, help around the house, etc, that she easily planned out her life.

Now, why can't schools do that today

I am so sick of having three to four projects to do in a month along with two essays and homework on top of it. F*cking work.

Sorry had to rant

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Thats ok this place is here for rants! Now i'm in sixth form i get no homeowork for weeks and then hundreds of pieces plus coursework essays in one go. the school departments really dont communicate with each other so they all set us work at the same time. but i only have about 17 lessons out of 30 lesson slots per week so in the 13 free periods i can do quite a lot of work.

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WOW!!!! The gig was freakin' amazing! They are not a local band....they are internationally known. I have been a fan of this band for a long long time and this was the first time I've seen them live. They were fantastic. :yay:

Anyway....sorry if I seemed misleading Alicia. I wish I was going to THE GIG!!!! But unfortunately I haven't been thrown an opportunity in this case. I was considering going down to London tommorrow (well...today where I am) to hang out at O2 but I will miss work and it will be so expensive and cold and annoying. BUT I REALLY REALLY WANNA GO!!!! But I just can't! :(

Nevermind. :lol:

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