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2012 NFL Thread


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Well since free agency began and trading draft picks has become a hot topic, I believe it is time to talk about the upcoming 2012 season.....

I can't believe what Washington gave up to move up to the 2nd draft position. Lots of big moves recently.....the Bucs signed an impressive trio! My Cowboys made some good moves to improve their POS secondary. Anyway, let's talk some 2012 football!!!

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I can't believe what Washington gave up to move up to the 2nd draft position.

It is an awful lot but the kid Griffin is supposed to be worth the price. The Redskins need a good quarterback though, why not take a shot. Whoever ends up drafting OT Matt Kalil is going to have to part with enormous money too.

I've already burned out on Peyton Manning, wake me up when that's over with.

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It certainly is a step in the right direction! Knowing the Bills though - he'll probably get hurt during training camp......

No Walter. This is the beginning of great days in Buffalo. I have already heard Chris Berman weigh in and many sports writers are saying the Bills have the best front four in the NFL. I agree. Look out!!!!

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I'm a Chiefs fan. Right now we have a the a totally idiot as GM. He is a hyper-cronyist. He let's a great player in Orton go and keeps a failure in Cassel because they were in NE together. He fires a good young up nand comer in Haley to replace with an old and failed Crennel because they were together in NE (Crennel is also a cronyist hiring the worst OC in the league because they were together in CLE). Everyone was excited when he was hired but me. I knew he was a cheater so I hated him. Now everyone in town thinks he's a joke because of his shameless cronyism. We have some good talent but this team has been clueless in the front office for years and will probably remain so for a long time.

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No Walter. This is the beginning of great days in Buffalo. I have already heard Chris Berman weigh in and many sports writers are saying the Bills have the best front four in the NFL. I agree. Look out!!!!

Kiss of death. The writers, commentators and talking heads of football are all bone heads. It's like they pay them to be wrong. Berman is their king. I agree that they are on the rise and I like their coach, I think hiring him was a great idea. I'm not as confident now that the talking heads agree.

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Kiss of death. The writers, commentators and talking heads of football are all bone heads. It's like they pay them to be wrong. Berman is their king. I agree that they are on the rise and I like their coach, I think hiring him was a great idea. I'm not as confident now that the talking heads agree.

Have no clue what you are talking about. The stupid Jets resign Sanchez. That is your kiss of death fella. The Buffalo Bills now have the best defensive front four in football. and a solid secondary to back it. Look out.

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Have no clue what you are talking about. The stupid Jets resign Sanchez. That is your kiss of death fella. The Buffalo Bills now have the best defensive front four in football. and a solid secondary to back it. Look out.

Remeber how the talk head worshipped sanchez? They are wrong 95% of the time. I do agree the Bills are on the rise but it's a bad sign if the talking heads agree.

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Thanks Walter for starting the 2012 Thread and saving me the trouble.

The NFL year doesn't run on the calendar year. The 2012 season actually began this past Tuesday, meaning the week before last was the final week of the 2011 season...Peyton Manning's release was pretty much the final official act of 2011, as all League business had to be completed by 4pm last Friday afternoon of March 9 to count for the year 2011.

So Walter your timing was perfect on the new thread. The 2012 season officially is underway.

Rick, the best news your beloved Bills received after the Mario signing is the fact that Peyton Manning will NOT be signing with Miami.

Too early for me to have any clue about the Raiders...even if they hadn't spent the money signing Carson Palmer, I doubt they would have been able to land Peyton Manning.

San Francisco tossing their hat into the Manning-ring spices things up. But the way the media is covering this is bonkers. I passed an electronic store yesterday with a display case of televisions, and on the screens was footage of what looked to me like one of those car chases the news regulary interrups programming with out here in L.A.

On closer inspection, I saw that the tvs were tuned to ESPN and they were showing live coverage of Peyton Manning driving from the airport to meet with the Titans. Yep...cars heading down a highway. That's what ESPN was breathlessly showing.

Edited by Strider
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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.

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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.


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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.


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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.

Peyton Manning would be perfect to mentor a young gun like Tebow. Tebow sucks but has a huge amount of natural talent. Manning could make him a HOFer. This is a great move IF they keep Tebow. The fact that they are going to trade him and be QBless again in 2 or 3 seasons cracks me up.

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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.

Be happy. I as a Chiefs fan won't like it for a couple seasons but then it's back to square one for DEN. They are digging themselves a hole on this one I feel.

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I wonder what Tebow would think of that. Jacksonville uses it's revenue to fund abortion providers and Tebow is super pro-life after the whole doctors told his parents to abort him thing. If he played for Jacksonville he would be helping abortion but still be pro-life? That would be hypocrisy would it not?

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ESPN is reporting that Peyton Manning is going to sign with Denver and Denver will trade Tim Tebow.

There goes the neighborhood...the AFC West just got more difficult for the Raiders. And who wants Tebow? Besides Jacksonville, of course.

I figured he'd end up there and with the cap room Denver has, it makes sense that he would become a Bronco.

As for Tebow, how much cap space is he taking up at the moment ? If the Bronco's have room to improve the team for Manning and still have room to keep Tebow, I think they just might have both. he isn't a starter on any NFL team but as a back up ... hell yeah ! Again, I'm not sure how much he's costing

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DAS, how many times will you quote Strider's post and respond to it, seriously??? Plus Manning could not even begin to mentor him to become an HOF'er. He does not have the mechanics to be a great qb in this league. That's been proven over and over again.

I think Miami might be timmy's destination, however I read a compelling argument that Philly might pick him up. Lefty, running qb who needs some assistance in his skills and game management. I'd take him over Young, that's for sure! Plus Vick is always getting banged up for a few games a season.

I love my 'boys FA pick-ups, filling a number of holes before the draft is fantastic!

Edited by Walter
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