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Does Jimmy not believe he could still be markatable to the masses?

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Like I've said, I know of others like myself who can't possibly afford to buy every new album that comes out by the artists they like. The same thing goes for attending live concerts. Times are different, you're not going to have some big time star as we've had in the past because of how splintered the formats have become. You also have conglomerates such as Clear Channel and Live Nation that aren't interested in originality, they're interested in making money so they're going to play what sells. There's also the case of the record labels where there's no such thing as artist development anymore. If a new artist doesn't have a hit straight out of the gate the label is going to drop them like a hot potato. In an environment such as this there is no room for growth. That's where the internet and other media outlets come in that give the consumer the ability to seek out music on their own and for free at that, especially with services such as Spotify. That is the wave of the future so if people are turning to more traditional media outlets such as commercial radio to discover new music, no wonder they're disappointed. As for myself, I take tips from friends about new music. That's something I've always done except now I have the internet at my disposal to find more people that are into the artists and genres of music that I'm into so that increases my chances of discovering new music. I also happen to live in an area (the Triangle region of NC) where lots of artists pass through on tours. In addition to that, Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill is brimming with music of a variety of genres. I moved to this region of North Carolina specifically for that reason, to be in the hotbed of the local music scene. We have lots of venues here that are extremely supportive of local music as well as touring acts. There's also no shortage of radio stations such as WXDU (Duke), WKNC (NC State), WXYC (UNC) and WUNC that support local music. Thing is, with the internet, others also have access to these radio stations as well as tons of others. It just depends on how much a person is really interested in seeking out new music. If they are expecting the next big band that's going to trip their trigger to be heard on the local Clear Channel controlled radio station in their neighborhood, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. They are going to have to make an actual effort to scan the dial via the internet or through services such as Spotify or through the many, many options available to anyone that has iTunes to find music they may like. Another radio station I really enjoy listening to is KEXP out of Seattle. They play new music, old music and feature block programming where they turn the spotlight on specific genres and subgenres such as punk, reggae, blues, alt.country, folk, bluegrass, etc. Speaking just for myself, I don't care if some artist I like isn't headlining huge stadium tours or doesn't have a number one hit. Sure, I wish them all the success in the world and sincerely hope it comes their way. That is why I do my best to spread the word about artists I like whether it be here, in person or via social media. That is the key in 2012, at least from my perspective. It all comes down to making a grassroots effort to spread the word about artists that you like but they're not going to be handed to you all neatly gift wrapped and ready for consumption. If you truly love music and want to discover that next new artist that you're wild and crazy about you're going to have to take it upon yourself to find them. I'm perfectly ok with that. Apparently some people aren't or they want some carbon copy of an artist like Led Zeppelin (or whoever their favorite band is) who is well within their comfort zone. I am not that person. I long for that next new album that I just can't get enough of so I actively seek out music that interests me via any source I can find whether it be print, the web, local radio, internet radio or going to see some band (local or otherwise) I've never heard of. The days of an artist gaining worldwide exposure due to radio airplay are long over with. As I've mentioned, there's lots of options for discovering new music out there. I don't need to have my tastes in music justified by my favorite new artist selling out large arena tours all over the world or by them being plastered on the cover of all the major music magazines or by hearing them every five minutes on the radio. These are very different times where the possibility of something like that happening just isn't very likely. The rare exception is a band like Alabama Shakes who just so happened to slip through the cracks. They may not be to everyone's taste on this board but apparently quite a few people like them or else they wouldn't be enjoying the amount of success that's presently coming their way. I'm very glad to see it but they are the exception rather than the rule in this day and age.

:goodpost: Thanks for the advice, Jahfin, first thing I'm going to check that Seattle radio station.

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First, let me address the topic.. who really knows what Jimmy thinks, other than himself and/or those really close to him. I just can't imagine him in any way thinking this..but what do I know. Beck, Clapton, Walsh, BB King and many more are still out there going strong. If Jimmy does come out with new music you can bet it will sell and should he decide to actually tour, even a few dates people would come in droves IMHO.

^^Jahfin, that was a good post. Just on this forum I have been able to find new music to listen to that I would have never thought of, and in all forms! I have not had a radio on in years. I either have an album, CD or DVD playing in my home, and CDs are the only thing I have in the car. There is so much out there that you can't afford them all. I have to really, really like it now. And concerts for the most part these days...the cost of the ticket if you want a good seat, gas to get there, parking, a tshirt, it's just so freakin expensive most of the time. I will take a general admission concert in a small venue over seating in a larger one any day if I have a choice , but that's just me ;)

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^^Jahfin, that was a good post. Just on this forum I have been able to find new music to listen to that I would have never thought of, and in all forms! I have not had a radio on in years. I either have an album, CD or DVD playing in my home, and CDs are the only thing I have in the car. There is so much out there that you can't afford them all. I have to really, really like it now. And concerts for the most part these days...the cost of the ticket if you want a good seat, gas to get there, parking, a tshirt, it's just so freakin expensive most of the time. I will take a general admission concert in a small venue over seating in a larger one any day if I have a choice , but that's just me ;)

Like I've said, I think it depends on one's passion for music and you, myself and a few others here are obviously very passionate about music. If someone thinks music is "dead" it's pretty clear that they're not making the effort to seek it out because it is everywhere you turn. Right now I just can't seem to get enough of Sharon Van Etten's Tramp album. I've purchased several other records this year but I've become so enamored of that one that it's been hard to give the others any airtime. I've also noticed some folks being put off by labels. They're necessary because we need some way of describing music to others but they can also be confining. For instance, one member said they had steered clear of Wilco because they were put off by the "alt.country" label. When they finally listened they realized they weren't "country" at all. Their early albums were definitely influenced by country music but their newer stuff is not very country sounding at all. So, sometimes it's best to put those labels aside and try our best to listen with an open mind.

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I saw Jeff Beck and Ted Nugent last year in crack box establishments. I don't want to live on a planet where millions pay billions to see a little buy who looks like a lesbian lipsync songs about lolipops or whatever and Stranglehold is being played to only a few hundred people at a time in small arenas.

Ted has thrown his hat in with swine and slime like Flush Limbaugh and the Far Right Reich and no longer has any credibility. I wouldn't give Ted Nugent a dollar if I saw him playing for change on a streetcorner, let alone buy a ticket to one of his shows. He's a big-talking mouth who has nothing intelligent to say about the political subjects that he chooses to be a spokesperson for. He hasn't been "The Motor City Madman" for 20 years, he's just become another wing-nut gun freak trying to compensate for his little penis size with lots of big talk and swagger.

Edited by walter's walker
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to comeback to the poster's question "is page still marketable to the masses?" no he isn't. nothing he's ever put out has sold anything in quantity. i've just bought 990 of the 1000 deathwish rerelease. that's hardly flown out the shop has it? outrider didn't do a great deal,

jimmy is never going to have a major selling album again (IMHO). maybe he's not bothered, maybe he is. i'd be happier if he just released stuff that he likes regardless of the sales statistics

but he has aligned himself so closely to zeppelin that i fear he may never be able to find another niche, unlike planty who is free of his past. what he releases isn't really my cup of tea but i think it's great that he does what pleases him. i wish jimmy would do the same

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to comeback to the poster's question "is page still marketable to the masses?" no he isn't. nothing he's ever put out has sold anything in quantity. i've just bought 990 of the 1000 deathwish rerelease. that's hardly flown out the shop has it? outrider didn't do a great deal,

jimmy is never going to have a major selling album again (IMHO). maybe he's not bothered, maybe he is. i'd be happier if he just released stuff that he likes regardless of the sales statistics

but he has aligned himself so closely to zeppelin that i fear he may never be able to find another niche, unlike planty who is free of his past. what he releases isn't really my cup of tea but i think it's great that he does what pleases him. i wish jimmy would do the same

That would be very refreshing to see (and hear).

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  • 2 months later...

People who say that music is dead need to wake up and smell the roses, there is more music out there than there ever has been and A LOT of it is good.

Yes but it's such a miniority of music that is good it's just a bunch of rare gems of music now, theres nothing that stands out anymore that is genuinely good.

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IMHO, Jimmy is not longer interested in pleasing the masses knowing that he can demand, and receive assinine amounts of money from a very small group of Zep fans who have cash to burn and are gambling on the overpriced merchandise to make them a small fortune. Jimmy is now a brand rather than a working musician. I am surpirsed he hasn't copyrighted his name. No matter, i will always love the guy.

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Jafin I totally agree - The Shakes are awesome and I agree with you, you sometimes have to leave your comfort zone and hunt for the diamonds. Radio has never been my starting point. well not since the 70's. I really like Jack White's new record but I know he isn't for everyone. Hope to see the Shakes this summer.

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Jafin I totally agree - The Shakes are awesome and I agree with you, you sometimes have to leave your comfort zone and hunt for the diamonds. Radio has never been my starting point. well not since the 70's. I really like Jack White's new record but I know he isn't for everyone. Hope to see the Shakes this summer.

Love Alabama Shakes and Jack White. They'll both be playing at ACL in October. Most of the tix I think are gone now except for Sunday. But there are ways. Went last year and had so much fun and great music, food and drink and hanging with my buds.

If you ever want to go to a festival, pick this one as Austin is such a great city. Better yet as RP lives there now.

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On the comment Is Jimmy marketable?? Who cares. In terms of fans they're legion and people will be interested.

True, but I think this goes to my thread "why DOESN'T Pagey do something"? Yes, he's marketable, but not to the Zep degree. So I don't see JP being happy in a tour where there's only a couple thousand people each night, or a new release only sells 200k copies or so.

To answer the OP's question: Yes. And he believes he proved it with the Coverdale/Page project (small halls half filled) and the disappointing (in sales) Clarksdale.

He ought to be like Neil Young and Dylan: do what you want, you'll gain new fans, lose old ones, but you get do what you love.

Edited by in_the_evening
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