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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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Perhaps the public in general.

But I believe the expectation in the black community specifically is that he'll be convicted, and anything else will not be justice.

And I don't think the black community will sit idly by should Zimmerman somehow be acquitted.

All the usual suspects who have already inserted themselves into this case will again screech into every mic the media puts in front of them, turning it back into a racial issue.

I certainly hope things don't go that way, but I'm a realist.

There are way more precedents that lead me to believe that than there are to believe otherwise.

Thats making a pretty massive generialisation, I'm sure some of the talking heads will be upset with anything besides a murder conviction but if the case isnt convincing in court I don't think you'll see massive protests or violence for a Zimmerman acquittal or a lesser conviction.

As I said in the other thread my feeling is that this has become mainly a "race issue" almost by default simpley because most of america isnt interested in the firearms issue. From a western european perspective someone like Zimmerman patroling the streets armed is just a crazy situation and this incident is the inevitable outcome.

Edited by greenman
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Thats making a pretty massive generialisation, I'm sure some of the talking heads will be upset with anything besides a murder conviction but if the case isnt convincing in court I don't think you'll see massive protests or violence for a Zimmerman acquittal or a lesser conviction.

I agree that we might not see much violence due to the fact that the authorities will probably be on high alert across the country when a verdict is reached should this case ever reach trial.

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Sigh. I could give a sh!t. I said it many times on the deleted thread & I've said it here once already but here it goes again: stick to the case & only the case as anything else is deflection. I'm only concerned about the how's & why's of Martin's death by Zimmerman & what his accountability in Martin's death is/was. I'm not concerned with what a segment of people potentially might or might not do once the verdict is in as I don't live my life in fear by choice. Anyone who doesn't stick to the case & wants to push this Mad Max apocalyptic outcome of events is deflecting the real issue, that being the case itself, & trying to instill fear into people in hopes of furthering their own hate based agenda. Stick to the case & not potential fears as it's cowardly.

yeh you said that after you jumped to so many conclusions it was comical....now your the voice of procedure and reason.

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It wouldn't surprise me if the case gets plea bargained down to manslaughter in order to avoid the media circus of a trial. "Sticking to the facts of the case" went out door long ago when the President of the United States himself commented on it.

I do think a plea bargain is going to happen here and all things considered I think it's for the best if that happens.

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yeh you said that after you jumped to so many conclusions it was comical....now your the voice of procedure and reason.

Once this case gets underway in a court of law we'll see if the conclusions I "jumped to" were off base as you wait on your medal for being consistently inflammatory in regards to the case without any basis for your self serving hate speech. One down Nimrodron, one to go...

Edited by kaiser
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And where's the MSM? Oh right, "Nothing to see here, move along". Perhaps if it had been 20 whites ganging up on a black, now that would be front page news.

Sorry, so now you WANT the media to fan the flames?

OK. I am being a bit facetious, but it is to make a point.

If over-hyping the Trayvon case was wrong, isn't it equally wrong to trump up another case? This is not so much a comment on you, but a general observation about the climate in America these days. Things are so politicized that people don't talk in terms of right and wrong anymore. Instead, what is right and what is wrong really depends upon what side of the fence it came from.

No doubt, the media are often irresponsible, but so are the citizens on all sides of the political aisle who allow their politics to inform their morality as opposed to the other way around. After all, the media, like any business, wants to give its customers what they want.

I suspect (and I may be wrong, so I apologize if I am putting words in your mouth) that you would probably be happiest if the media reported neither story until all the facts were available, or reported the stories in a more even-handed way - making note of the fact that all the facts are not in, rather than trying to hype up each new piece of evidence as confirmation of guilt or innocence or racism or hate. Why not say it that way - rather than asking "where is the MSM" when you don't think they should be there in the first place?

Edited by Dandu
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Sorry, so now you WANT the media to fan the flames?

OK. I am being a bit facetious, but it is to make a point.

If over-hyping the Trayvon case was wrong, isn't it equally wrong to trump up another case? This is not so much a comment on you, but a general observation about the climate in America these days. Things are so politicized that people don't talk in terms of right and wrong anymore. Instead, what is right and what is wrong really depends upon what side of the fence it came from.

No doubt, the media are often irresponsible, but so are the citizens on all sides of the political aisle who allow their politics to inform their morality as opposed to the other way around. After all, the media, like any business, wants to give its customers what they want.

I suspect (and I may be wrong, so I apologize if I am putting words in your mouth) that you would probably be happiest if the media reported neither story until all the facts were available, or reported the stories in a more even-handed way - making note of the fact that all the facts are not in, rather than trying to hype up each new piece of evidence as confirmation of guilt or innocence or racism or hate. Why not say it that way - rather than asking "where is the MSM" when you don't think they should be there in the first place?

Amen. I agree 100% but what we have here is a smokescreen from certain parties involved on this forum who like to further their own hatred's & bias's with their "whoe is me" acts of self justification. They're not concerned about Martin's death, they're not concerned about accountability in his death, & I don't even think they're concerned about Zimmerman & his plight: their words & actions are the same as everything they are complaining about ie a biased media & the Sharptons & Jacksons (who have uncharacteristically not fanned the flames in this specific case). Who needs a biased media to fan the flames of self interest when we have that segment of the "whoe is me" contingent here who do everything in their very limited power to stir the pot. The weak will grab on to any power they can & that's evident from the words & actions of a few here.

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Amen. I agree 100% but what we have here is a smokescreen from certain parties involved on this forum who like to further their own hatred's & bias's with their "whoe is me" acts of self justification. They're not concerned about Martin's death, they're not concerned about accountability in his death, & I don't even think they're concerned about Zimmerman & his plight: their words & actions are the same as everything they are complaining about ie a biased media & the Sharptons & Jacksons (who have uncharacteristically not fanned the flames in this specific case). Who needs a biased media to fan the flames of self interest when we have that segment of the "whoe is me" contingent here who do everything in their very limited power to stir the pot. The weak will grab on to any power they can & that's evident from the words & actions of a few here.

I think you may have missed my point.

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After all, the media, like any business, wants to give its customers what they want.

It's way more than "giving the customers what they want" in the TM case for sure. Haven't you noticed or do I need to run through all the examples again - the edited 911 tape, photos of 13 year old angelic looking TM compared to a mug shot of GZ, grainy video of GZ which showed no apparent injuries until examined closer, etc. They have tried and succeeded in making it a political issue revolving around race from day one. What do you think caused one of the blacks who beat up the white guy in Alabama say "This is justice for Trayvon"?

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I think you may have missed my point.

I got your point clearly as it was a case of viewing several sides of the going's on but unfortunately I feel that your optimism that others here would even consider to look any further than their personal agenda's is going to flat on the selective hearing & vision of their own making. There is no negotiating with those who have tunnel vision.

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So he chases kids away with kitchen knives, then gets beaten up later by a group of kids and the authorities are planning on arresting members of the mob that attacked him later.....

How does this have anything to do with the Zimmerman case?

Because the sister said that a member of the group allegedly said something about Martin as he was leaving?

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So he chases kids away with kitchen knives, then gets beaten up later by a group of kids and the authorities are planning on arresting members of the mob that attacked him later.....

How does this have anything to do with the Zimmerman case?

Because the sister said that a member of the group allegedly said something about Martin as he was leaving?

Yes, the alleged quote was "Now thats justice for Trayvon."

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So he chases kids away with kitchen knives, then gets beaten up later by a group of kids and the authorities are planning on arresting members of the mob that attacked him later.....

How does this have anything to do with the Zimmerman case?

Because the sister said that a member of the group allegedly said something about Martin as he was leaving?

Exactly, it doesn't any more than Neo-Nazi's attaching themselves to Martin & Zimmerman's names only to justify their own actions & agenda's by proxy in a situation they're not directly involved with. That's what you see here with those here on this thread who are graduates of the Joseph Goebbel's school of propaganda who are manipulating media outlet's in their favor to push their own doctrine as if they're not as biased as the media they decry. You have to appreciate the absurdity of people, you really do.

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It's way more than "giving the customers what they want" in the TM case for sure. Haven't you noticed or do I need to run through all the examples again - the edited 911 tape, photos of 13 year old angelic looking TM compared to a mug shot of GZ, grainy video of GZ which showed no apparent injuries until examined closer, etc. They have tried and succeeded in making it a political issue revolving around race from day one."?

I agree. Its kinda like throwing into a story that an unnamed source "heard one of the suspects say "This is justice for Trayvon" as she drove away". Its no different. Just fueling the fire. Its wrong on both sides.

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