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MOJO Robert Plant


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It's a great article. But I don't understand his position on LZ and the 02 gig.

He says it was the 'best Led Zeppelin gig since 1975', but that it 'wasn't Led Zeppelin'.

So then, was he was going through the motions in 77, 79 and 80, and didn't he rate his co-members' performances in ANY of those shows?

Does he think the Jason line-up has sufficient authenticity to be mentioned in the same breath as the real band? If he does, why is he not prepared to consider further shows?

He was happy to do the 02 show in tribute to Ahmet Ertegun, who merely oiled the wheels of the machinery which made the band very successful. Why then is he not prepared to do more shows, in tribute to all the fans who provided the FUEL (ie money) to POWER the machinery, and who therefore helped make the band what they became?

And if the 02 show was as smashing as he implies, why no official DVD for the millions of old fans who didn't win the ticket lottery? After all, he was happy enough to release the Knebworth extracts which, by implication, he considers to be inferior.

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It's a great article. But I don't understand his position on LZ and the 02 gig.

He says it was the 'best Led Zeppelin gig since 1975', but that it 'wasn't Led Zeppelin'.

So then, was he was going through the motions in 77, 79 and 80, and didn't he rate his co-members' performances in ANY of those shows?

It's in reference to their being no John Bonham in the band

Does he think the Jason line-up has sufficient authenticity to be mentioned in the same breath as the real band? If he does, why is he not prepared to consider further shows?

It's amazing (and somewhat disturbing) what "fans" read into comments. The 02 was a one-off and was never meant to be anything more than that. Plant is following his own path, it just so happens to not include trying to re-live the past.

He was happy to do the 02 show in tribute to Ahmet Ertegun, who merely oiled the wheels of the machinery which made the band very successful. Why then is he not prepared to do more shows, in tribute to all the fans who provided the FUEL (ie money) to POWER the machinery, and who therefore helped make the band what they became?

You highly underestimate the influence Ahmet had not only on Zeppelin but on the music industry in general. He "merely oiled the wheels of the industry"? Where the fuck do you people get this shit from? And why do you think Plant (and Page and Jones) owe the fans anything?

And if the 02 show was as smashing as he implies, why no official DVD for the millions of old fans who didn't win the ticket lottery? After all, he was happy enough to release the Knebworth extracts which, by implication, he considers to be inferior.

It's because apparently Plant is the devil incarnate.

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Thanks for clearing that up, jahfin.

My 'going through the motions in 77/79/80' question referred to his comment about it being the best LZ show since 75, which I strongly disagree with, but hey, what do I know.

I understood what he meant by it not being Zeppelin, and couldn't agree more with that part.

Do they owe the fans anything? Debatable. But it's not really about that, it's about Plant's attitude. On the one hand, he's the only one as far as I know who's against a tour of some kind. On the other, he had a pop at Jimmy & Coverversion when they got together and gave the fans a watered down version of what they really wanted. Pissing on Jimmy's chips, as we say over here. I mean, it's not as if JP was shitting on the sacred scrolls with C-P. He wrote the music, FFS. If his singer didn't want to sing them with him anymore, why shouldn't someone else? And if it was ok for Plant to do LZ songs in his solo bands, why shouldn't Jimmy be able to do them?

Christ only knows what Plant must've made of the Black Crowes gigs. Did he go on record about that?

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Plant has been the most active of the members post-Zep therefore that makes him the most visible and apparently a target for fans with misguided anger about what the future of Zeppelin holds for them. Led Zeppelin ended in 1980 when John Bonham died, let it the fuck go and allow the man to pursue his life's work without forever being burdened by his past.

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Thanks for clearing that up, jahfin.

My 'going through the motions in 77/79/80' question referred to his comment about it being the best LZ show since 75, which I strongly disagree with, but hey, what do I know.

I understood what he meant by it not being Zeppelin, and couldn't agree more with that part.

Do they owe the fans anything? Debatable. But it's not really about that, it's about Plant's attitude. On the one hand, he's the only one as far as I know who's against a tour of some kind. On the other, he had a pop at Jimmy & Coverversion when they got together and gave the fans a watered down version of what they really wanted. Pissing on Jimmy's chips, as we say over here. I mean, it's not as if JP was shitting on the sacred scrolls with C-P. He wrote the music, FFS. If his singer didn't want to sing them with him anymore, why shouldn't someone else? And if it was ok for Plant to do LZ songs in his solo bands, why shouldn't Jimmy be able to do them?

Christ only knows what Plant must've made of the Black Crowes gigs. Did he go on record about that?

Only my opinion but 77-80 was a tough time for Robert after the car accident and especially losing his son. So perhaps that has something to do with his feelings, I don't know.

As a lifelong fan of all sorts of music, I've personally never felt any band "owed" their fans anything. I'm also a musician and that creativity and drive that keeps them performing is a big part of what I identify with. Of course not everyone feels that way and I understand the wish in the case of Zep, for people to want them together. I never saw them and something I wish I had the opportunity to have done, but I am grateful for the music and more importantly in the case of Robert, happy he is still after all this time, incredibly happy about what he's doing. I love that he keeps going in different directions - it's what Zep did and he is carrying it on. For him to do Zep songs is fine - he wrote them and I feel the same way about Jimmy and John Paul. It's part of their career and they should play them how they see fit. Don't mind Plant rearranges stuff. If he didn't, he'd get the wrath of those who feel either a) he can't hit the notes or B) the guitarist is no Page (even if they're not trying to be). I dunno - it works for me but as I said, just how I feel.

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Whoa Jahfin, hold on there!

I let it go in 1980, dude. I cried that day. I have been at best bemused by the one-off reunions, and I'm certainly not angry about anything Plant or any other member of LZ has done since then.

My point is that if Plant felt it was ok to do it for Ahmet, and now says that it was the best 'Zep' show since 1975, why can't he take it JUST A LITTLE BIT further, for the fans this time?

It's not as if anyone's expecting them to do a 2-year tour, FFS. 10-20 judiciously selected mega-gigs around the world should just about do it. I mean, it's hardly a crippling workload.

And if they don't need the money, well, why not give it to charity? Kind of like their very own Live Aid? Just a thought.

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Plant has been the most active of the members post-Zep therefore that makes him the most visible and apparently a target for fans with misguided anger about what the future of Zeppelin holds for them. Led Zeppelin ended in 1980 when John Bonham died, let it the fuck go and allow the man to pursue his life's work without forever being burdened by his past.

I agree with much of the substace of what you're saying but you lose me with the word "burdened". I mean, come on. He wouldn't have a fraction of the juice he currently has if it wasn't for the "burden" of having been the lead singer of Led Zeppelin.

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Whoa Jahfin, hold on there!

I let it go in 1980, dude. I cried that day. I have been at best bemused by the one-off reunions, and I'm certainly not angry about anything Plant or any other member of LZ has done since then.

My point is that if Plant felt it was ok to do it for Ahmet, and now says that it was the best 'Zep' show since 1975, why can't he take it JUST A LITTLE BIT further, for the fans this time?

It's not as if anyone's expecting them to do a 2-year tour, FFS. 10-20 judiciously selected mega-gigs around the world should just about do it. I mean, it's hardly a crippling workload.

And if they don't need the money, well, why not give it to charity? Kind of like their very own Live Aid? Just a thought.

Because the past for him is just that. It's a part of who he is today and I think he absolutely embraces it and is very proud of it, but he wants to move in other directions. The 02 was a wonderful gift they gave for an amazing man. They ended on a high note.

For what it's worth, I don't see anyone going after JPJ for his decision to form another group - doesn't sound like he's pining for a Zep reunion to tour either.

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I was under the impression that Them Crooked Vultures was a side-project for all concerned. QOTSA haven't split as far as I'm aware - nor,regrettably, have the execrable Foo Fighters. I'm sure JPJ would ditch TCV like a hot turd if he got the call.

Besides, what's JPJ supposed to do - sit on his hands for another 25 years, waiting for Plant to give the nod? That's more Jimmy's style, I'd say :D

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I was under the impression that Them Crooked Vultures was a side-project for all concerned. QOTSA haven't split as far as I'm aware - nor,regrettably, have the execrable Foo Fighters. I'm sure JPJ would ditch TCV like a hot turd if he got the call.

Besides, what's JPJ supposed to do - sit on his hands for another 25 years, waiting for Plant to give the nod? That's more Jimmy's style, I'd say :D

No one's even suggesting he sit on his hands. I'm thrilled he's out there doing something and getting great accolades for it. I wish Jimmy would do the same.

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I think the whole definition of "side project" has changed in the last few years. These days it's more a case of being in more than one band simultaneously, without one necessarily being more important than the other. I like this new development, it's much more flexible.

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He was happy to do the 02 show in tribute to Ahmet Ertegun, who merely oiled the wheels of the machinery which made the band very successful. Why then is he not prepared to do more shows, in tribute to all the fans who provided the FUEL (ie money) to POWER the machinery, and who therefore helped make the band what they became?

Ahmet wasn't "merely" anything and didn't "merely " do anything. He was a great, great friend to Robert. He was an amazing figure in the history of music. Look him up - learn a lttle about him - you'll even find him in biog movies like "Ray" about Ray Charles. (Please don't come back and tell me you knew about him and yet dismissed him as someone who merely oiled wheels!)

Ahmet was more special in the music world than any of us can ever quite compute. He was worthy of this tribute ( from ALL the Zeppelin members, not just Robert - though Robert was his favourite) . Diminishing him for the sake of another Led Zeppelin reunion argument is laughable.

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I agree with much of the substace of what you're saying but you lose me with the word "burdened". I mean, come on. He wouldn't have a fraction of the juice he currently has if it wasn't for the "burden" of having been the lead singer of Led Zeppelin.


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Thanks for clearing that up, jahfin.

My 'going through the motions in 77/79/80' question referred to his comment about it being the best LZ show since 75, which I strongly disagree with, but hey, what do I know.

I understood what he meant by it not being Zeppelin, and couldn't agree more with that part.

Do they owe the fans anything? Debatable. But it's not really about that, it's about Plant's attitude. On the one hand, he's the only one as far as I know who's against a tour of some kind. On the other, he had a pop at Jimmy & Coverversion when they got together and gave the fans a watered down version of what they really wanted. Pissing on Jimmy's chips, as we say over here. I mean, it's not as if JP was shitting on the sacred scrolls with C-P. He wrote the music, FFS. If his singer didn't want to sing them with him anymore, why shouldn't someone else? And if it was ok for Plant to do LZ songs in his solo bands, why shouldn't Jimmy be able to do them?

Christ only knows what Plant must've made of the Black Crowes gigs. Did he go on record about that?

Who were you last time? :rolleyes:

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It's not a knock, Kneb. How can anyone suppose that Plant would have the same amount of fame and ability to do pretty much whatever he wants with whomever he wants if he hadn't been a member of the world's biggest rock band and one of the most important bands in the history of rock music?

I don't know and neither do you. But if I had to bet my house on it I'd say Robert would not be in the wonderful position he's in today if he hadn't been in Zeppelin. Again, it's not a knock. Just a reasonable opinion and a compliment to the band we all love. In fact, his music wouldn't be what it is today if he hadn't spent those formative years in Zeppelin.

That's why I had an issue with the use of the word "burdened". I'd say "blessed"!

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Knebby, I used the word 'merely' in a comparative sense, i.e. relative to the importance of The Fans and the respect they too deserve. Without The Fans' approval, it wouldn't have mattered how much Ahmet contributed to Zep's career, or to the music industry in general.

And what do you mean by 'Who were you last time?'

WTF - do you mean In a past-life regression therapy 'I was once a fluffer in the Court of King Caractacus' sense? I don't buy all that horse-shit, sorry. It's all new-age nonsense, if you ask me.

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People! Peace!

Is it any wonder Mssrs. Plant, Page and Jones are often so oblique and cautious about what they say to the media when their every utterance gets diced, sliced and parsed beyond any rational meaning in threads such as this?

To quote Mandy, mother of Brian in Life Of Brian, advising her son about picking his nose: "Leave it alone. Give it a rest."

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Whoa Jahfin, hold on there!

I let it go in 1980, dude. I cried that day. I have been at best bemused by the one-off reunions, and I'm certainly not angry about anything Plant or any other member of LZ has done since then.

My point is that if Plant felt it was ok to do it for Ahmet, and now says that it was the best 'Zep' show since 1975, why can't he take it JUST A LITTLE BIT further, for the fans this time?

Because he doesnt want to do it! Which is perfectly reasonable.

A half hearted performance by someone who doesnt really want to be there would be a sad sight.

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.................................... i.e. relative to the importance of The Fans and the respect they too deserve.

So.. what kind of respect do you think that Fans, deserve....why the seeming obsession that Fans are somehow owed something............So we've bought a few LPs, CD's, Video tapes, DVDs,T-shirts, Books,...Gig tickets ?...................Big efin deal..................... Succsessful artistes owe nothing to anybody ............With the exception the Taxman of course....

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He's satisfying himself, he's staying true to himself. If Plant wants to go in different directions, then he wants to go in different directions.

Smiley faces for Plant for being who he is :) :) :)

Couldn't have said it better! Everytime Robert comes out with something new this happens, people complain that he is singing Zep songs, people complain he is the reason why Zep didn't go on tour after the O2. He doesn't owe any of us anything! Just be glad he is still around and doing something musically. At least he is, Page keeps saying he is but has he?!?! I like to think positive that he is working on something but so far it is only promo pics for guitar cases, expensive books and such! I am thankful for the music they have given us in the past and glad that 3 of 4 members are still around on this earth!

"Smiley faces for Plant for being who he is"

:D:D:D :D :D:D

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For those that have been so critical of Plant's musical direction post-Mighty Rearranger, I'm curious why John Paul Jones doesn't warrant the same level of scrutiny particularly when his pedigree in bluegrass (and related fields) has been so prominent in recent years? He's worked and performed with Uncle Earl, Sara Watkins (of Nickel Creek), the Duhks, Mutual Admiration Society (which counted Chris Thile of Nickel Creek among it's members), Gillian Welch, etc. yet I've never seen the so-called "fans" go off on him as they have Plant. Stranger still is that when you compare Jones' work with these artists to Raising Sand it's very clear that his work is strongly rooted in bluegrass while Raising Sand barely shows any strains (if any) of that kind of music at all but the "fans" find fault with it because they think it's a "bluegrass/country" album when it is NOT. There's nary a fiddle hoedown or banjo breakdown on Raising Sand but Jones' contributions to these artists' records (and live performances) are full of them.


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For those that have been so critical of Plant's musical direction post-Mighty Rearranger, I'm curious why John Paul Jones doesn't warrant the same level of scrutiny particularly when his pedigree in bluegrass (and related fields) has been so prominent in recent years? He's worked and performed with Uncle Earl, Sara Watkins (of Nickel Creek), the Duhks, Mutual Admiration Society (which counted Chris Thile of Nickel Creek among it's members), Gillian Welch, etc. yet I've never seen the so-called "fans" go off on him as they have Plant.

It's my opinion that many fans who express disappointment in Robert's musical direction are mostly disapponted because playing with Zeppelin is not part of his musical direction. Jones gets spared the same criticism because no matter where he jouneys musically he's always been willing to play with Jimmy and Robert if only Robert would be up for it.

And for the record I love the bluegrass stuff. I was an Alison Kraus fan long before there were any rumors of her and Robert teaming up together. And I Iike the clips I've seen and heard online from Robert's current tour too.

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