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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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Apparently Justin Timberlake's appearances on SNL go over so well not only with the cast but the people watching at home, that Lorne Michaels has on more than one occasion, asked him to join the cast. He's hysterical, and routinely gives the show their highest ratings of whatever that current season is. His music itself may not be your cup of tea (I happen to enjoy it), but you can't deny the man has talent regardless.

Dick In a Box and his various -ville sketches (Omeletteville, Homelessville, Liquorville) are gotdamn funny.

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That's a limited way of measuring talent. To deny that someone has talent and say it has nothing to do with fashion? There is a reason why people study art and fashion together when they pursue a career in fashion design.

Jimmy Page's dragon suits did not happen entirely by accident, but because a skilled designer was able to transform ideas into sewn-together realities. His designer was probably no fashion dummy, but entirely aware of both fashion and art, since after all she combined the two. In the history of stage and costume design, fashion is an important element and can tell you something about the people who wore the designs. This forum itself has at least a couple of threads entirely devoted to Jimmy Page's dragon suits. That's in addition to threads about his storm-trooper costumes and hairstyles.



Fashion often makes a statement about who people are. What that says about Philip Treacy's hats, I haven't quite decided, but they are different and Lady Gaga uses them for visual impact.

It's hard to say whether Lady Gaga would do well with something inspired by one of her idols or not. Unless she has attempted such a project, you cannot know for certain. It's a discovery process in the beginning.

Usually when someone develops an artistic project, it happens because an idea inspires an artist and the project takes on a life and energy of its own. Predicting where the inspiration will come from because of your own likes and dislikes might be too limiting. She has to look at the whole spectrum of life and music, including but not limited to, her idols.

She can either include trends or ignore them, depending on whether they work well with her latest project. Some people are trendsetters, some follow trends for their own reasons, others will ignore them entirely. Mostly it depends on why you have a trendy aspect included in your work. But trends are not the end of the world.

True visual art usually includes elements of line, design, color, texture, light and shade, and spatial shapes, to briefly summarize. A visual artist with talent has a unique vision combining one or more of those elements.

A musical artist does much the same, only the elements are related to sound, tempo, rhythm, syncopation or non-syncopation, dynamics ranging from very soft to very loud; flat, natural or sharp notes; consonance or dissonance, emotional qualities, moods, ambience, the way time is measured and so on.

Are you suggesting that Lady Gaga blindly follows trends?

Oh very cool words and somewhat true too, BUT plz DO NOT try to compare chocolate and PURE s**t, where the latter clearly refers to LGG (and Timberlake):):):)!!

People like Jimmy Page and Robert Plant may even rely on the services of fashion designers, etc.,....why not???!:):).....but Jimmy and Robert have that quid more than any CRAPPY LGG because, as I said many times over, Jimmy, Robert and Led ZEp have nevr let their fans down with CRAPPY highly commercial pop poop:):):)!!!!

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Apparently Justin Timberlake's appearances on SNL go over so well not only with the cast but the people watching at home, that Lorne Michaels has on more than one occasion, asked him to join the cast. He's hysterical, and routinely gives the show their highest ratings of whatever that current season is. His music itself may not be your cup of tea (I happen to enjoy it), but you can't deny the man has talent regardless.

Dick In a Box and his various -ville sketches (Omeletteville, Homelessville, Liquorville) are gotdamn funny.

That man has NO talent at all......he's just a bandwagoner, finding himself in the right place at the wrong time with NO talent whatsoever!!! It's not a prob of not being anyone's "cup of tea" but rtaher if there is TRUE unbiased TALENT of not!!:):):)

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I suppose that could be true if you had actually asked a question.

but Jimmy and Robert have that quid more than any CRAPPY LGG because, as I said many times over, Jimmy, Robert and Led ZEp have nevr let their fans down with CRAPPY highly commercial pop poop:):):)!!!!

It was implicit, but since most of YOU LOT do NOT read my posts carefully enuff and just jump to conclusions and crticize , I'll base my qurestion on my above phrase: "have Jimmy Page, Robert PLant and Led ZEp EVER let their fans down with CRAPPY commercial pop poop????"

Does that tickle your fancy enuff now,,,,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????!:):):):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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^They're not really the pop types. Not sure if they have ever done pop. Either way, I don't share your value judgement in regard to the pop art form.

She is good at costumes.

"Pop culture" means popular culture in rock....Zep's ROCK ....can be considered as very popular, BUT NOT wimpy as LGG's crap. Simon Frith defines all of this very well in his books:):):)!!!! Wanna talk abouty DECENT NON WIMPY pop singers of today? Let's start.....does anyone here know Anna Nalick? www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFdHIL49WzQ

I doubt that the majority of people know her and her DECENT NON WIMPY pop songs...she's very UNDERRated while being EXTREMELY talented and a MUCH better voice and vocal range than LGG could ever dream of:):)!!! However, Anna never jumped onto the bandwagon of trendy crap (as LGG does!!!) and she doesn't need expedients like COSTUMES to show how cool she is (in LGG's case, very TASTELESS costumes at that:):))!!!

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Oh good Lord - you don't like Lady GaGa -

WE GET IT!!!!!!!

:slapface: :slapface: :slapface: :slapface: :slapface:


Amen! Let's get back to having an adult conversation about her.

It's amazing how people will fight over something on an internet forum. ADULTS nonetheless.


I for one am hit and miss with her. I take her for what she is: an entertainer more than a musician. I am not a huge fan of her music, but I have heard worse. Just my simple take on her.

Edited by BlackDog71
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Yes, I fear this is a losing battle ;)

I fear the same thing. I just don't know how people can come on to a post, let their opinion be known, and then rag on anyone who isn't in lock step with what they think.

It's one thing to voice your opinion. That's what the posts ask you to do. But to start cutting everyone else down because of what their OPINION is on a singer?! It's pointless, rude, counterproductive, and stunningly childish.

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Since you say you teach English, it may be kind to advise you that "despise of" is not correct grammar.

Wromg again as usual....you can say it both ways...."I despise of LGG" or "I despise her"....this is modern English we're talking about, not Shakespeare's English....the English language has changed over the eons ya know!:):):)....YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL I'M AFRAID.....DUNCE:):):):)!!!!

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Amen! Let's get back to having an adult conversation about her.

It's amazing how people will fight over something on an internet forum. ADULTS nonetheless.


I for one am hit and miss with her. I take her for what she is: an entertainer more than a musician. I am not a huge fan of her music, but I have heard worse. Just my simple take on her.

Indeed, many posters here act as infants rather than debating adults....go figure :):):)

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I fear the same thing. I just don't know how people can come on to a post, let their opinion be known, and then rag on anyone who isn't in lock step with what they think.

It's one thing to voice your opinion. That's what the posts ask you to do. But to start cutting everyone else down because of what their OPINION is on a singer?! It's pointless, rude, counterproductive, and stunningly childish.

That's all this guy does. He spams thread after thread posting the same things over and over and over again. This isn't the first thread he's done it in. If someone says they like cheddar cheese, and a bunch of other people say they like cheddar cheese too, he'll post 50 times to say that cheddar cheese sucks and that he can't understand why people like it......and he'll post that after every single post talking about how much they love cheddar cheese.

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Wromg again as usual....you can say it both ways...."I despise of LGG" or "I despise her"....this is modern English we're talking about, not Shakespeare's English....the English language has changed over the eons ya know!:):):)....YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL I'M AFRAID.....DUNCE:):):):)!!!!

Wrong I'm afraid. Despise is a verb - a "doing" word - you are "doing" something, you can't be "doing of" it. Would you say "I love of Led Zeppelin" "I hate of Lady GaGa" "I condemn of violence" "I scorn of that opinion"? No - because it is neither appropriate, necessary, nor sensible. Your pupils deserve better.

Edited by Knebby
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