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This preposterous development demands some tough questions be asked not only of the Immigration and Naturalization Service but also the President.

No you can't because if you do you're automatically classified as "racist".

America is all about immigration don't you know.

I'm being totally sarcastic by the way.

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This preposterous development demands some tough questions be asked not only of the Immigration and Naturalization Service but also the President.

What's interesting so far is that the only media to have a discussion about this is radio, and we know how liberal Democrats feel about talk radio. In any case, the establishment media will never approach this subject as they should. I applaud WBZ for having the courage to even run this story.

That's quite a pedigree he's got, isn't it? Wow, impressive.

It used to be in this country those seeking public office did so to "do" something. Now what we have are those who want to "be" something.

Hey, I know...maybe the President could have a beer summit with the Framingham Police? ;) I wonder if he thinks they acted 'stupidly'.

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So............the half-brother of Obama's father did something that over 1 million people in the US do every year? This is news? WTF does this even have to do with the President?

The straws are that way ---> Grasp at them on your own. There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize him about.

Edited by Electrophile
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So............the half-brother of Obama's father did something that over 1 million people in the US do every year? This is news? WTF does this even have to do with the President?

When asked whether he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, 'Uncle Omar' said "I think I will call the White House."

This case focuses attention on the new immigration policy and begs the question as to why he is still in the country despite a deportation order. It also illustrates how our current president and some of his predecessors have turned our immigration law into a joke.

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So............the half-brother of Obama's father did something that over 1 million people in the US do every year? This is news? WTF does this even have to do with the President?

The straws are that way ---> Grasp at them on your own. There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize him about.

I'll 2nd that. If it was President Obama or even his Wife, that's one thing... but his Uncle?

I'll bet he's pretty pissed off though...

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So............the half-brother of Obama's father did something that over 1 million people in the US do every year? This is news? WTF does this even have to do with the President?

What this guy did recently is one thing, but the fact he's been illegally residing in the United States for more than 40 years is quite another. This is the same Uncle that Obama refers to in his book as having disappeared. Meanwhile, it's rumored he has a driver's license and a social security number. The first thing out of his mouth when he gets arrested is "I think I will call the White House". Not exactly hiding his connections, is he?

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President Obama’s accused drunken-driving uncle — who was busted after a near collision with a Framingham cop — has had a valid Social Security number for at least 19 years, despite being an illegal immigrant ordered to be deported back to Kenya, the Herald has learned.

The president’s 67-year-old uncle, Obama Onyango, has had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license and Social Security number since at least 1992, said Registry of Motor Vehicles spokesman Michael Verseckes.

Onyango, whose sister, Zeituni Onyango, made headlines when it was revealed she was an illegal immigrant living in public housing in South Boston, was wobbly legged, “slurring” and had “red and glassy eyes” when he was pulled over at 7 p.m. Wednesday on Waverly Street in Framingham.

A marked cruiser pulled him over just past the Chicken Bone saloon, about a mile from Onyango’s single-family home. Onyango, the half-brother of the president’s father identified in some press accounts as “Uncle Omar,” initially denied drinking but admitted having “two beers” after police said they smelled booze on his breath, according to a police report.

“It was clear that he was moderately unsteady on his feet,” Framingham Officer Val Krishtal wrote.

Onyango’s white Mitsubishi SUV was pulled over after the vehicle made a sudden right turn in front of a cruiser at a stop sign, causing Krishtal to slam on the brakes to avoid a collision. Onyango blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer and continually interrupted the officer, the report states.

“(Onyango) spoke English well, albeit with a moderate accent. I detected what I believed to be some slurring as he spoke,” Krishtal wrote.

Onyango was ordered held without bail on a federal immigration warrant after his arraignment Thursday in Framingham District Court. Court papers show he was the subject of a previous deportation order. He was being held in the Plymouth House of Correction last night.

Mike Rogers, a spokesman for Cleveland immigration attorney Margaret Wong, who is representing Onyango, said he “wouldn’t know how” Onyango obtained a Social Security number. Wong is the same lawyer who represented the president’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, in her fight to win asylum last year. Reached at her apartment in a South Boston public housing complex yesterday, Zeituni Onyango said of her brother’s arrest: “Why don’t you go to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C., and ask your president? Not me.” She then hung up on a reporter.

The bust came just days after another illegal immigrant was charged with running down and killing a 23-year-old man in Milford.

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What this guy did recently is one thing, but the fact he's been illegally residing in the United States for more than 40 years is quite another. This is the same Uncle that Obama refers to in his book as having disappeared. Meanwhile, it's rumored he has a driver's license and a social security number. The first thing out of his mouth when he gets arrested is "I think I will call the White House". Not exactly hiding his connections, is he?

So if he was residing here illegally for 40 years, that means Obama was 10 years old when he first entered the U.S. I doubt our President had much pull in 4th grade during the Nixon Administration...but you never know. :rolleyes:

I was much more disappointed that yet another Repugnant (O'Bachmann) playing the vengeful God weather card, but I shouldn't complain too much....such foolishness just cements Obama's position for another 4 years. And to think those folks call Ron Paul crazy. :blink:


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So if he was residing here illegally for 40 years, that means Obama was 10 years old when he first entered the U.S. I doubt our President had much pull in 4th grade during the Nixon Administration...but you never know. :rolleyes:

I was much more disappointed that yet another Repugnant (O'Bachmann) playing the vengeful God weather card, but I shouldn't complain too much....such foolishness just cements Obama's position for another 4 years. And to think those folks call Ron Paul crazy. :blink:


Rick Perry makes George W. Bush look like William F. Buckley. Or as my friend from Austin likes to say; he's all hat, no cattle.

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Yeah, 9%+ unemployment, deficits as far as the eye can see.. He's got it sewn up for sure. :rolleyes:

Please add this to list....There's a story about a Dennis Burke ?sp/ATF(served under then Gov. Janet Napolitano) who was forced to resign after a border patrol agent was murdered by a gunman associated with something called 'Fast and Furious'. I will find a link.

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So............the half-brother of Obama's father did something that over 1 million people in the US do every year? This is news? WTF does this even have to do with the President?

The straws are that way ---> Grasp at them on your own. There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize him about.

So, are you saying the President is fair game to criticism? (Or is just illegal immigration you find objectionable.)

I have an idea...since you have stated 'there is plenty of things', why don't you start the list?

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-- he's not liberal enough

-- he's bent over backward too much to compromise with the Teahadists and Republicans in the House

-- he backed out of a single-payer option in his health care bill

-- he's expanded our presence in Iraq

-- he didn't repeal the Patriot Act

He's done a great many more things that I DO like, and am happy he did while in office, but as someone whose politics put them on the liberal/socialist borderline, my gripes with Obama have been that he's been too eager to appeal to the moderates/center-rights, and not eager enough to fulfill liberal policies. I understand that Presidents must govern from the center, but you shouldn't lose your base either.

That's not to say I won't be voting for him in 2012, because the collection of mental midgets, batshit insane lunatics, and Christian Dominionists who think that we need to become a Christian theocracy, don't inspire anything in me beyond my contempt and disgust.

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-- he's not liberal enough

-- he's bent over backward too much to compromise with the Teahadists and Republicans in the House

-- he backed out of a single-payer option in his health care bill

-- he's expanded our presence in Iraq

-- he didn't repeal the Patriot Act

He's done a great many more things that I DO like, and am happy he did while in office, but as someone whose politics put them on the liberal/socialist borderline, my gripes with Obama have been that he's been too eager to appeal to the moderates/center-rights, and not eager enough to fulfill liberal policies. I understand that Presidents must govern from the center, but you shouldn't lose your base either.

That's not to say I won't be voting for him in 2012, because the collection of mental midgets, batshit insane lunatics, and Christian Dominionists who think that we need to become a Christian theocracy, don't inspire anything in me beyond my contempt and disgust.

I admire your honesty and courage, and I mean that. You are, I think, young, and I applaud your vigor. However, I would remind you that President Obama is a POLITICIAN, not to mention from freakin Chicago, which is the exact opposite of what he promised us if elected. Why would you vote for someone who lies? He is no different, see? You seem like such a reasonable, thinking person, I don't get it. BTW, I did not vote for president this last time, and you know what, I may never again. You want real change? Vote local.

'Just me.

p.s. I have just one more question.

Are you capable of responding to an honest question without name-calling? (One of the doctors I work for responds in the exact same way. It baffles me because I know the kind of grades required to complete Medical School.)

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I admire your honesty and courage, and I mean that. You are, I think, young, and I applaud your vigor. However, I would remind you that President Obama is a POLITICIAN, not to mention from freakin Chicago, which is the exact opposite of what he promised us if elected. Why would you vote for someone who lies? He is no different, see? You seem like such a reasonable, thinking person, I don't get it. BTW, I did not vote for president this last time, and you know what, I may never again. You want real change? Vote local.

Saw this in Shelton, WA


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Saw this in Shelton, WA

I never said I quit voting, though I take your point.

Those running for national office are all POLITICIANS. They, for the most part, are not living amongst those who voted for them, ie, believed their campaign promises. State and local (yes POLITICIANS) do live among their constituents. BTW, there's an old saying that if you want real change, pay attention to your local school committee. True dat!

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Hi all,

Are you capable of responding to an honest question without name-calling?

Are you talking Liz? :lol: Name calling is the new chic! :lol:

"Teahadists "

"mental midgets, batshit insane lunatics, and Christian Dominionists"

Just to name a few,brilliant! That will fix things,....

Now back to the topic,shall we?

Anyone what to talk about talk about Auntie Z?That ok,....

Obama Onyango?

Matthew J. Denice ?

Eric Holder?



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I never said I quit voting, though I take your point.

Those running for national office are all POLITICIANS. They, for the most part, are not living amongst those who voted for them, ie, believed their campaign promises. State and local (yes POLITICIANS) do live among their constituents. BTW, there's an old saying that if you want real change, pay attention to your local school committee. True dat!

Yeah, I thought the sign was pretty funny and figured it would have more impact on a billboard. :D

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