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Random Facts About Yourself

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- I don't have to write I'm a Led Zeppelin fan

- I've got a new haircut, pony, which I sometimes hate and sometimes love

- I'm really moody <_<

- I love to watch movies till I know them by heart

- I'm always loving somebody :rolleyes:

- My IPod with all Led Zeppelin songs is always with me

- I'm often dreaming strange dreams that seem realistic

- I hate my maths teacher

I probably have to add stuff...

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Here a few facts about myself, just so you kids can know me better. Post yours as well. :D

- My love for Hockey is like a passion for a thousand firey suns. Watch and play it whenever I can, read a lot of books on the sport and I have thousands of Hockey Cards. GO HABS GO!!!...

- From Alberta Canada...

- Obsessed with Star Trek and Lost...

Hi all,

- I work in a grocery store, I can be found in produce...

- Aerosmith n' Cigars. 'nuff said. B)

- I am left handed...

I'll post more eventually.


I'm 46, male

Live in Sillicon Valley-the land of over priced life.

Actually I have no idea or one iota of how to play the guitar....I have however managed to be able to play Zeppelin tunes on the guitar and build from there. Go Figure...

I'm a caretaker for the aging folks, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Own a landscape business, which is closing this week due to the housing market melt down. But its ok, So I'll pretty much be in this forum everyday until work comes back around. Off to yet another career and another adventure.

Loves- alcohol and loud Zeppelin together or seperate, lol. Though alcohol is very rare these days.

And that gal melissa's picture a few posts up!

Edited by DreamyKnight
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^ OMG! :hysterical:


Here's my random fact:

I saw a scary, scary old full-size Chevy van today that was painted a baby blue color with the following words spray painted with cheesy cheap stencils:

Well-Hung Siding


The guy in the fan was quite scary. I told my mom that it was a raper van with raper included. :wacko:

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My mom said that her gall bladder "stuff" was worse than giving birth. But the doctor was suprised that she was alive once he saw the condition of that gall bladder--the worst he'd ever seen in over 30 years.

Cramps are quite bad. The difference between (some women's) cramps and contractions is that with contractions, you can get an epidural. :o:blink:

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My mom said that her gall bladder "stuff" was worse than giving birth. But the doctor was suprised that she was alive once he saw the condition of that gall bladder--the worst he'd ever seen in over 30 years.

Cramps are quite bad. The difference between (some women's) cramps and contractions is that with contractions, you can get an epidural. :o:blink:

I hate cramps, they make me sick to the point of throwing up. :(

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Me too, when they're really bad.

I remember trying to drive home when I was in high school when I had them. My legs were so useless because I was in so much pain that it was hard to keep my clutch in at a particular stop light. I will never forget that--never!

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