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A Rockstar you dislike?


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I don't think Ted Nugent was the first rock star to have teenage gilfriend. Even Elvis had legal guardianship over Prissella didn't he?

So Elvis had a teenage girlfriend and so did, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Steven Tyler and Michael Jackson, but his was really a little boy. I'm sure there are others who escape my mind right now, but I know that many of them were much younger than 17.

You can add Jimmy Page to that list.

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At exactly the same second I read this thread title, I looked up at the TV screen and Jon Bon Jovi was right there on an Advil commercial.

The timing was uncanny.

"singer, songwriter, philanthropist, father".

Yes that's the order he called them off.... (Kind of like when Darien Taylor on Wall Street listed "World Peace" right after a "Perfect Canary Diamond" on her list of wants.)

There's others I dislike more .... in fact I don't really even dislike Mr Jovi all that much... but I don't think I'd cross the street to see him perform. But he's Patriots Coach Bill Belichick's friend so he can't be all that bad.

Let's see who else...

Marilyn Manson made a complete idiot out of himself on That Metal Show last night. "Time to bring Satan back" yeah whatever.

Why don't you shut the F**** up and let Biff Byford talk for half a minute.

Not a big Ginger Baker fan... great influential drummer and all that, but a complete horses ass who rated John Bonham a 3-4 on a a scale of 1-10...

Ratt's Steven Pearcy drives me nuts... But it's rather impressive how someone with such a monotone mediocre voice can make a living in music for so long.

That's enough for now.

Edited by the chase
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At first I thought Samo was just a troll but after looking closer I found out that he has a lot of soul and his music can grow on you when you begin to understand his whole story. I get where he is coming from. Plus he is the kind of musician who will take the time to talk to you about what you like and what your influences are. You think Bono gives a shit about his fans and having a conversation with them? Bono would probably run over your mother with his limo if he was running late for an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Lol, he has been posting these songs over and over again since the board before this one, stalked Robert and Jimmy and most of all he is only open to compliments. I know this guy now since three years and still there is no progress in his skills, he still sings as false as a crow and has done nothing to improve on that. Excuse me, but I have heard better amateurs who at least improved their talents over the years, because they did something with critique instead of just denying that something is wrong, and yes, lots of these people were nice open persons too.

And he won't evolve into anything better unless he takes singing/guitar lessons (like he has been told for years right now, but the guy seems to be downright tone deaf)......no production would ever mask the fact that his skills are (still) sub par, in fact the only professional recording he ever posted even enhances his false notes and lack of timing. (Only decent practice can make a better musician out of someone, whether your name is Bono or Samo.....if Bono wouldn't have practiced singing in tune and to time a song he would never have gotten a contract either).

Here are some more frightening talents :



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At first I thought Samo was just a troll but after looking closer I found out that he has a lot of soul and his music can grow on you when you begin to understand his whole story. I get where he is coming from. Plus he is the kind of musician who will take the time to talk to you about what you like and what your influences are. You think Bono gives a shit about his fans and having a conversation with them? Bono would probably run over your mother with his limo if he was running late for an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

You couldn't be more wrong about Bono, he's one of the nicest "stars" you could ever meet and is great with his fans.
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How does he treat his fans any different than any other celeb? He always comes off as being very snooty to me when I see interviews with him.

Have you ever met him or seen him interact with his fans? Are you basing this on a judgement you have passed because of how you think he "comes off"?

I am basing what I am saying on personal experience. What you said about the way you imagined he would treat his fans (or their mothers) was wrong, simple as that.

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I would rather listen to Samo than U2. Those fake-spiritual zealots haven't done a bangin' tune since that Batman thing, a long long time ago. And even that was a total T.Rex ripoff.

Maybe they should clone Samo into a band, so you can have a nice headache in quadrophonic sound.

U2 are not my favorite either but at least they can tune their instruments.

Anyway, to celebrate dissonants, here's Johnny on heroin.

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Do you mean like onstage? I've seen him on TV a bunch in interviews and he comes off like he is self important to me.

That's not seeing him with his fans, so I fail to see how that led you to your conclusions about how he would be with them.

So are you saying you know him then, or have you just been to a concert and seen him interact with fans up close?

I said what I said about him because that is how he comes off to me, like a diva. I've never met Madonna either but I can tell that I wouldn't like her by the way she comes off.

No, I'm not saying I know him - I've met him several times though, and personally watched him interact with fans, and know people who know him well.

Whether you like him or not, or consider him to be a diva, is not the issue here. I'm not asking you to like him - I couldn't care less if you do, as far as I'm concerned not liking U2 or Bono is your loss. However, you stated that Bono did not and would not treat his fans well or care about them. This is NOT true.

Lets take a "rock star" I don't particularly like, and haven't met - lets say Marilyn Manson. I can repeatedly state that I don't like him and that I think he comes off as a diva. But if I want to state that he would run over a fan's mother in a limo in a hurry to get to an interview, I better have something to back that idea up other than that I think he "comes off as a diva". And if someone who has met him and seen him interact with fans comes on and tells me that he's actually great with his fans ( and someone like Deborah posts such startling video evidence), I'd better say "Hey I still don't like the bloke but I'm glad to hear that he's good with his fans". It won't make me like him or his music,but it would stop me from making baseless assumptions or spreading slanderous ideas.

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That's not seeing him with his fans, so I fail to see how that led you to your conclusions about how he would be with them.

No, I'm not saying I know him - I've met him several times though, and personally watched him interact with fans, and know people who know him well.

Whether you like him or not, or consider him to be a diva, is not the issue here. I'm not asking you to like him - I couldn't care less if you do, as far as I'm concerned not liking U2 or Bono is your loss. However, you stated that Bono did not and would not treat his fans well or care about them. This is NOT true.

Lets take a "rock star" I don't particularly like, and haven't met - lets say Marilyn Manson. I can repeatedly state that I don't like him and that I think he comes off as a diva. But if I want to state that he would run over a fan's mother in a limo in a hurry to get to an interview, I better have something to back that idea up other than that I think he "comes off as a diva". And if someone who has met him and seen him interact with fans comes on and tells me that he's actually great with his fans ( and someone like Deborah posts such startling video evidence), I'd better say "Hey I still don't like the bloke but I'm glad to hear that he's good with his fans". It won't make me like him or his music,but it would stop me from making baseless assumptions or spreading slanderous ideas.

Knebby:-) :thumbsup:

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Careful, you may not be allowed to not like Bono.

I stated several times, for all to see, you can like or dislike Bono if you want, I really don't care about that.

My problem, which I QUITE CLEARLY stated, was that you completely misrepresented what Bono is like with his fans, with no back-up whatsoever. YOUR problem is that you can't admit that you were wrong.

Peace to you too.

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No offense but I just explained myself. I said I was just making a figure of speech. I never thought anyone would actually believe that I suspected that Bono would run over a fan with his limo. I don't think anyone would expect that to be true.

I get a sense that you are just trying to humiliate and lecture me. So why another post TELLING me what is wrong with me? Why couldn't you just accept my explanation without tossing out another jab?

Get over yourself already.


Are you really Bono?

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No offense but I just explained myself. I said I was just making a figure of speech. I never thought anyone would actually believe that I suspected that Bono would run over a fan with his limo. I don't think anyone would expect that to be true.

I get a sense that you are just trying to humiliate and lecture me. So why another post TELLING me what is wrong with me? Why couldn't you just accept my explanation without tossing out another jab?

Get over yourself already.


Your post telling another member they may not be allowed to not like Bono was actually the "jab". I explained myself several times but you wouldn't accept that. Take a look in the mirror if you dare.

Ta ta.

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No offense but I just explained myself. I said I was just making a figure of speech. I never thought anyone would actually believe that I suspected that Bono would run over a fan with his limo. I don't think anyone would expect that to be true.

I get a sense that you are just trying to humiliate and lecture me. So why another post TELLING me what is wrong with me? Why couldn't you just accept my explanation without tossing out another jab?

Get over yourself already.


OMG...uncalled for IMHO. Knebby is one of the best contributors on this forum in my opinion. You are bringing this on yourself...just saying!!!

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Uhh, no, in fact I am Bono today, hence the sunglasses in my avatar.....but please tell nobody or else I have to run you over with my car before I get to Oprah to play the diva.

The resemblance is uncanny but I must say you look more like Bono crossed with The Dude.

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Another member posted her list of most disliked rockstars and it had Bono at the top of her list (imagine that). When I responded to that post I was responding to her, not to you.

I know you explained yourself several times, which was basically you telling me that it's okay if I don't like Bono, but if I'm going to dislike him I need to dislike the way YOU tell me too. So what if you "met him for a couple of hours", that just sounds really weird anyway. As if that should have any weight on someone else's opinion.

Look in your own mirror. Sheesh!

I never said that.

You appear to be incapable of comprehension when it comes to my posts, so let me make this simple.

Several people on this thread have named Bono as a rockstar they dislike. I have not responded to any of them at all - it is not my business to try to tell people who they should and should not dislike. They are entitled to their opinions.

You are also entitled to your opinion of Bono. No -one can say you are wrong - that is your own opinion.

However, when you say, and I quote

"You think Bono gives a shit about his fans and having a conversation with them? Bono would probably run over your mother with his limo if he was running late for an interview with Oprah Winfrey. " - you are wrong, so you will be challenged on that, and especially by people who have witnessed his interaction with fans - precisely the behaviour you are calling into question. You haven't actually seen this for yourself, so you don't have a leg to stand on in this argument.

I've spent a lot more than a "couple of hours" in his company - that's something you just invented, which doesn't help your argument at all - and I can say, unequivocally, that he is brilliant with his fans.

Hate Bono all you like - I really, really could not give a TOSS. But if you are going to guess about his behaviour ( and - NEWSFLASH - everyone reading this was aware that your quip about him running people down in his limo was not meant as a literal example, but an exaggeration of what you think his attitude is - you are still WRONG ) - then people who know different, from REAL experience not just from a prejudice against his personality because of how he "comes off " on TV interviews, are going to stand up for him.

This isn't because I personally like Bono. I would defend anyone else in the same way given the same circumstances.

As for trying to tell YOU what to think or how to be - why would I? I don't recall encountering you before and have no prejudice against you. This is about Bono, not you.

Bono is, as a general rule, brilliant with his fans and a great guy, as the video that Deborah posted backs up. I'm sure he has days/instances where he can't be arsed - like anyone else would. But your representation of him was not accurate. That is not subject to OPINION, it is about actual fact. Hate him all you like but you can't change that.

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