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London Riots


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Seems like it's getting kind of crazy over there..

London riots night 3: Police surrender the streets, powerless to stop thugs and looters

To folks living in the UK: Have you been affected by the recent rioting? If so...how?

It's just depressing me, TBH.

It's happening in Leicester now as well.

This is the last 3 live texts on the BBC website;


0142: Merseyside Police say there have been 35 arrests so far related to disorder in Liverpool and the Wirral.

Two fire engines and a fire officer's car have been damaged by youths in Lawrence Road, in south Liverpool. The officers were dealing with a number of burning cars at the time.

0131: There have been reports of a series of loud explosions at a diesel depot near Tottenham High Road, in North London. The fire, police and ambulance services are all at the scene, between Ashley Road and Park View Road. The police have been telling residents they are assessing the situation, to decide whether they will need to start evacuating houses nearby.

0123: James Cockerill in Leicester texts: Swarms of hooded youths in their twenties and some as young as 12 are being hounded out of Leicester city centre. Massive police presence near the train station, Charles St and the main shopping area. Shops have had windows smashed and been looted.

Edited by Ady
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I keep looking for news broadcasts on the situation here in the states but not too much is coming in. Fox News is just playing some reruns of the O'Reilly Factor and CNN is doing some story on Somalia.

So just how bad is it over there? I know how it feels to witness these things; just be thankful that it's mostly just property damage right now. But the "mob mentality" and lawlessness can spread like wildfire in high winds. Somebody needs to nip this thing in the bud.

Over here in the States these kinds of riots are usually just concentrated in certain areas, even in large cities like Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago. Since many Americans take advantage of the right to arm themselves in order to protect themselves and their homes and businesses; riots don't usually spread beyond certain neighborhoods. And when they have, they are met by a strong armed resistance of law abiding citizens. Images of Korean business owners having shoot outs with armed thugs in the 'Koreatown' area of Los Angles comes to mind.

Are you armed? Can you get yourself armed?

Maybe not a bad idea right now. Even a collective of armed citizens like you Brits had during the Blitz with your homeland defense forces would make a strong statement in a time like this. I wish I could lend you some of my guns, I have a couple of dozen rifles, shotguns, handguns all at the ready. And plenty of ammo to boot. Not only a hobby of mine, but a good plan for the future in the world we live in.

Good luck,


Cheers, but I'm nowhere near any of the trouble. It's just depressing watching it on the news because it's all so senseless.

I've never known anything like this in my own country before, not so widespread anyway.

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It is truly horrible - but it isn't taking over the Nation - it is happening in a handful of inner cities - even one is too many though.

It isn't about the initial shooting - it was about that for about 5 minutes. Since then it has been about violence, destruction and greed; people with a chip on their shoulder thinking that this somehow proves that they can do what they want, that it is a slap in the face to the Government and the rich. They don't even have the brains to realise that they are destroying their OWN living areas, where most of the fabled "rich" never set foot before and certainly won't now.

As was stated on TV, this is not an angry mob, this is a greedy mob, and most of them are under 16. Pathetic.

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Our news agencies are saying that the English Riots have prompted the cancellation of a few soccor matches and may even be of concern for the Olympics.

Source: New York Times

I know of one football match cancelled - the England v Holland friendly at Wembley - this is because the police will be needed on the streets rather than at the game. I haven't heard of any others but I imagine it is possible that matches due to take place in London this weekend (it's the start of the football season) could be cancelled for that same reason. It's a legal requirement to have a certain number of police and medical staff in any crowd, so prioritising will have to take place - I'm happy with that and I expect most rational people are too.

Yeah there will be concern re the Olympics - from the media if nowhere else - but they are a year away, if the riots last a year no-one will care about the Olympics. As for saving the money the Olympics will cost - most of it is already spent, the buildings built etc etc. I'm not one of those who thought we should be spending that kind of money at this stage in the World's economy, but I see why others were excited by the whole thing.

Edited by Knebby
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Such a shame. I blame this in part on the political correctness that has taken over the country and made the police force ineffectual in establishing law and order.

probably true.....well the PC thing....

unfortunately scumbags are everywhere........but i will always hold true to my beliefs that most people are good......i just feel bad for the people over there.......cuz yer stuck with that clusterf**k of scumbags who may never learn

and like the trojan horse.......you let em in

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probably true.....well the PC thing....

unfortunately scumbags are everywhere........but i will always hold true to my beliefs that most people are good......i just feel bad for the people over there.......cuz yer stuck with that clusterf**k of scumbags who may never learn

and like the trojan horse.......you let em in

What the heck do you mean? We "let em in"?????

The majority of these people are UK Citizens - white, black and whatever colour they may be.

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What the heck do you mean? We "let em in"?????

The majority of these people are UK Citizens - white, black and whatever colour they may be.

Tragic really. The riots are terrible, no question about it. All of those involved should be punnished and held accountable. But the fact that the riots are being used by some, on this board and elsewhere, as convenient cover to promote a hateful "us vs. them" agenda, where "them" is something other than the actual people rioting, may ultimately cause far more damage. I fear that there is a perfect storm developing for hatemongers to spread their message, with tough economic times ahead, unprecedented anger, and a catalyst in the from of these riots.

Good for you Knebby for calling people on it. I think we all have a responsibility to do the same. :thumbsup:

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I keep looking for news broadcasts on the situation here in the states but not too much is coming in. Fox News is just playing some reruns of the O'Reilly Factor and CNN is doing some story on Somalia.

CNN is covering the UK riots; it was the lead story on several programs, except for Anderson Cooper who is in Somalia, and so reporting extensively on the famine. But he also did at least 10 mins on the London story last night too. The national news programs and BBC America (of course) have had good coverage. Plus, all the major UK newspapers are online.

It's very disturbing and surreal.


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I don't see how this would be an issue for the Olympic Committee anyway. What are they going to do? Deem London unsuitable and cancel the games if they can't find someplace else that can get themselves ready in less than a year?

They didn't cancel the games after what happened in Munich in 1972, or after the bombing in Atlanta in 1996, so nothing is going to happen to an event that's a year away. Unless you think London will be reduced to smoldering rubble and totally uninhabitable by then.

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A year is nothing for such a tremendous event and the responsibility of holding such an event. Nobody wants to see any trouble now or then

Believe me I have heard not a single soul in the UK worrying about the Olympics. Like I said earlier in the thread if there is still rioting in a fecking YEARs time, no-one here will give a stuff about the Olympics. Nice to know where your concerns lie though :rolleyes:

*three people DIED yesterday in the riots here. Racial issues and Olympic "concerns" are small potatoes next to that.

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