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videos being removed

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No, what you are saying is that they have refused to do things the same way as some other 'modern' bands, and that in some way this makes them dinosaurs who don't know what's going on...

Why should Zeppelin do things as they "are done these days"? They never did things the way they were 'done' in the 70s either. Zeppelin have always been a law unto themselves and they should be embraced for that not decried for it.

The assumption that they personally have directly ordered the removal of any and all material from the internet is ridiculous. But even if they did, who would blame them for not wanting absolutely shocking quality footage and even worse audio out there, when they have gone to great effort and expense to shoot the show professionally and release it in the most appropriate form.

Let's not get into intellectual property either - the fact is the band OWN their songs and they OWN each performance of those songs. Why should anybody but the owners of a property be allowed to use it? Where does this sense of entitlement come from?

Hear, hear. I completely agree, Cactus. If artists don't protect their work, we'll be straight back to the artists starving in the garrett days, and the rush to the bottom in terms of quality will just keep on getting worse.

Loved watching some of these clips, and I'm sure I'll be able to find them again. They are free advertising in a way, but, I'm waiting for the professionally produced DVD that will be better than anything out there. Meanwhile I have no hostlity towards Warners for making an effort to protect what's theirs, on behalf of the band; I know they'll never fully succeed but they're just doing what they have to.

When the time comes I'll happily pay them a decent price for their work, since having their babies seems to be out. ^_^

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The irony is that if an official DVD were released I dont think anyone would not buy it because they previously viewed a lousy version on youtube

Exactly. Even the best of the YouTube clips are all but unwatchable and unlistenable. The music is usually out of sync with the footage, and they sound like they were recorded underwater. The only reason anybody bothers with them is because it's the only way to get a sense of what happened almost immediately.

The big record co.'s like Warners are utterly clueless. If they had any idea what's happening NOW, they'd understand that low-quality video and audio will only increase demand for a professionally released recording. After all, how many people prefer the old audience boots of the LA and Long Beach '72 shows to How The West Was Won?

I don't think Page or anyone else in the band needs to be notified as to what Warners' lawyers are up to regarding pulling the Y-tube clips.

In the meantime, more than 5,000 people have downloaded the first complete aud. recording of the O2 gig, and by the end of today it'll be double that. There's nothing Warners can do about it either.

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Dec 11 2007 3:45PM EST

Warner Gives "No Quarter" Over Led Zeppelin Video Clips

Warner has good reason to want to protect its intellectual property in this case, given that the company is expected to release a DVD of the concert for sale next year.

Just recently, timed to coincide with the reunion concert, Led Zeppelin agreed to put its entire, remastered catalog on iTunes. This reporter has heard the material, and can confirm that it is, in a word, awesome.

Neither YouTube, nor Warner Music Group, were immediately available for comment.

Plant, Page, Jonesy and Bonzo's family have the intelecutal property, Warner just have market property or same...

And some morons still ask why "music business" is dying...

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Plant, Page, Jonesy and Bonzo's family have the intelecutal property, Warner just have market property or same...

And some morons still ask why "music business" is dying...

Sorry, but Warner holds the copyright to the music as publisher of the songs. In every CD it states "All lyrics copyright Superhype Publishing, Inc., All rights administered by WB Music Corp, ASCAP"

Here's another story on this topic (found at another zep site)


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"Led Zeppelin concert videos are being removed from you tube now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so download em while you can.......................... "

They're not being removed, You Tube's policies are no copyrighted or trademarked material, or material owned by any other company, artisit is allowed to be on there ie, stuff from the Song Remains the Same. That is copyrighted material to Warner Brothers & Led Zeppelin, footage you get with your camera phone, or digital cameras w/ video capabilities will not be taken off, for it is not copyrighted material. If you posted the professional footage that was filmed from the show (and there was) that might have been broadcasted over TV on BBC that might be removed otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. SO people don't freak out it is not going anywhere!!!!

I am an extensive user of You Tube and I fully read the agreement you must adhere to to create an account, but I am waiting for the DVD to be released, that is what I am excited about.

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Sorry, but Warner holds the copyright to the music as publisher of the songs. In every CD it states "All lyrics copyright Superhype Publishing, Inc., All rights administered by WB Music Corp, ASCAP"

Here's another story on this topic (found at another zep site)


Is like to say editor made relativity theories, not Einstein...

As you said, the rights are "administered", Warner never made one song by Zep, it's not just semantic, is real

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And I have to say that, yes I am guilty of using You Tube to seeing videos and Tv/Movie clips I haven't seen in years, along with using it to post my own videos. Also the real major reason why copyrighted material and or trademarked material cannot be used on You Tube, is because in the agreement it clearly states any videos posted are owned by You Tube, so if you post a video of your band, or family member, realize you are giving You Tube full ownership and rights to do whatever they want with it. And since having such (Copyrighted/tradmarked) material on there that an idividual posted, it puts You Tube in jeopardy of being sued by those big companies, because it really is You Tube who is claiming ownership, so be careful of what you post on there, because it is now theirs.

I have to say though that it is all of us (myself included) who have done and or still do the free music downloads that killed the industry, but also the record companies didn't do a damn thing about protecting the artists. That is another reason why ticket prices are so high, most people don't realize that it is us that make the artists rich, and hey a lot of them work their rear ends off to get there (some do abuse it). Most musicians/artists/actors/whatever were starving at one time or another trying to get that break in the industry. But there are also some that had (one hit wonders) that one song, who recieve royalties on it, and they are workin a 9 to 5 job just like you and me. And by all the free shareware programs they now loose money, that might help keep their head above water. Would we all like to have that, hell that is what this country has become about, everyone trying to become rich, and when a poor slob does, everyone else thinks they don't deserve it, or they're jealous they don't have it, so they have to talk and post crap about them (laugh if you want but my son has a book called the SNEETCHES by Dr. Suess go read it that book speaks volume). But remeber this you (and me) we destroyed the industry for future Led Zeppelins, Beatles, KISS, Rolling Stones, The Who, etc. Hey you know if minimum wage in the country kept up with the inflation there would be very little complaints, because a person who gets minimum wage can't afford a ticket to go see Led Zeppelin or any other band for that matter. And with all these secondary companies buying the tickets on pre-sale and jacking the prices up sky high on these high demand tickets, it will be hard for anyone to go to a concert who doesn't have some $$$$ socked away. Hopefully one day things will change but until then enjoy what you have and what little or lot you might be acheiving, be happy for you only live once.

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Good post. My last experience with trying to get tickets was the Cream concert in NY that I mentioned above. There were supposed to be tickets available online through Ticketron at 9am on a certain day. Well. I was there at 9am trying to buy but you could not actually get to them. What I mean is that they did not really go 'on sale' until about ten after nine. By that time there was nothing left so they never actually went on sale. What I want to know is who was purchasing all of them for that ten minutes between 9:00am and 9:10. If a company like Ticketron says 9am it not like they got lazy and didn't start until ten after.

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You obviously don't understand the process in its integrity. No one does in fact. But obviously it's us who are the greedy one and not them. We want everything immediately, while Jimmy's idea is to deliver everything on the highest quality level imaginable. He's a maniac from this point of view and I can agree with him to a certain extent.

As for Robert, the changes his voice suffered over the years date back to as early as 1972, when his voice first cracked. Due to careless use and abuse, his vocal chords suffered injuries that proved irremediable. By 1973 his voice would become a faint shadow of its former self. Sometime during the mid-seventies (i can't recall when) he had a surgery and his voice recovered to some extent, but he would have never again reach those high pitched notes he used to in the early days. Nevertheless, he found a new way to use his voice and I think it's pretty hot still. Even if he hadn't suffered this injury, his voice would have changed due to aging. That happens to everyone, as the muscles gradually lose their flexibility over time. So enough of this "he-can't-sing-the-way-he-used-to" rubbish, once and for all.

WELL SAID!!!!!!!!


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Too bad about all of this. You would think that Warner Bros. would take the stance would allow these You Tube postings to stimulate interest and clamor for the "authorized, original and band approved" videos and recordings when they are released. The music business is operated by men suffering from the "Little Man Complex" who can only think in terms of units. They are not forward thinkers and forgot the music that they used to listen to when they were younger. Now all they listen to is the Ray Conniff Singers and songs from the K-Tel catalog.

Keep posting the videos and let them spend the money on the lawyers. We CAN beat them.

Maybe it would be good for the band to weigh in on this and support the fans!

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The cat is out of the bag though. Sure they will go after youtube ad others, but the web is massive and the number of devices that were there at the show are large in number. They should be stoked that so many people are able to hear the show and get reconnected with the band.

They killed at this show. There were some feed back errors, but I mean this show was just too good. Most of 1977 has nothing on this show as far as being a sound sober performance IMHO. Different I know, but come on.

Warner should call off the dogs and Jimmy and Co. Should get in the edit bay and get a DVD/CD out ASAP. Forget the flubs and only fix the sound. No padding the vocals or guitars.

They are going to make a mint off this show. People are excited and going to spend money on tons of other Zep wares.


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This question is to Led Zeppelin, as if they will even read it. Why do you guys hurt us so much? I speak on behalf of your millions of rabid fans who couldn't see the reunion show when I say that we aren't so much angry as we are hurt. You've got to understand that most have every studio and live album ever released and would have more if you just let us. Most of have dreamed of the day that you would do a reunion so that those of us who were born after your prime might have a chance to experience your musical prowess first hand. I'm not going to say that I won't buy any future releases of the Led Zeppelin reunion or any other archival show that they may choose to release; hint hint. I won't say that because I'm a sucker. I love the music so much that I'll buy anything that has the name Led Zeppelin on it, excluding hits packages of the studio recordings. (why would anyone need doubles of that stuff?) But I will buy every bit of live music that you guys release so why don't you just throw us a f*@#ing a bone and let us view your videos or please just release all that archival material that I know you have. It'll make you a ton of money, and I know you care about that. The sad thing is I know that there are many fans like me who love the music so much that they'll just take all the BS you give us and then buy whatever you release. So for fans like me quit f*@#ing us over.


G funk

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This question is to Led Zeppelin, as if they will even read it. Why do you guys hurt us so much? I speak on behalf of your millions of rabid fans who couldn't see the reunion show when I say that we aren't so much angry as we are hurt. ...................................................... So for fans like me quit f*@#ing us over.


G funk

Give them a little time. I agree it is lame, but I doubt they are going to wait to make a decision on the DVD. If they are going to do it. THey can have editors and Kevin Shirley start right away or after the new year and have it in stores in less than 6 months.

I do not think the band f#$ked anyone over.


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Is everyone stoned? I seriously doubt Warner has anything to do with the taking down of the YouTube vids. This has always been the modus operandi of Zep. Jimmy is very protective of the bands material. This is what makes the mysticism of the band so powerful. They rarely did interviews, rarely released video footage of the band, etc. It is by design. Quit your whining! You had your couple days to view now just wait for the official release and hopefully tour to follow.

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Led Zeppelin concert videos are being removed from you tube now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so download em while you can..........................

i know i stayed up all night watching kashmir and such and when i got home from school today i wasnt able to see any of them! gay!

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I've been posting complaints on this board since yesterday about the way we've been treated this week. This could have been a worldwide event for millions of Zep fans to enjoy. Zeppelin was always the greediest band around and they've learned nothing about the modern music buisness in their 30 years in limbo. For the most part working bands today ie: U2, The Allmans and even Cream accept the fact that they'll be broadcast and embrace the fact that people care enough to bother. The music seemed excellent last night but Robert clearly isn't up to the job. He offered little in new interpitations and reached very few high notes despite the drastic key changes. In almost every clip I've heard he makes fundemental mistakes ee. WLL extra chorus line and STH entering early in the verse before the drums start. Perhaps removing these clips is somehow tied to that. Let me be the first to say here Robert didn't put the work in. Both Pagey and Jones made adjustments for him but what I heard on WLL was pretty sad. Yes this was a great moment for what it was worth but for this band to really tour adjustments should be made. Robert Plant's abuse of his voice in his prime caused him to decline concert wise. He was a shell of himself as early as Song Remains The Same and never returned to his great early form. I saw Zep 8 times and never saw him sing really well untill his solo tours in the 80's. Too much partying. A guitarist can wake up hung over and still play great but a singer has to respect himself for the audience's sake. I saw both The Who and Zep in the same week at msg and Daltrey put Plant to shame. I still see this as a good start if they wish to tour $$$$$ but Robert and the band need to give some love back to their fans.

Excellent post IMO. I agree re. the voice issue. Now, it went with full merit, he gave us the 1st album and those 68-72 concerts. That is gold, and that alone makes his best work the best rock singing to me. What I've heard of the reunion show was nice, but I hope that if they do stay together, they make new music so that Plant can be convincing in his current voice. I agree with his concentrating on the Krauss thing, that's way more convincing sounding to me, as it was conceived with his current voice. I found him more convincing on the Clarksdale tour when they performed Clarksdale songs. Then they'd do a Zep number, and I found it a bit boring. Plant just isn't there anymore.

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