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Obama care passes. Any opinions? Lawyers reading it over


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I'll stir up the pot a little here: I can identify at least four individuals who were raised under what Americans would consider a socialist system, in a country with a long history of economic stratification and class division. At one point their taxes were so high (going to pay for largely inefficient social services) the four left the country to avoid paying them. However, they eventually returned and at last report three of them are still citizens of the country, with its state-sponsored medical care and various other "Marxist" policies of long standing; two have been officially honored by the head of state and one represented his country at a recent international sporting event. The other is buried in his native land. None of these people were ever accused of being brainwashed slaves of a big-government dictatorship.

Oh, the four individuals' names? Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham.

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1. The people don't want this bill.

2. In American the elected officials are elected to, and obligated to, carry out the will of the people.

3. Therefore the bill should not be allowed.

If this bill could save the world it doesn't matter because elected officials are not in office to do what they think is best for us. They are elected to uphold the will of the people. That's all that matters in my book.

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This is only my opinion. We all have different things that happen to us to make us feel the way we do. I am glad to see this. I am not one to admire politicians..again only my opinion, I just do not understand people who call Obama a socialist...nor do I want to understand that point of view, and that is my right!

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This is only my opinion. We all have different things that happen to us to make us feel the way we do. I am glad to see this. I am not one to admire politicians..again only my opinion, I just do not understand people who call Obama a socialist...nor do I want to understand that point of view, and that is my right!

The people calling Obama a "socialist" don't even have an understanding of that word or it's implications.

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So, wait...what's next....

The government thinks you should own a hybrid. And, if you don't, you pay a tax. Bet on it, it's going to happen.

If I may steal from a local talk show host..and I am para-phrasing. Obama may have won (and passed Obamacare), but he just lost the election.

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This is only my opinion. We all have different things that happen to us to make us feel the way we do. I am glad to see this. I am not one to admire politicians..again only my opinion, I just do not understand people who call Obama a socialist...nor do I want to understand that point of view, and that is my right!

Hi Deborah J!

You are absolutely correct...we do have things that happen in our lives which shape our values, opinions, etc....I have worked in healthcare all of my adult life. The abuse of the entitlements this country offers would astound and shock you. Those who can afford healthcare and choose not to carry it comes to mind.....hopefully this will force fiscal responsibilty, though I doubt it. The people with a conscience (ie, our parents) are always the ones who get the shaft. Period.

I have not read the bill, admittedly. Just my opinion, based on experience.

Edited by planted
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1. The people don't want this bill.

2. In American the elected officials are elected to, and obligated to, carry out the will of the people.

3. Therefore the bill should not be allowed.

If this bill could save the world it doesn't matter because elected officials are not in office to do what they think is best for us. They are elected to uphold the will of the people. That's all that matters in my book.

We do not live in a direct democracy. We live in a republic. We elect people to lead the country because we trust their decisions will be in our best interests. We do not elect them to "carry out the will of the people." This is why there are several layers and branches of government - we don't conduct the country's business by referendum. It's not "majority rules" here.

Thank the gods.

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Now where did you get that statistic from?Costs staying the same or rising?Do pass that on to your patients?

The SCOTUS ruling doesn't deal with that,....

What?They have the best? News to me and one more thing it is financially breaking their backs.

Bit off-topic,you do realize that 1 trillion in student loans are due?

You say and I say, I am Gandalf the grey,.....

Another tax,great!

Well, so nice to meet you Gandalf, how is Frodo and the boys these days. Oh yeah, you probably want nothing to do with them since Hobbits are SOCIALISTS!!!

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2006? Anything more current on that topic? Are you drawing the conclusion that the govt is trying to monitor us by using insurance implants as a means to accomplish it and this law guides it?

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Ultimately this ruling is essential for the system to sustainabley function if insurance companies are going to be forced to offer coverage for pre existing condictions or else whats to stop people having no insurance until something goes wrong?

Its rather amusing to see people decrying the potential waste of socialism when the current US system results in more public spending per capita than any other nation on earth by some way.

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America is indeed a country of the people. All about what the people want for THEIR country that THEY OWN. A politician who acts against the will of the people who elected him is a traitor and should face criminal charges imo. That would clean up Washington in a heart beat.

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Biggest problem with the ruling itself is Chief Justice Roberts re-interpreting the definition of the penalty as a "tax".

It wasn't written as a tax, he chose to re-interpret the penalty as a tax.

And that sets a really bad precedent.

What other penalties will now be levied as a "tax"?

It's not his job to re-interpret intent, only to rule on what is placed before him.

And it's not like they were trying to decipher the wording of language from 100 years ago.

This is contemporary legislation and needs no interpretation of intent or definitions.

Especially bad in that conservative appointees are generally pretty firmly set against such mental masturbation.

^ According to the Wall Street Journal poll released on Tuesday, only 37% wanted the law to be ruled unconstitutional.

Nice cherry-picking of the facts you choose to share.

You failed to mention that even less (22%) wanted the law to be ruled constitutional.

Overall, 35 percent think the health-care law is a good idea, versus 41 percent who believe it's a bad idea --

numbers that have been essentially unchanged in the survey since it was signed into law in March 2010

Here's the article.

Rasmussen Poll from 3 days ago is a little more direct, asking simply if they are for or against repeal of Obamacare.

54% Still FAVOR Repeal of Obama’s Health Care Law

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The statement was the result of a poll and was attributed to follow-up a statement that most people don't want this law in place.

Most people don't even know what this law means to them.

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America is indeed a country of the people. All about what the people want for THEIR country that THEY OWN. A politician who acts against the will of the people who elected him is a traitor and should face criminal charges imo. That would clean up Washington in a heart beat.


Edited by Walter
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Here in Canada we have a state-funded health care system. It's not terribly efficient and we have higher tax rates than in the US, but we are certainly "free" in every serious social and political sense. If, Zeppelin forbid, I or a loved one requires serious medical attention I don't worry that I'll go bankrupt while being cured.

If Americans want to shave a few billions off of their national budget deficit (and thereby stave off bankruptcy, and thus ensure future freedom), they should lobby their legislators to:

1. End the government's war on recreational drug use, notably cannabis

2. Cut back on defence spending to a point where you can only fight one World War at a time

3. Quit subsidizing mammoth oil companies that are profitable enough already

4. End the crackdown on law-abiding workers and their families who are not legal citizens

And a Canadien friend of mine has told me just how your system is. Pure shit because you have to wait forever to get any procedure done. And you guys are using the SIN TAX system are you not? Maybe that is a good idea? Who knows.

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I don't really understand what the problem is.

If you lot just cut down on all that junk food, (1) you'd be able to afford your health insurance and (2) you'd be less likely to end up claiming on it. There, sorted.

Just my 2c.

Why is it some of you have this stupid assumption that all of us Americans go to McDonalds and Wendys? I NEVER eat at those places. I have made you beef pie, and as I like it, its loaded with calories. Loaded. I have been using Almond milk alot lately. And coconut oil and creamer. I eat fish 5 times a week. Do not classify me as a junk eater. Who is the guy that wants fritos and purple grape candy? Gee, remember him?

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So now we have Obamacare....which is really Romneycare, even though he says he doesn't like it, and Obama didn't like it before he embraced it. It's now called a mandated tax, which Obama insisted it wasn't. Romney doesn't like it, and thinks we as Americans shouldn't either, even though it was his idea in the first place. Meanwhile, the blue/red States still look like we're fighting the Civil war, a Supreme Court Justice bites the hands that feed him, and both CNN and Fox pull the 'Dewey Wins !' of the 21st century.

Personally, I'm struggling with who makes me frown more.....Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConell (sp). It's a close race....very close.

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