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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Yea I know what you're feeling Eline, I watched clips too I was happy but so sad at the same time. :):(

I wish they did a tour. I want to see my favourite band at least once! I bet they wouldn't come to Finland but maybe Sweden and I could fly to Sweden to see them. Actually I'd go all the way to Germany, that's how important it is to me.

But no can do, I wish there's going to be a DVD .. :D

Is anyone on?

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looks like we've all been going through mixed emotions today. its like a phobia where you have to find out everything about it and yet it terrifies you (i get that with sharks). i want to know all about the gig last night but its really hard and painful hearing about it as i wanted to go so much. it really annoyed me today as i woke up hearing Chris Moyles saying he was at the gig and that he didnt even know the names of any of the songs. why should he go coz he's famous! grrrrr. i just hope they tour so so much. this sight yet again had 2500 users on it and is being ridiculously slow. wish everyone would fuck off. sorry.

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I just burst in to tears at the dinner table... partly because ive just had an argument with my boyfriend but mainly because my family just suddenly started attacking me about why i like led zep. im already a bit sad because i wasnt at the gig last night and they all just started having a go. my sister was like 'but why do you actually like them is it just coz theyre really popular?' and she always accuses me of just liking stuff coz its cool. then my step dad was like (in a really accusing voice) 'how much other music from that era have you actually listened to anyway, how can you say zeppelin are the best you're not qualified to make that judgement' and i was like ' ummm i'll agree other music from the 70s was good but led zeppelin are just my favourite band is that not ok?' jeeeesus im not allowed my own opinion about anything nowadays!

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Hetty, just ignore them. Some people are like that about Zep. Just look at it this way, those peole are jealous because they don't have the talent that the members of Zep do. Don't worry about, my family does it to. (Not my Dad, because he introduced me to them.) They'll get over. Just stick to your principles.

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Hetty, just ignore them. Some people are like that about Zep. Just look at it this way, those peole are jealous because they don't have the talent that the members of Zep do. Don't worry about, my family does it to. (Not my Dad, because he introduced me to them.) They'll get over. Just stick to your principles.

it was just a bit harsh, i was already feeling a bit low and then they attacked me. at least my brother likes them just as much as me so i have him on my side!

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jeezus the traffic on here is making this stupid computer so slow...

but anyway...hey everyone. :wave:

and since we're talking about our depression over not being able to see them, ill add something.....

my teacher got truly concerned for me when i wasnt responding properly in class...

after class he pulls me over and was kind of looks me over, and says..."are you on drugs or something?"

i almost pissed my pants laughing because he was so serious. i told him i missed the concert and hes like, "oh yea! damn i forgot that was today! im sorry to hear you missed it...."

that was weird. but anyway, thats just my story. and my parents were kinda avoiding me too because i was upset and angry :lol:

so....now that you know my whole freakin life story....how is everybodyyyyy??

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I know. I live in the damn country and I didn't even go. I didn't have the money to make the trip or the time off. Damn!!! I should have just thrown caution to the wind. Mind you it would have cost me about £50 one way on the train....that's approx $100...insane. Multiply that twice. And there would be other expenses too of course. Like the train from the London train station!!!

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I remember the days when I used to have to write stories for homework. Treasure those moments. Homework doesn't get more fun when you get older. I am currently writing an essay for university...yes at 1:27am here!!! Stories were so much fun to write, but that ended about 3-4 years ago for me. Since then it has been all analysis and evaluation. I like stories!

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I'm here, but I have to go in couple minutes, it's 7.10am..

Damn, I'm sorry Hetty that doesn't sound nice. I'm lucky that my mum doesn't say anything about the music I like. She actually doesn't care. And my dad liked Zep, and so does my brother and sister. :lol:

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yeah we've had really thick frost all day here and the car was all frozen up this morning and the doors wouldnt unlock or open! havent had any snow yet though. looking for holidays in tunisia, found cheap flights and accommodation! i want to go! when do you finish school for christmas?

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