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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In ZEPPELIN Reunion

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Respectfully Knebby, it disappoints me to see a person with minimum posts just suddenly show up and take someone to task. To me it stinks of premeditation. I agree that ultimately it is us as individuals who are responsible for how we react and in this case BigDan probably should have just ignored. However , that is not easy to do when a personal attack is as relentless as that one was.

I suppose it's a case of a referee seeing the retaliation instead of the original foul . Doesn't mean a foul wasn't commited

I agree. Personally, I am not an online friend of BIGDAN's or anything. I'm just a newbie who just watches things from the sidelines (as you can see from my post count) but when comments like "you only deserve to be in Hitler's Nazi Germany" are made, that to me is crossing the line. Sometimes, it is best to ignore horrendous comments such as those but at times, people (BIGDAN including) need to defend themselves! Maybe some of the so called "veterans" here with unusally thick hides can take it but a need does arise to stand up for yourself. And when you do stand up for yourself, be smart and strategic about it and silence the troll. And last resort is to put the troll on ignore and move on and never look back. Don't get worked up and get yourself screwed in the process. And I'm sorry to say this but the wrong poster has been banned as a result of this whole mess. This is what I refer to as "strategic baiting".

Edited by Emily008
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What's this last part about?

What does he mean by people writing their own story? What does he mean by nothing moving?

I'm confused.

I think he means artists that are still releasing new music, touring, etc. but aren't treading any new ground musically.

Also, I can understand if Robert's heart is not in it, but I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing that it was.

It's fitting that the band with the most integrity is opting out. It makes them more special in a way, but it's hard to swallow. Maybe one day. Hearts do change and caution gets thrown into the wind.

Of all the bands that shouldn't reform because it would lack integrity, this is not one of them.

For the planets to realign properly in the manner of the original Led Zeppelin would be nigh near impossible so no matter what they do it's never going to live up to people's expectations. Without John Bonham there's simply no moving forward as the entity known as "Led Zeppelin". In that respect it's probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.

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Respectfully Knebby, it disappoints me to see a person with minimum posts just suddenly show up and take someone to task. To me it stinks of premeditation. I agree that ultimately it is us as individuals who are responsible for how we react and in this case BigDan probably should have just ignored. However , that is not easy to do when a personal attack is as relentless as that one was.

I suppose it's a case of a referee seeing the retaliation instead of the original foul . Doesn't mean a foul wasn't commited

I agree wholeheartedly and it just f'ing sucks to hear that BD was banned. :angry:

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Like mentioned above, hopefully this BIGDAN fellow can come back soon. I too find his posts to be exceptionally entertaining. Too bad the wrong people were given the boot. Shame really.

Edited by Emily008
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I didn't see the exchange Ally, just the result, so I will certainly bow to your opinion here.

No need to my dear. Your point was more than valid and under normal circumstances, I'd have totally agreed :beer:

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I think he means artists that are still releasing new music, touring, etc. but aren't treading any new ground musically.

Well I hope he comes up with some new music then...

For the planets to realign properly in the manner of the original Led Zeppelin would be nigh near impossible so no matter what they do it's never going to live up to people's expectations. Without John Bonham there's simply no moving forward as the entity known as "Led Zeppelin". In that respect it's probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.

I guess I'm not looking for Zeppelin per se, but for Plant to play with Page, Jones, and a Bonham. That would be close enough for me. Sure they'll play some Zeppelin songs at shows as Robert does now, but they should play at least 50% new material.

Rather than making new music alone or with other lesser known musicians, I think it would be more of a challenge for Robert to make music with Page+Jones, and Bonham.

Maybe he doesn't want to have to struggle with that. It sounds like he can handle the personalities in Band of Joy, delegating musical direction fairly. But to be put back in the mix with 2 of his former bandmates who are giants in their own rights, maybe he thinks there will be too many cooks in the kitchen. But that's why I think it would be more of a challenge.

If he wants to paint new landscapes, but not with Page, Jones, and Bonham, then maybe there is some sort of musical disagreement that was spoken or even unspoken between them.

Edited by guitarmy
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Well I hope he comes up with some new music then...

He is.

I guess I'm not looking for Zeppelin per se, but for Plant to play with Page, Jones, and a Bonham.

So, it doesn't matter if it's Jason? I could be Helena Bonham Carter? Tracy? Deborah?

That would be close enough for me. Sure they'll play some Zeppelin songs at shows as Robert does now, but they should play at least 50% new material.

Rather than making new music alone or with other lesser known musicians, I think it would be more of a challenge for Robert to make music with Page+Jones, and Bonham.

Maybe he doesn't want to have to struggle with that. It sounds like he can handle the personalities in Band of Joy, delegating musical direction fairly. But to be put back in the mix with 2 of his former bandmates who are giants in their own rights, maybe he thinks there will be too many cooks in the kitchen. But that's why I think it would be more of a challenge.

If he wants to paint new landscapes, but not with Page, Jones, and Bonham, then maybe there is some sort of musical disagreement that was spoken or even unspoken between them.

All you need to do is read any of the hundreds of interviews Plant has done regarding why he is choosing to go it alone rather than resurrecting Led Zeppelin and you'll find your answers there.

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He is.

I saw that, but am skeptical until it's actually on the books.

So, it doesn't matter if it's Jason? I could be Helena Bonham Carter? Tracy? Deborah?

As far as I know, Jason is the only Bonham left that plays drums so that's why it is special.

All you need to do is read any of the hundreds of interviews Plant has done regarding why he is choosing to go it alone rather than resurrecting Led Zeppelin and you'll find your answers there.

Right...I just wish there was something that overcame those reasons.

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Dont worry Ally. As i stated in one of my posts i believe it was a response Fool in the Rain, my main main purpose of coming to this site as i have been doing for the last 8 or 9 years is because it is my main source of the wealth of info that i can have access to. NOT to get myself involved in the trivial drama portion of the forum. Now i know your thinking well he only joined in 2010. Thats because my screen name used to be zep4ever but when the new site appeared someone took my screen name so i had to make a new one. As far as what my new screen name means to me, it simple means that something you love never dies as i learned through my grieving of losing my baby, mother and fiance in a 14 month period back in 03 & 04. I very rarely read discussions as i choose not to. I enjoy this site immencely for the latest news, interviews, rare photos and video's and really do appreciate sincerely and wholeheartedly all of the members and webmaster contributions over the years. Does this mean that i am on here daily? No. Does it mean that i stray from Led Zeppelin's music from time to time? Yes. I venture into lots and lots great music by many different artists. Some of my favorite artists that i have been getting into recently are Jewel, Jeff Beck (Live at Ronnie Scotts DVD) Allison Krauss's 100 miles or more(DVD) & Live in 2002) and A Tribute to Fats Domino. The reason i always come back to Led Zeppelin periodically and often might i say is simply i have had a special connection to their music since i was 12, thats when 'my dreamy love affair' started with Led Zeppelin when a chilhood friend turned me on, i am now 45. Someone asked me i think it was Reggie, if i saw Led Zeppelin live? The answer is Yes. Too bad i wasnt a fan bcz i was only 11, never listened to 1 song or even heard the name Led Zeppelin before. Did i become a fan after i saw them? Nope. thought it was horrible, couldnt grab it nor get a good listen as we were constantly moving around and the sound system was horrible. My 1st rock concert was Cat Stevens MajiKat when i was 10 which i vividly remember and enjoyed bcz he was my sister's favorite artist and played his records constantly so i knew the music. Music was very big in my home as my father had records from all of the greats here and abroad from the 40's,50's and 60's. The reason why i didnt answer Reggie's question is bcz it was insignifficant. Why do i need some credability in order to speak to a longtime standing member here?Do i need to mention that i saw them live or what it meant to me to shake Jimmy's hand wishing him the best the day before the ARMS concert in order to be able to speak in this forum? Is that what it takes? Sorry i dont look for another person's approval on what i can say or feel so i cannot apologize for that nor can i prove any of my statements now can i? I can however share these stories with my family and friends and thats where i have personally chosen to do so. Does this make me any less of a zeppelin fan then you? Will some of you call me selfish because of my personal choices. My reasons for my 1st post in this thread are really quite simple as when i 1st read Dan's getting off my chest rah rah speech, i was like how can someone be so thoughtless? Now maybe some of you are used to that coming from him but to me personally i was offended and felt the need to get my feelings off my chest just like he did. Do i not have that right? Why not because i dont have a large number of posts? Did you see how many views this thread got versus the number of replies? It seems to me alot of people do not post. I wonder why??? I am a person, just like you are and the members of Led Zeppelin are and when i see someone being so disrepectful and then in the same breath say he is devoted Led Zeppelin fan and that a musicians life and art comes before their loved ones, i nearly bit my lip off and felt the need to do something. Instead of him saying, you know what i did reread my posts and i cant believe how i came off and how i was so ignorant and selfish and i apologize that i offended you and thank you for pointing that out for me for which i would have replied its ok we all are capable of a slip of the tongue once in a while, but because of a lack of respect he showed me bcz of the number of posts i have, he decided to attack me and in his words wanted a duel, well i guess you can see for yourself what resulted not that i actually believe he was banned. I do apologize to the members that had to witness this ugliness but i cannot apologize nor will i ever for trying to protect the honor of not the best band ever but certainly my favorite rock and roll band that influenced me to 1) To enjoy and appreciate so many different genres of music. 2) To pick up a guitar at the age of 14. 3) To pursue a career in music. 4) Teach me to always follow your heart and to stand up for yourself as well as others who cant. 5) Treat those you love with respect and honor and when needbe to kick those in the teeth who are disrespectful and rotten.

This troll is now ready to slither back into his hole as i will continue to visit this site as a devoted lifelong Led Zeppelin fan and appreciate this site for all it has to offer!.


Well done sir ! Your mission to bait BigDan and have him banned has been accomplished. Now if you don't mind, do us all a favour and slither back into the hole you crawled out of.

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Someone asked me i think it was Reggie, if i saw Led Zeppelin live? The answer is Yes. The reason why i didnt answer Reggie's question is bcz it was insignifficant.

I never asked you that question, that was leddy.

Get your facts straight.

You got to see them live and didn't appreciate them because of your age, so what, you obviously woke up to yourself?

I couldn't care less if you or anyone else shook Jimmy's hand, seeks autographs, purchases memorabilia or whatever, as to me that is insignificant but if anyone gets off on that sort of thing, good for you, enjoy, only their music is and always will be, important to me.

I am not a "fan(atic)" of anything, I don't idolise any of them or think of them as gods, which they are not, they are just incredibly talented musicians who have made incredible music that transcends time, race and generations.

I have no desire to "be" them but I was inspired to learn how to play guitar and sing (in my own style, not theirs), because of the experience of seeing them live.

My issue was about threatening a member with violence not expressing an opinion and as I said before I was defending Dan's right to express his, as I would with anyone on this forum, even you, nothing more.

That being said I don't always agree with the opinions profferred, including yours and up until recently, Dan's.


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Dont worry Ally. As i stated in one of my posts i believe it was a response Fool in the Rain, my main main purpose of coming to this site as i have been doing for the last 8 or 9 years is because it is my main source of the wealth of info that i can have access to. NOT to get myself involved in the trivial drama portion of the forum. Now i know your thinking well he only joined in 2010. Thats because my screen name used to be zep4ever but when the new site appeared someone took my screen name so i had to make a new one. As far as what my new screen name means to me, it simple means that something you love never dies as i learned through my grieving of losing my baby, mother and fiance in a 14 month period back in 03 & 04. I very rarely read discussions as i choose not to. I enjoy this site immencely for the latest news, interviews, rare photos and video's and really do appreciate sincerely and wholeheartedly all of the members and webmaster contributions over the years. Does this mean that i am on here daily? No. Does it mean that i stray from Led Zeppelin's music from time to time? Yes. I venture into lots and lots great music by many different artists. Some of my favorite artists that i have been getting into recently are Jewel, Jeff Beck (Live at Ronnie Scotts DVD) Allison Krauss's 100 miles or more(DVD) & Live in 2002) and A Tribute to Fats Domino. The reason i always come back to Led Zeppelin periodically and often might i say is simply i have had a special connection to their music since i was 12, thats when 'my dreamy love affair' started with Led Zeppelin when a chilhood friend turned me on, i am now 45. Someone asked me i think it was Reggie, if i saw Led Zeppelin live? The answer is Yes. Too bad i wasnt a fan bcz i was only 11, never listened to 1 song or even heard the name Led Zeppelin before. Did i become a fan after i saw them? Nope. thought it was horrible, couldnt grab it nor get a good listen as we were constantly moving around and the sound system was horrible. My 1st rock concert was Cat Stevens MajiKat when i was 10 which i vividly remember and enjoyed bcz he was my sister's favorite artist and played his records constantly so i knew the music. Music was very big in my home as my father had records from all of the greats here and abroad from the 40's,50's and 60's. The reason why i didnt answer Reggie's question is bcz it was insignifficant. Why do i need some credability in order to speak to a longtime standing member here?Do i need to mention that i saw them live or what it meant to me to shake Jimmy's hand wishing him the best the day before the ARMS concert in order to be able to speak in this forum? Is that what it takes? Sorry i dont look for another person's approval on what i can say or feel so i cannot apologize for that nor can i prove any of my statements now can i? I can however share these stories with my family and friends and thats where i have personally chosen to do so. Does this make me any less of a zeppelin fan then you? Will some of you call me selfish because of my personal choices. My reasons for my 1st post in this thread are really quite simple as when i 1st read Dan's getting off my chest rah rah speech, i was like how can someone be so thoughtless? Now maybe some of you are used to that coming from him but to me personally i was offended and felt the need to get my feelings off my chest just like he did. Do i not have that right? Why not because i dont have a large number of posts? Did you see how many views this thread got versus the number of replies? It seems to me alot of people do not post. I wonder why??? I am a person, just like you are and the members of Led Zeppelin are and when i see someone being so disrepectful and then in the same breath say he is devoted Led Zeppelin fan and that a musicians life and art comes before their loved ones, i nearly bit my lip off and felt the need to do something. Instead of him saying, you know what i did reread my posts and i cant believe how i came off and how i was so ignorant and selfish and i apologize that i offended you and thank you for pointing that out for me for which i would have replied its ok we all are capable of a slip of the tongue once in a while, but because of a lack of respect he showed me bcz of the number of posts i have, he decided to attack me and in his words wanted a duel, well i guess you can see for yourself what resulted not that i actually believe he was banned. I do apologize to the members that had to witness this ugliness but i cannot apologize nor will i ever for trying to protect the honor of not the best band ever but certainly my favorite rock and roll band that influenced me to 1) To enjoy and appreciate so many different genres of music. 2) To pick up a guitar at the age of 14. 3) To pursue a career in music. 4) Teach me to always follow your heart and to stand up for yourself as well as others who cant. 5) Treat those you love with respect and honor and when needbe to kick those in the teeth who are disrespectful and rotten.

This troll is now ready to slither back into his hole as i will continue to visit this site as a devoted lifelong Led Zeppelin fan and appreciate this site for all it has to offer!.


Neither you nor I should take any more of this threads time bantering about what happened. I'd be more than willing to pm you if that's cool.

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First of all, "bluegrass" and "country" aren't interchangeable terms as they're very different musical styles. Secondly, citing episodes of CMT's Crossroads where rock acts have appeared with country artists doesn't back up what you were saying at all, which was completely off the mark to start with because you got bluegrass confused with country music.

If it was on The Mighty Rearranger CD then what does that have to do with the Raising Sand and Band of Joy records, both of which weren't released until after The Mighty Rearranger?

So, what you're trying to say is, a person that's known primarily as a rock singer, wasn't taking a risk by releasing an album with an artist that's mostly known for her background in Appalachian music? Most of the points you're trying to get across sound like you have no knowledge of what you're talking about. You don't know the difference between country and bluegrass, you equate a few rock bands taping episodes of CMT's Crossroads with them "crossing over" (you do know the mixture of the two is the purpose of the show, right?) and you evidently believe that Plant recording with Krauss wasn't taking a big risk. As for the rest of your "quotes", you might want to do some actual research on those first before spouting a bunch of unfounded nonsense. Plant says a lot of things in jest which you seem to have misconstrued as fact (this in regards to his age). As for working up new material with Page, Jones and Jason Bonham, I'm not sure that I've ever heard him comment on that before.


No what Im saying is that it IS all the rage for rock artist to team up with country artist, or was for a bit there. Country is the big thing right now, PERIOD. And Im not talking about CR either, and I said that the blue grass comment was my slip, I do know the difference. Bon Jovi made the album Lost Highway (country orientated) in 2007, it was not just a CR thing, it was an album and tour. Def Leppards latest efforts first single (Nine Lives) featured Tim McGraw, the song was co-written with him. So there are two BIG names off the cuff. So no, I dont think its a big risk at all for him to team up with Krauss, not even a little. In fact it was the thing to do it seems nowadays. I mentioned the Mighty Rearranger interview because it does go into why Plant is doing what he is doing, if not directly by name, at least indirectly. So let me be up front with you, Im not going to banter back and forth about what this guy is doing, this is the LED ZEPPELIN forum. If I wanna hear all about Mr Plant then I'll go to his forum. We simply disagree, no hard feelings on my part, as I beleve everyone has a right to their opinion.

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So let me be up front with you, Im not going to banter back and forth about what this guy is doing, this is the LED ZEPPELIN forum. If I wanna hear all about Mr Plant then I'll go to his forum.

I'm sorry, you must be mistaken about something. Discussion of individual member's solo projects or work outside of Led Zeppelin is allowed here. If you take the time to read through the site, you'll find tons of discussion about stuff Jimmy has been doing, stuff JPJ has been doing, stuff Robert has been doing, even information about Jason Bonham and his projects.

Just because this is a Led Zeppelin message board doesn't mean the only topics of conversation allowed are strictly about the band as a group, and nothing or no one else.

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I agree with you totally and i really appreciate the offer Ally, honestly i do but i will pass as i would just like to put this to bed but you are more then welcome to send me a PM if there is anything you need to get off your chest but i cannot gurantee you i will read it or respond if it is nasty as i am not looking for anymore confrontations and just want to focus my energy on positive things now. Sincerely, Robert

Neither you nor I should take any more of this threads time bantering about what happened. I'd be more than willing to pm you if that's cool.

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Bravo Reggie. Thank you for expressing the "fanatic" point so well because I live/feel the same way. It's unsettling the way some people battle each other in defense of their own fantasy. :o Why do people stir the shit and then appeal to everyone with their sob stories? Don't get me wrong, if you lost your family Zeplives, that's sad. But then again, this is the internet, you've been all over the board, and give no one a reason to believe or even care.

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While I don't begrudge anyone the right to be a fanatic of whatever group/artist they want, I personally can't understand the behavior. There's a lot of bands out there that I love, both past and present, but I don't idolize any of them, worship them, or deify them. They're human beings, who just happen to be extremely talented at writing and performing music.

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I agree with you totally and i really appreciate the offer Ally, honestly i do but i will pass as i would just like to put this to bed but you are more then welcome to send me a PM if there is anything you need to get off your chest but i cannot gurantee you i will read it or respond if it is nasty as i am not looking for anymore confrontations and just want to focus my energy on positive things now. Sincerely, Robert

Let's put it to bed then. For the record though, I do not and never have been someone who sends nasty pm's. On occasions like this when I have chosen to use the pm mode it is strictly to allow both party's to talk openly and clear up any misunderstandings without the public scrutiny. People around here that know me..even ones that don't like me I think would be able to at least, confirm that. However, in this case, I think it best that both of us just move on.

BTW, I'm sincerely sorry for you loss.

Edited by ally
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Agreed Electrophile. But is it impossible to consider that fanaticism is part of the problem here? Getting into insult matches and and making threats all for what? Defense of Robert Plant? Led Zeppelin's music draws us together then pulls us apart? That just doesn't jive,man,

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Led Zeppelin's music draws us together then pulls us apart? That just doesn't jive,man,

I agree, it shouldn't get that way even if opinions differ. "It's a band...it's just a band"

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Agreed Electrophile. But is it impossible to consider that fanaticism is part of the problem here? Getting into insult matches and and making threats all for what? Defense of Robert Plant? Led Zeppelin's music draws us together then pulls us apart? That just doesn't jive,man,

No, I happen to agree with you.

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Agreed Electrophile. But is it impossible to consider that fanaticism is part of the problem here? Getting into insult matches and and making threats all for what? Defense of Robert Plant? Led Zeppelin's music draws us together then pulls us apart? That just doesn't jive,man,

This is the ONLY sensible post in this thread so far! Good on you!

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