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Is it? The thread title is just "Unbelievable". Could be about anything we think is unbelievable? :huh:

No, KB is dead on the money.

I am the starter of this thread, and take full responsibility for the initial intent. He is exactly right.

Edited by planted
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Yeah, so? The first post was just a link with no comment. Was the original intent of the post to be about the actual article from the link or to just post links about things we think are unbelievable? Not too clear afaic.

Yes, the intent of this thread was to be about the actual article.

It is news. And, it is important news for the President, politically speaking.

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Oh look!

A political thread!


Seriously though, folks.

Obama winning a second term?

After the absolute and unadulterated failure this administration has been, you can rest assured all of those swing-votes that swept Obama into office will be swinging the opposite direction this time around.

People will vote with the hysteria now and then (2008), but eventually they vote based on their wallet.

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Sorry but people have long memories. For eight years the Republican spent like drunken sailors or worse. Now they preach fiscal responsibility and "ethics"? Really?

When a democrat starts telling you "it's for the kids" hold onto your wallt. When a republican starts telling you about the "free markets" and 'ethical taxation' hold onto your career and your life if you can.

Those same financial interests that backed W are also backing Obama and many of them are in his cabinet. Two sides of the same coin.

As out of touch and as over his head as Obama is, he'll win in 2012. What's the other option? Michele Bachmann? Rick Perry? I'll do what I did back in 2008. Write Ron Paul's name down on a piece of paper and leave in the voting kiosk. Voting for any other fool is not an option.

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But why Steve, did you feel the need to get personal with Electrophile? Neither planted or Electro had gotten personal with each other, so why did you make it personal? How do you know what Electrophile's situation is really like?

Well, she prides herself on being a loud mouth. I pointed out she has no vested interest and as such is just a loud mouth.

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I do (though I know what you meant). I hate bullies. Any time. Any place. Your living situation - regardless of what it is (though you've explained it many times before, some people just choose to ignore it) - affects no one on this board. Your entire character being attacked because of however you choose to live your life is not only a poor argument (attack the character when you can't attack the argument), it shows weirdly misdirected anger. Neither belongs here.

More drivel. Oh God. I thought you were kidding about the 'who likes white people' bit. Another terrible, thinly veiled and dangerous line of 'reasoning' under the guise of religion. This is why separation of church and state is a very good idea.

As to the topic at hand, the guy was not to even have been in the U.S., but he somehow has a Social Security number? So there were cracks in the system before Obama became president. What, however, are the implications if the POTUS knew of this and did nothing about it? Should he have?

Lol.....Okay I have to be kind to my friends on the Right. The name of the band is "The White People Soul Band".....although I have no idea what generation they claim to be.

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Lol.....Okay I have to be kind to my friends on the Right. The name of the band is "The White People Soul Band".....although I have no idea what generation they claim to be.

Thanks for being fair.

I figured something had to be up with the constant editing throughout.


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Sorry but people have long memories. For eight years the Republican spent like drunken sailors or worse. Now they preach fiscal responsibility and "ethics"? Really?

When a democrat starts telling you "it's for the kids" hold onto your wallt. When a republican starts telling you about the "free markets" and 'ethical taxation' hold onto your career and your life if you can.

Those same financial interests that backed W are also backing Obama and many of them are in his cabinet. Two sides of the same coin.

As out of touch and as over his head as Obama is, he'll win in 2012. What's the other option? Michele Bachmann? Rick Perry? I'll do what I did back in 2008. Write Ron Paul's name down on a piece of paper and leave in the voting kiosk. Voting for any other fool is not an option.

See? That's what I'm talkin bout!! No kidding, the Repubs spent money like it was nobody's bitness...disgraceful!!

However, I don't think Obama will run again. Just me. BUT, do not forget about Mrs. Clinton. She wants to be President. It's going to be great fun to watch.

Nice post.

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Wonder how much stimulus 'investment' bam is gonna ask for in his big jobs speech? More unemployment insurance? Yeah, that should do the trick. Can't wait.. <_<


No joke.

btw, has he decided when it will be? Seriously, Mr President, are you going to allow your Speaker to dictate when?? ;)

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I am breaking my own rule about staying off of these political threads. If I need news I can watch CNN. But I felt compelled to speak out.

This is what happens everytime! This is just my humble opinion:

planted you asked Electrophile to start a list, she did. I did not see any personal attack on you in any manner! She answered you.

redrum, I loved your post, probably the best one here.

BongMan, Snapper,Strider,dazedcat and Patrycja, I agree.

I just honestly feel that Electrophile gave her opinion, was honest about it, people didn't agree, then made it personal. What saddens me, is I have no problem with anyone on this thread and hate to see this kind of bullshit!!!

hi deborah j

iusually stay out of these threads too. mostly because i don't live in the u.s. and admit that i know very little when it comes to politics.

but sometimes i read them without posting.

but i do know something about a certain syndrome called aspergers.

i think there at least two members on here who have it, perhaps undiagnosed. but it easily explains their pattern of posting. it sticks out to me like the proverbial.

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Freedom of religion, not necessarily from. That sounds like I'm supporting idiot panderers like Bachmann, but I'm not.

Yes, if Obama knew of his uncle's illegal status he should have done something about it. It's difficult for me to believe he didn't know. Uncle isn't the only illegal who has a SS number though, therein lies the big problem.

A very good point. I agree.

Not sure what to make of Obama's silence on this. On the one hand, he's definitely got bigger things to worry about. On the other hand, some people will look to his apparent silence as a bad precedent. Damned if he does; damned if he doesn't.

Lol.....Okay I have to be kind to my friends on the Right. The name of the band is "The White People Soul Band".....although I have no idea what generation they claim to be.

:lol: still pretty funny

I wonder what shout out she'd give if they were called The Gay People Soul Band. And good thing, too, that she sounds totally different when unedited compared to here. Totally. She is a bit of an easy target, though, and anything she does now will get magnified. Damned if she's edited; damned if she isn't.

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but i do know something about a certain syndrome called aspergers.

Is it me ? Is that something you can get off work for ? I don't want to lose out on any possible extended paid vacations at this point in my 'career'.

Seriously (for a change :blink: ), let me explain why the basis of this thread is a waste of time, and why this has received no coverage. There are no skeletons in Obama's closet....at least not any that can be expoited about his family. If there was, they would have been exposed a long time ago not by the Republicans, but by the biggest political machine at the time.....Bill and Hillary Clinton. They would have done anything during the Democratic primaries to expose this guy and get him off Hillary's back. They couldn't, because there was nothing there.

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Of all the so called political pundits on mainstream American news networks (I use "news" lightly here), one guy has actually called out the Congress of the United States for what it is and also has fully identified the problem with the current American financial system.

Dylan Ratigan from MSNBC of all places.............I'm amazed he still has his job. The two politcal hack women he had on here had zero response to his rant too.


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Is it me ? Is that something you can get off work for ? I don't want to lose out on any possible extended paid vacations at this point in my 'career'.

Seriously (for a change :blink: ), let me explain why the basis of this thread is a waste of time, and why this has received no coverage. There are no skeletons in Obama's closet....at least not any that can be expoited about his family. If there was, they would have been exposed a long time ago not by the Republicans, but by the biggest political machine at the time.....Bill and Hillary Clinton. They would have done anything during the Democratic primaries to expose this guy and get him off Hillary's back. They couldn't, because there was nothing there.

This thread is a waste of time, and yet, you still take the time to post here. Take all the shots you want, btw, it's ok. Just an observation.

Peace out.

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