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I admire your honesty and courage, and I mean that. You are, I think, young, and I applaud your vigor. However, I would remind you that President Obama is a POLITICIAN, not to mention from freakin Chicago, which is the exact opposite of what he promised us if elected. Why would you vote for someone who lies? He is no different, see? You seem like such a reasonable, thinking person, I don't get it. BTW, I did not vote for president this last time, and you know what, I may never again. You want real change? Vote local.

'Just me.

p.s. I have just one more question.

Are you capable of responding to an honest question without name-calling? (One of the doctors I work for responds in the exact same way. It baffles me because I know the kind of grades required to complete Medical School.)

I'm 29, so if that's young to you, then I'm young. Though I tend to view myself as ambling toward middle-age, seeing as I'll be 30 next year. I'm from Chicago myself, so I'm well aware of Chicago politics and how things get done there. For all its crookedness....shit gets done. If you're not from Chicago, you wouldn't understand why it works the way it does, or why people accept the way it works.

Now, why would I vote for someone who lies? All politicians lie. No matter who you choose to vote for, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party......they're going to lie. The reason I'm voting for Obama in 2012, even though he's done more than a few things that disappoint me as a liberal, is because the people currently running for the Republican ticket scare the ever-loving SHIT out of me. Not because they're Republicans, or because they espouse conservative values, but because they espouse beliefs that go against everything that makes me a human being. They're anti-woman, they're anti-gay, they're anti-Muslim, they want to turn this country into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia, they're anti-science, they're anti-intellectuals. I can't vote for someone like that no matter how much I may be disappointed in President Obama. To vote for any of the Republicans running would basically be to commit ethical suicide. I can't do that. I'd rather four more years of capitulation to the GOP than four years of Michele Bachmann/Rick Perry/Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin/fill-in-the-blank.

As for my name-calling.......I call things as I see them. If I think you're a batshit insane lunatic, I'm going to call you one. Just like if you think I'm a bitch, you're going to call me one. I don't dish out what I can't take. I don't find any virtue in beating around the bush. It makes it look like you're trying to hide something, or that you can't bother to be speak honestly. Am I blunt? Yes. That's just how I am. I'm the same way speaking positively as am I speaking negatively, so it goes both ways with me.

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I'm 29, so if that's young to you, then I'm young. Though I tend to view myself as ambling toward middle-age, seeing as I'll be 30 next year. I'm from Chicago myself, so I'm well aware of Chicago politics and how things get done there. For all its crookedness....shit gets done. If you're not from Chicago, you wouldn't understand why it works the way it does, or why people accept the way it works.

Now, why would I vote for someone who lies? All politicians lie. No matter who you choose to vote for, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party......they're going to lie. The reason I'm voting for Obama in 2012, even though he's done more than a few things that disappoint me as a liberal, is because the people currently running for the Republican ticket scare the ever-loving SHIT out of me. Not because they're Republicans, or because they espouse conservative values, but because they espouse beliefs that go against everything that makes me a human being. They're anti-woman, they're anti-gay, they're anti-Muslim, they want to turn this country into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia, they're anti-science, they're anti-intellectuals. I can't vote for someone like that no matter how much I may be disappointed in President Obama. To vote for any of the Republicans running would basically be to commit ethical suicide. I can't do that. I'd rather four more years of capitulation to the GOP than four years of Michele Bachmann/Rick Perry/Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin/fill-in-the-blank.

As for my name-calling.......I call things as I see them. If I think you're a batshit insane lunatic, I'm going to call you one. Just like if you think I'm a bitch, you're going to call me one. I don't dish out what I can't take. I don't find any virtue in beating around the bush. It makes it look like you're trying to hide something, or that you can't bother to be speak honestly. Am I blunt? Yes. That's just how I am. I'm the same way speaking positively as am I speaking negatively, so it goes both ways with me.

Look, Electrophile, I'm just trying to have polite, robust dialogue. I'm sorry I've bothered you, as is evident in your repeated terse tone with me. Oh well.

Take care.

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Please add this to list....There's a story about a Dennis Burke ?sp/ATF(served under then Gov. Janet Napolitano) who was forced to resign after a border patrol agent was murdered by a gunman associated with something called 'Fast and Furious'. I will find a link.

Yeah I read about that. People who were complicit should be prosecuted as terrorists imo.


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I'm sorry, what? I haven't the foggiest clue what you're talking about. Twice you asked me questions about my responses/opinions, and twice I've answered you. If I didn't want to respond to you, or thought you were bothering me by asking, I wouldn't have taken the time to actually answer you.

I don't know who you meant to direct that to, but it certainly wasn't me, since nothing I've said to you in any of these three responses now actually match what you've just said.

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As for my name-calling.......I call things as I see them. If I think you're a batshit insane lunatic, I'm going to call you one. Just like if you think I'm a bitch, you're going to call me one. I don't dish out what I can't take. I don't find any virtue in beating around the bush. It makes it look like you're trying to hide something, or that you can't bother to be speak honestly. Am I blunt? Yes. That's just how I am. I'm the same way speaking positively as am I speaking negatively, so it goes both ways with me.

You are the way you are because you are all hat and no cattle. Put differently, the bottom line here is you're pushing 30 and still sponging off your mom and dad. Your core lack of belief in anything renders you incapable of effecting positive change in your own life, let alone the lives of anyone else. However, if you had a vested interest in a business, a home, children of your own, you'd pony up the intellectual horsepower required to do more than promote voting along strictly partisan lines.

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After checking every major news outlet, including Fox, I can't find even one reference to this 'major news event'.

Now that's unbelievable. :P

The reason I'm voting for Obama in 2012, even though he's done more than a few things that disappoint me as a liberal, is because the people currently running for the Republican ticket scare the ever-loving SHIT out of me. Not because they're Republicans, or because they espouse conservative values, but because they espouse beliefs that go against everything that makes me a human being. They're anti-woman, they're anti-gay, they're anti-Muslim, they want to turn this country into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia, they're anti-science, they're anti-intellectuals. I can't vote for someone like that no matter how much I may be disappointed in President Obama. To vote for any of the Republicans running would basically be to commit ethical suicide. I can't do that. I'd rather four more years of capitulation to the GOP than four years of Michele Bachmann/Rick Perry/Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin/fill-in-the-blank.

....and the majority of Americans, no matter their age, race, or geographic location, feel the same way. The most damning thing that should concern the Republican Party is that they can't offer anything close to mainstream. I personally believe that Richard Nixon and Bush the 1st would have a very difficult time earning the nomination of this party in the 21st Century. Even more damning is that every year that goes by, they lose more of their base. Bitching about immigration and the minimum wage isn't going to capture the Hispanic vote. Bush II would have never won Florida without the support of the Hispanic and Seniors, hanging chads aside. This time around their candidate will have neither. Their stance on Immigration and Social Security has pretty much destroyed any chance of that happening.

I personally feel that Jeb Bush is probably the most mainstream candidate Republicans could offer. Unfortunately, baby brother has ruined that until 2016. Unless a major negative event occurs, I think Obama is unbeatable, and the Repugnants know it. That's why Ron Paul gets the big cold shoulder. They know he can't win, and if he runs third party, the Republican ship is sunk before it even leaves the dock.

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First, to the point of this thread: I am not gonna blame Obama for something some distant relative did. I've mentioned this to my friends...you can't choose your family like you can your friends. Every family has that embarrassing uncle or cousin that everyone tries to hide or ignore.

There are more important factors that go into my decision on who to vote for than what some crazy uncle did.

Now on to less pleasant matters...Steve, planted, and Electrophile: I like and respect all of you, and tend to enjoy all of your posts. My political leanings tend to span a wide range...centrist-conservative on fiscal and consitutional matters, liberal on social and personal rights. In a nutshell, that means I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and also pro-2nd ammendment, pro-law enforcement and for revamping the tax code.

Unless I missed something, planted stated her opinion and Electrophile stated hers. I didn't detect any terseness or disrespect in either's response. There are loons on both the left and the right, and I have no problem calling them batshit lunatics.

But why Steve, did you feel the need to get personal with Electrophile? Neither planted or Electro had gotten personal with each other, so why did you make it personal? How do you know what Electrophile's situation is really like? Hearsay? From Rick or Joel? I think we all know how trustworthy those two turned out to be.

Look, I like all of you and I am not trying to pick sides...it's just that lately there seems to be this movement to belittle and degrade Electrophile that I find distasteful. Electrophile calling a public figure like Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman batshit crazy is not the same as belittling a private person's personal situation, whether it is true or not.

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It used to be in this country those seeking public office did so to "do" something.

Yeah, like invade Iraq for no reason whatsoever, or run the national debt from a surplus to an all time record deficit,

or secure billion dollar contracts to Haliburton or Blackwater, or torturing people, or illegally wiretapping American's,

or put the U.S. economy into the deepest recession since the Great Depression,

or removing regulations from giant corporations/banks/oil industry etc... so they can do whatever the fuck they like.

Yeah, they did something alright.

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First, to the point of this thread: I am not gonna blame Obama for something some distant relative did. I've mentioned this to my friends...you can't choose your family like you can your friends. Every family has that embarrassing uncle or cousin that everyone tries to hide or ignore.

There are more important factors that go into my decision on who to vote for than what some crazy uncle did.

Now on to less pleasant matters...Steve, planted, and Electrophile: I like and respect all of you, and tend to enjoy all of your posts. My political leanings tend to span a wide range...centrist-conservative on fiscal and consitutional matters, liberal on social and personal rights. In a nutshell, that means I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and also pro-2nd ammendment, pro-law enforcement and for revamping the tax code.

Unless I missed something, planted stated her opinion and Electrophile stated hers. I didn't detect any terseness or disrespect in either's response. There are loons on both the left and the right, and I have no problem calling them batshit lunatics.

But why Steve, did you feel the need to get personal with Electrophile? Neither planted or Electro had gotten personal with each other, so why did you make it personal? How do you know what Electrophile's situation is really like? Hearsay? From Rick or Joel? I think we all know how trustworthy those two turned out to be.

Look, I like all of you and I am not trying to pick sides...it's just that lately there seems to be this movement to belittle and degrade Electrophile that I find distasteful. Electrophile calling a public figure like Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman batshit crazy is not the same as belittling a private person's personal situation, whether it is true or not.

There are people here who get boners from treating me like shit. Steve is one of them. I've gotten used to it by now. You would best be served doing the same. I appreciate the fact it bothers you, and I appreciate that you chose to speak out, but do you really think he gives a shit? Do you think any of those people give a shit?

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Hi all,

The thread is about the second of the Barry's relatives being illegal aliens in the Commonwealth od Massachusetts.

That is all.


Yes, I'm still searching for any information that warranted the starting of this thread....details of the investigation.....A link to the President......any help would be appreciated so we can move things along here. Watch ya got KB ?

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I like white people....do you like white people ? Why I'm 7th generation white people !! :D

This woman is the just the gift that keeps on giving isn't she though?

If this is the best the repubs can do, Obama wins another term easy.

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You are the way you are because you are all hat and no cattle. Put differently, the bottom line here is you're pushing 30 and still sponging off your mom and dad. Your core lack of belief in anything renders you incapable of effecting positive change in your own life, let alone the lives of anyone else. However, if you had a vested interest in a business, a home, children of your own, you'd pony up the intellectual horsepower required to do more than promote voting along strictly partisan lines.


There are people here who get boners from treating me like shit. Steve is one of them. I've gotten used to it by now. You would best be served doing the same. I appreciate the fact it bothers you, and I appreciate that you chose to speak out, but do you really think he gives a shit? Do you think any of those people give a shit?

I do (though I know what you meant). I hate bullies. Any time. Any place. Your living situation - regardless of what it is (though you've explained it many times before, some people just choose to ignore it) - affects no one on this board. Your entire character being attacked because of however you choose to live your life is not only a poor argument (attack the character when you can't attack the argument), it shows weirdly misdirected anger. Neither belongs here.

I like white people....do you like white people ? Why I'm 7th generation white people !! :D

More drivel. Oh God. I thought you were kidding about the 'who likes white people' bit. Another terrible, thinly veiled and dangerous line of 'reasoning' under the guise of religion. This is why separation of church and state is a very good idea.

As to the topic at hand, the guy was not to even have been in the U.S., but he somehow has a Social Security number? So there were cracks in the system before Obama became president. What, however, are the implications if the POTUS knew of this and did nothing about it? Should he have?

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Hi all,

Did you read any links? Like the first on: My link

Or any of mine, that Bong Man asked for?


Yeah, so? The first post was just a link with no comment. Was the original intent of the post to be about the actual article from the link or to just post links about things we think are unbelievable? Not too clear afaic.

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Hi all,

Yeah, so? The first post was just a link with no comment. Was the original intent of the post to be about the actual article from the link or to just post links about things we think are unbelievable? Not too clear afaic.

Read the whole thread,when you have time.


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More drivel. Oh God. I thought you were kidding about the 'who likes white people' bit. Another terrible, thinly veiled and dangerous line of 'reasoning' under the guise of religion. This is why separation of church and state is a very good idea.

As to the topic at hand, the guy was not to even have been in the U.S., but he somehow has a Social Security number? So there were cracks in the system before Obama became president. What, however, are the implications if the POTUS knew of this and did nothing about it? Should he have?

Freedom of religion, not necessarily from. That sounds like I'm supporting idiot panderers like Bachmann, but I'm not.

Yes, if Obama knew of his uncle's illegal status he should have done something about it. It's difficult for me to believe he didn't know. Uncle isn't the only illegal who has a SS number though, therein lies the big problem.

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I am breaking my own rule about staying off of these political threads. If I need news I can watch CNN. But I felt compelled to speak out.

This is what happens everytime! This is just my humble opinion:

planted you asked Electrophile to start a list, she did. I did not see any personal attack on you in any manner! She answered you.

redrum, I loved your post, probably the best one here.

BongMan, Snapper,Strider,dazedcat and Patrycja, I agree.

I just honestly feel that Electrophile gave her opinion, was honest about it, people didn't agree, then made it personal. What saddens me, is I have no problem with anyone on this thread and hate to see this kind of bullshit!!!

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I am breaking my own rule about staying off of these political threads. If I need news I can watch CNN. But I felt compelled to speak out.

This is what happens everytime! This is just my humble opinion:

planted you asked Electrophile to start a list, she did. I did not see any personal attack on you in any manner! She answered you.

redrum, I loved your post, probably the best one here.

BongMan, Snapper,Strider,dazedcat and Patrycja, I agree.

I just honestly feel that Electrophile gave her opinion, was honest about it, people didn't agree, then made it personal. What saddens me, is I have no problem with anyone on this thread and hate to see this kind of bullshit!!!

Rules were made to be broken weren't they? ;)

First of all, I never said she attacked me personally. Don't care if she did, btw. I am an honest, hard working taxpaying CITIZEN, which, in case you and others missed THE ENTIRE F ING POINT OF THIS THREAD IN THE FIRST PLACE, is my point. The exchange of ideas is so important to me, you have no idea. Electrophile, and others, often resort to this completely out of touch with reality analysis and verbal abuse toward those who would dare disagree with them. I'm so over it already. Get a grip, people.

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Hi all,

Are you talking Liz? :lol: Name calling is the new chic! :lol:

"Teahadists "

"mental midgets, batshit insane lunatics, and Christian Dominionists"

Just to name a few,brilliant! That will fix things,....

Now back to the topic,shall we?

Anyone what to talk about talk about Auntie Z?That ok,....

Obama Onyango?

Matthew J. Denice ?

Eric Holder?




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