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At what age should men lose the long hair !

Fool In The Rain 60

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If people ask me,

I always tell them:

"Quite well, thank you, I'm very glad to say."

If people ask me,

I always answer,

"Quite well, thank you, how are you to-day?"

I always answer,

I always tell them,

If they ask me



I wish

That they wouldn't.

Alan Alexander Milne
Edited by weslgarlic
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It depends on your mindset , If you've cut it all off ,then I supposes it's a bit like when an smoker suddenly can't stand the smell of smoke , you don't like long hair on older people either

my hair is shoulder length which is considered long for a man , yet not for a woman, yet again maybe at 46 it's considered long for both sexes

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No one - male or female - should be told they're too old for anything. Do what makes you happy, so long as it don't scare the horses.

Or the children, hehe.

Seriously, some of this obsessing over hair is excessive. Long or short, thick or thin...who cares? Wear it the way you like and stop dwelling.

I used to prefer wearing it long but as I've gotten older I now tend to like it shorter. In a weird sort of twist, people now say that I look younger with short hair instead of long. I don't know...you be the judge.

When it was longer a few months ago.

The way it is now.

I'll say one thing...it's a lot easier to care for when it's short and a lot cooler in the summer.

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Page's white pony tail look is what inspired me to grow my hair long. I think he looks fantastic with it!

Robert's grey-streaked lion's mane suits him, but the beard needs to go IMHO!

I think Robert needs to go back to sporting the Van Dyke like he did in 1970. That old Robert can rock a Van Dyke!

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I used to work with this guy who repeated this story over the years. His son had long hair and it bothered him, so he kept telling him to get a hair cut. The kid would say, but dad, jesus had long hair...and the guys response was...and he walked from town to town. Kinda funny, sorta stupid, whatever response.

In my opn, it just doesnt matter.

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Free Will

Men cut their hair-

Men cut their hair to show hate and depair, a skinhead as clear as the

as a swastika there.

Men cut their hair to show Budha is there, a monk enlightened wanting to


Men cut their hair just to feel the night air on hot summer day it is

better to wear.

These are the reasons men cut their hair.

Men grow hair long-

Men grow hair long when they are feeling a song, they find peace in their

heart with the hair they won't part.

Men grow hair long to braid with a feather, to bond with an eagle a tribe

is forever.

Men grow hair long too busy in life, till they are reminded to cut it by a

bothersome wife.

These are the reasons men grow their hair long.

Men are born with little hair at all, to cut it

or grow it, that is our call.

Saint Eule
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I have a friend who hasn't cut her son's hair since he was born. He is eight now and his long, flowing locks are past his butt.

Exception rather than the rule ,its usually boys with short hair and girls with a variety of styles including hair down to their butts

Both sexes up to 16 should have shoulder length ,then there's no sexism

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Except then you have a bunch of boys running around looking like Little Lord Fauntleroy ponces just begging to be picked on and beaten up.

Face it...some people, both male and female, just look better with short hair than long.

The myth that only long-hairs can be rebels and free is just that...A MYTH! For all we know, redrum does more in one day to stick it to "The Man" and go against the grain than Mr. Garlic has in his entire life.

I mean, look at Joe Strummer vs. Michael Bolton...or John Coltrane vs. that other ponce, Kenny G. Look at Gandhi vs. anybody...I'll take Gandhi, thank you very much.

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Depends how it looks .. simple as that... Looks good on Page, Leon Russell Steven Tyler etc... and it looks like crap on the guy Wes posted above..(even if it is our Vice President)...

The world shattering topic I'm wondering about is ..... should men have to wear ties to work???

Edited by the chase
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^ I fucking hate ties, the biggest fashion faux pas in history, well, next to the leisure suit. Anyway, if King Henry VIII were around I would kick that fat bastard in his dick for inventing the tie...and for what? So the fat jackass would not have to wear a bib when he ate. That's right, ties were originally a fashionable bib you wore all the time because when you are Henry VIII and you are not loping off the head of a wife, a catholic, protestant, or anyone in particular that pissed him off that day he was gorging himself.

Fat bastard, I hope there is a special lower ring in hell for him just because he invented the tie!

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^ I fucking hate ties, the biggest fashion faux pas in history, well, next to the leisure suit. Anyway, if King Henry VIII were around I would kick that fat bastard in his dick for inventing the tie...and for what? So the fat jackass would not have to wear a bib when he ate. That's right, ties were originally a fashionable bib you wore all the time because when you are Henry VIII and you are not loping off the head of a wife, a catholic, protestant, or anyone in particular that pissed him off that day he was gorging himself.

Fat bastard, I hope there is a special lower ring in hell for him just because he invented the tie!

Here here , fucking hate ties

I think his ponytail looks ok , it's like what i said about said about ex smokers hating smoke in a earlier post , It's good to see a long haired guy in a proper job other long haired guys can feeled inspired , how many female politicians have long hair it does n't interfere with their ability to do the job ,why should he have to cut his off

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Here here , fucking hate ties

I think his ponytail looks ok , it's like what i said about said about ex smokers hating smoke in a earlier post , It's good to see a long haired guy in a proper job other long haired guys can feeled inspired , how many female politicians have long hair it does n't interfere with their ability to do the job ,why should he have to cut his off

Because he looks like a record label exec/lawyer...or a roadie for Rush.

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